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RWBY S2 Episode 3-4 REACTION

RWBY | 12 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Y’all watching Danny Phantom AND RWBY got me to need to be a Diamond Billy so fast. Thanks Y’all. Y’all’s reactions are great, my only possible complaint is what seems to be a low Overall Volume, I can’t hear y’all very clearly since not a lot of pausing happens. I understand it annoys some viewers but man is it helpful. Have a Great One!

    Warning: Undefined variable $current_user_roles in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/sorta-stupid-2025/functions/walkers/Custom_Comment_Walker.php on line 235
  2. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Ruby's semblance revolves her speed which you'll see progress as the Volumes go on just how much better she gets at using it and later they'll explain in detail what her semblance is. But because she's still new to her semblance, she doesn't exactly know how to use it properly and it causes her to get exhausted quickly, hence why she dropped Penny. She's also not used to carrying people with her semblance either. Weiss' semblance, her glyphs, has many different uses like making Ruby's bullet become ice, the black you saw in volume 1 is gravity and what she used on Blake to take down the missiles was Time Dilation (you don't see her use it very often so enjoy the small moments). Her glyphs are very similar to Dust magic. As for Yang, as it's said here, when she takes damage to her aura (only her aura, if her aura is broken she can't use her semblance) she can "go Super Saiyan" (glowing fiery hair and red eyes) and return the damage 2-3 fold. However, when she uses her semblance it can break her aura completely if she's taken enough damage. All of them learn more how to use their semblances as time goes on and it's really enjoyable to see them get stronger with them. Also now that it's confirmed that Penny is a robot, she's based of Pinocchio. Neptune is based off the Roman god of the sea Neptune. And Neo is probably the weirdest one, she's based off of Neapolitan ice cream.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    1. So remember what we’ve said about every character being inspired by like a fairy tale or mythological/historical figure? Well, with Penny not being a real girl and hiccuping when she lies what do you think her inspiration is?

    2. All the team attack names Ruby called out are actually ship names the fandom came up with and the creators once again wanted to appreciate them by adding them into the show. Here are the names and who they are shipped with below (note that some of these names are a little outdated so I’ll also include the recent names:

    Yang x Weiss = FreezerBurn

    Weiss x Blake = Checkmate (used to be Monochrome)

    Ruby x Blake = Ladybug

    Yang x Blake = Bumblebee (but spelt Bumbleby now for the B Y in RWBY) *my personal fav*

    Ruby x Weiss = Ice Flower (don’t know if there was a previous name but the recent name for it is WhiteRose)

    If I forgot any let me know.

    3. Neptune’s weapon is like a trident/taser gun I believe or just a pistol with lightning dust.

    4. Sun’s semblance is he can make physical copies to assist but he has to meditate in a way to concentrate on what the clones need to do. He can make up to four of them.

    5. Yang’s semblance is she can basically take a hit and dish it back twice if not 3 times as strong. The downside is she still feels the pain of said hit and sometimes uses it when she has a temper tantrum.

    6. The masks the White Fang use are probably just sculpted masks of Grimm faces. Like Blake said humanity viewed the Faunus as monsters so the White Fang decided to put on monster masks.

    7. Neo is definitely a fan favorite and you’ll see why later. I don’t really know how to describe her semblance in a way that it doesn’t sound like other characters’.

    8. When Weiss was in the elevator she was practicing smiling because as you already know she doesn’t exactly have a very nice family, especially with her father.

    9. I actually don’t think we see the characters from the club ever again in RWBY from this point on. A shame because they seemed cool.

    Anyways I believe that’s it. If you made it this far ty for reading and I hope this cleared things up. Can’t wait for next week’s reaction and just remember to make your own opinions about this show. Don’t listen to the toxic af fandom.

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      11 months

      Ooo that last statement. I tend to forget that the rwby fandom...and rt fandom in general is really toxic. I tend to stay as far away as possible

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Okie dokie, so it seems like y'all binged the entire volume, so I just went ahead and created the Volume 3 playlist since I have a feeling y'all have either A: already seen it, or B: are currently reacting to it while getting the rest of V2 out. For SEASON 3 (not this season, but the next!) look up "RWBY Volume 3 (w/Lyrics)" and you should pull up a playlist made by "AC" If that doesn't work I posted the link to the reply of this comment.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Volume 3 (THREE)'s soundtrack with accurate lyrics and great fanart!:

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    There's even more to it much much later but Penny is basically a trans character

    Fun fact every time she lies she hicups because she is based on Pinocchio and his nose grew when he lied

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    1. Commenters avatar
      11 months

      The trans thing is entirely a fan headcanon that's really really reaching

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year


  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Man so many are trying to influence their opinions. Let them watch an form their own opinions.

  8. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Yes! Best girl Neo!

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Most pointless girl.

  9. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    So since you guys brought it up in the beginning and everyone else seems to be giving there own opinions in the replies here heres how I rank/see the different volumes, sorry for how long this is gonna be XD:

    Vol1: Obviously animations a little rough but get much better even before the end of the season, story does great for world/character building without trying to do too much 4/8 GREAT

    Vol2: Obvious animation improvements, gooood mix of story/action with the story mainly setting up season 3s payoffs, and imo best soundtrack of any season 2/8 FANTASTIC

    Vol3: A lot of reeally good fights, hits good payoffs storywise while starting to set up what'll come after, my favourite season 1/8 FANTASTIC

    Vol4: First season where Monty may have provided the roadmap for the season but was produced after his passing and was written by the same 2 who had helped him with seasons 1-3, some good fights but a season more focused on worldbuilding and story setup after where the story ends off at the end of season 3. Good season overall but has some growing pains especially with animation direction 6/8 GOOD

    Vol5: Still a more story focused season but some really good fights especially towards the end. Overall improvement on 4 and first couple payoffs hit from Vol4 story lines 5/8 GREAT

    Vol6: Just good overall, for fights and story and moments hit. A little transitionary kinda like 4 but without 4s slow start 3/8 GREAT

    Vol7/8: Kinda feels like 1 season split into 2 for me, either half feels a little incomplete but together are a good season that keeps the story moving, maybe suffers a little bit from not enough time spread amongst a lot of characters but not enough to make it feel "bad" 7/8 GOOD

    Vol9: An interesting, self contained season. Remains to see what effect it'll have on the story going forward but sadly feels like it'll be a season of little consequence and suffers a bit from a rushed ending making it feel like the worst season to this point. 8/8 FINE

    Feel like a lot of peoples complaints about the series over time comes down to 1 of 2 things. First, even tho the animation has improved they think certain aspects of it (fight scenes for example) have stayed about the same or gotten worse which I disagree in most instances maybe a couple times its a valid complaint tho. Second, people have disliked the direction of certain story elements often to the tune of "I don't like this it's too woke" which is hilarious to me for a series that has 4 strong female leads something that was far from common when the series first came out in 2013

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      iv volume 7/8 had been a single volume It could have dethroned 3 in my book as best

      7, 8, 9, and 3 are Peak RWBY so far

      Can't wait for 10

      Also when they have caught up they need to react to Ice Queendom

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        I need Vol 10 so badly, do we even have a potential timeline or know if its been greenlight?

  10. hobbes314
    1 year

    For quality, I think it’s what you want out of this series. Personally it stopped being the show I wanted to watch around Vols 5&6, RWBY’s strength has never been it’s writing qualities so when the few storylines I was enjoying started veering off it was hard to stay invested.

    Ultimately I think the biggest net issue with the series is that layers of power systems, ‘magic’, magic, items, abilities that even the creators have a hard time juggling. Especially once the universe gets a lot bigger than attending school.

    It at times can feel by the seat of the writers pants, any is probably a result of growing pains and reshaping audience expectations. Plus not having months and months of waiting between seasons and the community digging into individual critiques probably will help not feeling a drop in quality

  11. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The combo names were actually shipping names in the community and the creates brought them into the show

  12. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    To make a comment on the show quality, volume 3 is one of if not the best. Volumes 4 and 5 take a bit of a dip due to them figuring out the new animation software but are still really good. Seasons 6, 7, 8 and 9 are all great. Don't believe the BS you might hear. 

    Expand 2 replies
    1. kalifa
      1 year

      agree with this, exactly this

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      I get why people might not like volumes 6+, but personally those are my favorite ones BY FAR.

  13. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I'll hold off on the Penny fun fact I felt relates to this episode, at least until we see more of her, but! Combo names!

    Freezer Burn - Yang and Weiss. Reference to Yang's Fire and Weiss' Ice.

    Checkmate - Weiss and Blake. A nod to their color schemes being black and white.

    Ladybug - Ruby and Blake. Another color based combo, obviously being Red and Black.

    Bumblebee - Blake and Yang. See above, Black and Yellow.

    Ice Flower - Ruby and Weiss. Reference of Weiss' Ice powers as well as Ruby's flower petals + her last name being Rose.

    Yang and Ruby, to my knowledge, never get a combo attack together from what I can tell. Going by the name scheme, I wouldn't be surprised if it was something like "Sunflower" or Fire Flower. Combo names are cool!

    So excited for more Neo as well, she's a favorite.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      The team attack names were based on the 'shipping' names of the pairs, this is the reason why they didn't give one to yang and ruby since they are sisters.

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        White Rose iirc was the prevalent ship name even back then, with Ice Flower (the one they went with) being less popular. Don't remember exactly though.

      2. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        yeah thats the explanation Ive heard the most too so def makes sense to not have one for Yang/Ruby

  14. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Yeeees, Neo's one of my faves! I love the episode 4 fight. uwu

  15. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Monty was really good at hinting at deep stories through combat scenes, and I think the real change from season 4 onwards is that they never really recapture that with just a few exceptions, so story tends to pause for a cool combat scene.

  16. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    You guys genuinely seem to enjoy everything you guys watch. You're very in-the-moment watchers, and personally I don't think the writing quality episodes become super apparent unless you really take the time to analyze everything, so I wouldn't be surprised if you guys just enjoyed the whole ride through

    Expand 2 replies
    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      I absolutely LOVE RWBY to death, and I would've never noticed 99% of the writing issues/plot holes if I hadn't seen people talk about them. Even then, I still don't really know many of the writing issues. I'm genuinely blessed with the inability to catch onto writing issues unless they're *really* obvious.

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      And I love that about watching these guys react to stuff, some people are too stuffy about overanalyzing things and I feel a lot of people would be happier(watching this and other series) just watching in the moment. Doesnt mean you can't be critical when there are things worth criticizing but so many people over criticize such small things sometimes its crazy

  17. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    My experience with the series is that there’s a major dip in fight animation quality after Monty’s passing, but I feel like it finds a balance and a new style with time that’s still great. There are lulls in writing quality here and there, but I still love the show and think that the heart behind it is there in every season. I’d honestly argue that volume 5 is the biggest dip, I personally loved 6-9.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Yeah, the later season suffered greatly. Mainly in the writing/character department. The animation gets batter and better over time though. Maybe you guys will like the route they take the story. For me personally, the characters would constantly make idiotic decisions mixed with plot holes and confusing development.

      Here's my short thoughts on each Volume if anyone wants to see where I'm coming from.

      V1: Rough but filled with style and love

      V2: Improved and filled with great fights

      V3: Favorite Volume. Story is fantastic.

      V4: Great. Gave some other characters time to shine.

      V5: Mixed. Great animation, rough ending.

      V6: Fantastic 1st half, fell off hard second half.

      V7: Middle of the road. Definitely needed more episodes to flesh our things.

      V8: Terrible. Writing and characters suffer immensely.

      V9: Worst. Not much happened and what did wasn't great. Could skip and miss nothing.

      These thoughts are mainly for my own satisfaction to have them written down. Take that as you will.

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        Maybe let them form their own opinions rather than poisoning the well before they have even watched?

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        1. Commenters avatar
          1 year

          The well is already poisoned. They have already heard negative comments from the community for later Volumes. I'm just discussing my thoughts. They all have their own thoughts and will still form their own opinions regardless of what I say. They may completely disagree with me but there's no harm in talking about it now. (As long as there are not spoilers for them)

  18. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I don't have issues with any of the seasons. There are 'weak' ones, but none of them are particularly bad.

  19. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    in my opinion it dips around 4, but it gets better again. but its all totally subjective, personally none of its like... shit? just a story preference thing i think. idk lmao

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      omg i forgot this was neos first episode. so hyped.

  20. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I honestly don’t think it’s a dip in quality as much as the story and characters moved in a direction people just didn’t like. I don’t really like where the series has ended up but tbh, I think the writing quality has been the same. The direction the story went makes technical sense but I still didn’t really like it. To me I think it just depends on the person, some people like it, some don’t. 

    Expand 2 replies
    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Yeah definitely subjective. Volumes 7-9 are my favorites and I LOVE where the story went after V3. All the reveals and expansion of the lore, as well as all the new characters and abilities and twists... so fucking good ?

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      unfortunately a lot of good criticism and discussion for this show get’s REALLY drowned out by the “everything I hate is WOKE and FORCED DIVERSITY!!” crowd and well…you know how they are. 


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