South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut Reaction
Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story Reaction
Attack on Titan Finale Part 1 Reaction
First Time Playing Lollipop Chainsaw REPOP
RWBY S5 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Silver Member Giveaway Code
Regular Show S7 Episode 1-4 Reaction
Teen Titans Movie Reaction
I Reacted to EVERY Cutscene from **.HACK// & .HACK//G.U.**
Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi Reaction
Batman: Dark Knight Returns Part 2 Reaction
Vox Machina S3 Episode 1-3 Reaction
(Gold) Kung Fu Panda 3 REACTION
Danny Phantom S3 Episode 1-2 Reaction
The Legend of Vox Machina Season 2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Ruby: "Where is Yang?! Is she alright?!!!"
Taiyang: "Well... that's actually the arm she lost so... more like she's all-left..."
I always felt like Ruby should have kept one of Penny's blades. Both to remember her by, and to give herself more utility, especially in situations when a scythe would be unsafe. I mean, Qrow uses his own weapon in sword-mode, so he could have taught her some tips.
in ep 1 ruby states qrow taught her to fight
valvet exsplained
weapon : her camera takes pictures of weapons and when she burns a picture the device on her baack creates a copy of the weapon for short time
abnility : she copies peoples fighting styles basicly task master
This probably was the biggest fail jaune ever had
Well, RWBY was a fun show. Shame it only ever got 3 seasons
imagine not enjoying season 4. qrow is so good in it
Acting like the first 3 seasons are the best. 1 and 2 aren't even any good
Bro season 1's nevermore/deathstalker fight is arguably the best in the entire fucking series lmao. At the very least top 3. And the season 1 finale fight is at least top 10 I think. Plotwise, animation wise (outside of fights), it's not great, but considering the show is/originally was just meant to be "cute girls fight like badass heroes" the important thing was the fights and it knocked it out of the park. The 2nd season didn't have any super standout fights imo, the finale was a series of small cool moments showing everyone off but it's not as epic as one large feeling fight, but overall the season was pretty good on all fronts. And season 3 is far and away the best season of the show hands down, it has probably 6 or 7 of the top 10 fights outside of the 2 in season 1. Season 4 and 5 are both as meh as it gets, I love qrow as a character so his fight vs scorpion man is cool but it's pretty short, it's not as good as his fight vs winter which was also short but it was intentionally cut early so it's meant to feel that way. I'm not gonna say more cause they've only gotten to season 4 so far it seems like and I don't wanna spoil this on the off chance they see this, but if you think season 1 and 2 "aren't any good" I have no idea how you can stand the rest of the show, unless you got into it assuming it was meant to be this grand epic that it became after season 4.
Rwby is up to season 9, it didn’t stop at season 3 lmao
Before you guys watch volume 4, you should watch the volume 4 Red Character Short. It was released as like a tease for the season and it showed off the new engine for the show in a beautiful way
Boom is exactly how I feel about the end of this season, I HATE IT BUT I LOVE IT XD. Its just so well done of a finish to the season, and yes realistically Act1(of which I'd say 3 Acts have been completed and a 4th started) of the show, but I do wish things ended a little less Grimm
One fun fact that I always thought was cool. Salem was the fifth character created after the four main girls. She’s the narrator in the very first episode of Volume 1.
You're finally part of the Fandom, congratulations boys. I'm very excited to see your reactions to Volume 4, it's my personal favorite. That being said, you gotta watch the OPs, the after credits scenes, and the character shorts between Volumes.
Sorry meant to say RWBY SLVR Fan made trailers.
You guys should check out the RWBY fan-made trailers by Mark.
you guys should check rwby chibi, its a pretty funny parody of the show
And recommended therapy after V3
As other people have mentioned, you really should watch the openings. They set the mood for the volumes and are also just banger songs.
You should only watch them after the FIRST EPISODE of each volume, since that's where they're put in on Rooster Teeth and Crunchyroll, since they usually contain some spoilers for the first episode.
Will you guys be watching the volume trailers in between the seasons as well? There are a few of them after Vol. 3 iirc.
The aren’t trailers they’re shorts
So you made it. The whole motto of season 3 was "but WAIT! It gets worse!" Generally the first test to see if anyone will like RWBY is if they are able to tolerate the janky nature of the first season. The second is if they start season 4 after all of season 3's roller coaster. And while you haven't (from the audience's perspective) started season 4 yet, you do seem ready to move forward. Looking forward to ya'lls reactions for future episodes.
Oh! I only read the first batch of comments, but I'm sure someone mentioned it already. In case I'm somehow the first; each season finally has a little after credits scene. While not necessary to understand the next season. They tend to reveal some interesting extra things to think about.
Loving the reaction so far guys. Even Ruff seems to be pretty laser focused for this series.
Interestingly enough, Volume 9 doesn't have a end credit scene but I wish it had.
oh ya, I guess it didn't. Agreed that it was a shame. But I'll avoid discussing it here just to hopefully avoid any spoilers.
I also feel like I should mention that your fortune telling conch should NOT be used due to it's horrifying accuracy XD
also dont worry about yang she'll be Alright
...ill leave
More like All-left but yeah XD
i see what you did there....
seriously dont skip the openings they are the overture for the act and are bangers. you need to react to op3 still but seriously remember episode 1, op, ep 2+
I raced home from work because I knew this was dropping today, I *KNEW*, and the show is never gonna be the same. I never realized that at the end here, they just say Ozpin is just missing, but damn.
Even though I know how Pyrrha's fight with Cinder goes, I still can't help cheer for Pyrrha every time.
Lastly, since I know you looked up the other soundtracks, if you haven't already, look up this season's. It's got some of my favorite instrumental pieces, especially the ENTIRE episode bgm for Heroes and Monsters, the second to last episode. But also, the song that plays when Qrow fights Winter, titled Qrow vs Winter, is my absolute favorite. The RWBY vs FNKI and SNNN vs NDGO were good too.
And thus the meme of rwby killing redheads was born. Penny, torchwick then pyrrah
Welcome to the end of volume 3, one of my favorite volumes of the series! And fun fact, the whole Rwby fandom (FNDM) named the grimm dragon Kevin XD
I just love how much of a ride the volume takes everyone, the shift in emotions from hype to a tournament arc to tragedy and pain at the loss of Pyrrha and then surprise of Rwby's awakened power. Such wonderful writing that I've enjoyed!
So! Two fun facts
A lot of people are stating that Pyrrha's inspiration is Achilles, which is definitely true! But I haven't yet seen someone mention the almost spoiler of her name!
Pyrrha's name comes from the term a "Pyrrhic Victory". The term is used when you Win, but such a devastating loss occurs and thus you do not find any worthwhile gain compared to all you've lost. Thus, it was most likely planned from the start that Pyrrha would die. Her own name being her death flag was there from episode one. Because the gang did freeze the dragon, most people escaped with their lives! But so much bad happened that its a bittersweet victory.
Other fun fact; I don't know if you guys picked up on it, but Salem has a VERY. VERY iconic voice. Especially for Rooster Teeth fans. Her voice actor is Cortana from the Halo series. Considering a lot of Rooster Teeth fans started with Red Vs Blue, and obviously would've gotten into it via Halo, means getting Cortana's VA to voice the Big Bad of RWBY was such a great achievement.
Briefly on Roman: It's exactly as you guys said. He died because honestly, from that point on, he brings nothing to the table. Torchwick was very much a "gag villain" in which is mainly there to be a stereotypical mob boss and be played for jokes. And they couldn't just let him live and just not show him anymore, because then people would expect him to come back! I do miss him, he is so much fun, esp his dynamic with Neo, and there ARE novels about those two, but I don't recommend reading them just yet.
SOOO excited for Season 4. Has some great highs and some. exhausting lows, but S4 has a few of my favorite moments and fights, as well as a really cool monster concept. Can't wait for more!
Episode 12 was written by series creator Monty Oum before he passed away from an allergic reaction with the episode and the second song in the credits being dedicated to him
Some more angsty things to note on:-Pyrrah’s and Jaune’s goodbye kiss scene, when he shoves him into the rocket locker, was the only reason the lockers were made like that in the beginning.
-Pyrrah's last and first lines are a response to each other: “Do you believe in destiny?” “Hmm, I’m not quite sure, I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may.”
Anyways……here comes the true story of RWBY! I’m so excited man!
And to think, the last time we saw him shoved in a locker and blasted off like that was a Cardin prank. Simpler times
The cool part about Velvet is that she was included as part of a fan contest and they got their own character included in the show.
Where is episode 8 and 9?
With ep 5 XD
I really recommend you guys rewatch the intros after the first episode of each season when you start season 4 and onward, it really adds to the foreshadowing and sets the scene for how the season is going to go. I was so excited to see you guys react to this season as it’s where RWBY’s plot really kicks off, and I’m so glad to see the you’re enjoying it! The world of Remnant only gets bigger from here on out!
Nothing bad ever happens in RWBY Chibi... ever...
Also will yall please react to the sound tracts. You guys are the only reactors who don’t react to the soundtracks after each volume. They literally add character development
People have been asking them to and I would love if they did, but they don’t seem interested.
Y’all need to to watch the intros
This still goes down as my favorite volume out of the entirety of RWBY.
Just how well it brings together everything set up in the first 2 volumes and sets the table for the rest of the series, so good
I said it at the end of the last season that if one word could some up season three: it’s the word “fall”; because it’s just too appropriate given everything that happens. The next volume has a bit of time skip of about 6-8 months (I think) and it’s where the animation engine gets an upgrade. Really looking forward to you guys’ reactions going forward. ?
PS: There is a spin-off comedy series named RWBY Chibi that came out a little after this season. It’s good therapy after the trauma you just endured. I personally don’t expect a reaction series for it; just thought you guys might watch it in your down time if you want.
Why do keep people keep forgetting to mention only the first season of Chibi came out after volume 3. They make it seem like the entire thing came out after.
There is an end credits scene.
The end of season 3 still breaks my heart ?
Ok you guys completely missed the end credit scene. That is a huge thing that leads into the next season. Where ever your getting these episodes from you need to go and at least watch the end scene on YouTube or something. Also this entire season you guys didn't watch the intros at all. They are they hypest part of the whole show. Please please please start including these things. Or at least just the intro once for the very first episode.
Highly recommend watching S1 of RWBY CHIBI between now and S4 as its a nice pallet cleanser
Nope. Wait until after catching up to watch Chibi.
I'm SUPER HYPE for Volume 4. It is my personal favorite! Has my favorite song too!
If it’s the one I’m thinking of they’ll only hear one line since they aren’t reacting to the soundtracks
I think it is, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it! ? You KNOW on that episode I'll be putting a Spotify recommendation though! Can't wait!
So your DvD skipped the end credit scene when it looped you! If you have opportunity to watch it, please do! I'd be interested in your reaction even though it's only 23 seconds long.
Someone put it on Youtube if it isn't just on your DVD for whatever reason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9puVJsU9TwA
Just as a heads up most of these volumes have post credit scenes that seems to have been skipped here. Plus each volume has an opening that plays after the end of the first episode and leads of the beginning of the rest that was also missed in this volume.
Has anyone told them that the characters are based off myths, legends, and folktales? Like penny is pinnochio and Pyrrha is Achilles
It's been mentioned, but whether or not they fully retained those comments is up in the air.
Small request please watch the opening when it plays after the first episode of the volume!
So after I think a year? I'm finally unsubbing.
Figured this was a good point to leave off on, but waiting for YouTube to catch up to where I am with your reacitons is gonna be so rough lmao
Just wanted to say you guys have become my favorite reaction channel in general, and I don't think I've seen a RWBY reaction I've enjoyed more than this one. I hope I can resub sometime in the future, but for now thanks for all the hours of entertainment
as foretold by the conch
THE LEGENDARY CONCH FORETOLD THE TRAGEDIES! I still can’t believe it basically told them V3 is going to be very tragic and then it happened.
Make sure you guys watch the character short that takes place between volume 3 and volume 4, as well as the world of remnant videos!
Make sure it’s the 4 character short. There’s three more there’s three more for the start of Volume 5. So it might be confusing.
last three eps of the volume? LETS FUCKING GOOOO!!
It fun when shows just casually give side characters weapons/powers more badass and interesting than the main ones, like Sun’s Gunchucks. Being able to duplicate any weapon but only for a brief moment and you need a snapshot of it is pretty unique. Usually you only take pictures of every weapon you see to 100% your Hyrule Compendium. When Velvet does it, it’s to wreck a 1v2 against death machines.
It would be too difficult with the main characters to give them gimmicky weapons like tha because they need versatility.
What’s more versatile than having every weapon in the show?
You have you’d havr to have an excuse for a character with Velvets weapon to meet whichever character to copy their weapon, then they’d only be able to use it once. It’d get pretty complicated.
Plus they’d just end up probably needing to use their teammates weapon mostly, which would just be redundant.