We React to EVERY Cutscene in Mega Man Maverick Hunter X
Young Justice Episode 1-2 Reaction
Teen Titans S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Inside Out Reaction
Robin Hood: Men in Tights Reaction
Fallout Episode 1 Reaction
Ben 10 Episode 1 REACTION
Ralph Breaks the Internet Reaction
Gladiator Reaction
(early) All League Cinematics 2017 REACTION
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines Reaction
Pokemon 2000 The Movie REACTION
Chainsaw Man Episode 1 Reaction
Prison School Episode 1-12 Reaction
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
As far as I know, Monty was a lot like me as a creator (except he actually got stuff done) and planned out a bunch of the big points of the whole story early on and wasn't super great with the smaller details. Which is why Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross did most of the writing for the volumes Monty did work on. Volumes 4 and 5 recycled many scrapped ideas and characters from Volume 1's production and put them in new scenarios. Volumes 6-8 were entirely original, but maybe had a few specific plot points put together that the writing team had to work toward and around. And then Volume 9, apparently, is based on an idea thrown out (I think from Monty, but they haven't specified whose idea it was) during the production of Volume 2, so it's also a little recycled.
So even though he didn't have as much of a presence in the scripting part of the show, his ideas are still littered throughout the show to this day.
You know, this explains why they made a reference to "Blake's friend" back in Volume 2 or 3.
uhhhhhh why would y'all watch trailers for volumes that you haven't seen yet?? I don't really understand the thought process behind that....
They thought we meant ALL the trailers apparently. Not just the color ones.
this show is literally the reason i subscribed
my *heart* is happy yall are watching this show. i forgot how much i love it and ive fallen so in love with yalls dynamic this is going to be a treat the whole way through.
Pleeeeaasssseee watch red vs blue!! Tho fair warning everything after season 13 is being retconned for the upcoming final season.
Seems the Sorta Stupid way to watch ALL the trailers for the entire series lol! Glad it hyped yall up for the rest of the series, try to forget any spoilers you may have caught. RWBY is a show very near to my heart and I am excited for yall to see it!
Can I just say how sweet it is to see yall together. Heartwarming
Well i hope they forget these also
Redvs blue good
So you are correct about the songs describing how the characters feel. This is why we recommend every reactor to listen to the soundtracks after each volume because they provide more information about the characters than can’t really be done in the show how it is in song form. Highly recommend checking it out. Also if no one has said this yet each character in inspired by either a fairy tail, mythology, or even some random memes and objects. Also every weapon is part melee and part range, in other words “It’s also a gun.”
There's a lot of good criticism around RWBY and a lot of VERY vocal people who watch just to crap on it, or to praise it without abandon (both of which are fine, just annoying to varying degrees). PLEASE FORM YOUR OWN OPINIONS and DO NOT engage with the fandom if you are unprepared for the enthusiasm surrounding it. There are many (including myself, I'm not exempt from this), who deeply care for these characters and sometimes feel personally attacked when these characters (or their storylines) are criticized negatively. Just know that nearly every character in this show is SOMEONE's favorite (which in my opinion shows how great character writers this show has.). I hope y'all have fun on your RWBY journey! I'll try to be with y'all every step of the way :D
Well, no, warching something just to crap on it is honestly sad
Came back as a member when I saw you guys checking out RWBY and reacting to all the trailers (and not just the color ones) is too funny ? I truthfully do not remember the actual volume trailers even having watched the series front and back so the spoilers shouldn't have been too big. And if you guys spread the volumes out I think the memory of these trailers will fade so it's no biggie.
Highly recommend listening to or even reacting to the OSTS though! Maybe not as a video but RWBY is one of those rare shows were the soundtrack is one of their largest appeals so I think everyone would love to see y'all react to it. If not check it out on your own time after finishing each volume though cause there is some bangers in each one.
Ruff's squeal and shock at the punch in the Yellow trailer was golden. Love that shit.
Each volume is like a movie thats cut up into episodes, for optimal viewing, watch each like a movie (including the opening, (they are very good!) )
Hell yeah, RWBY!! I'm so for this!!!
I would be so happy if you guys watched "Camp Camp" from Rooster teeth.
Everything pertaining to RWBY is important to see and hear. From the trailers before each volume (the next character trailer is before volume 4) to the soundtracks after each volume. I HIGHLY recommend reacting to the soundtracks at the end of each volume. I said this in Patreon but I can't stress enough how important the songs are to the characters and the world. The writer of the soundtracks and his Daughter (who is the vocalist and later also becomes a writer for some of the songs) worked very closely with the creator Monty Oum and the writers and directors to ensure that all the songs represent the character or the world (mostly the characters, every song can be linked to a character). Even the villains later on and the side characters get their own songs. The soundtracks help with fleshing out the characters that the show can't do. Whether it's giving you their state of mind currently or how they felt about something that happened in the past to them. Maybe even giving you insight to how they feel internally without showing it in the show (specifically Ruby). I love watching people react to the volumes and them being mind blown by the soundtrack cause of the more context they're given or they have that AHA moment connecting something they've seen in the volume or previous volumes (and even trailers) to the song they're listening to. The character trailers before volumes are also very important since they show a little of what the character has been up to or what they've don't in the past that wasn't evident in the show yet. The evolution of RWBY is absolutely beautiful and stunning both in animation upgrades and storytelling and I can't wait to watch you guys go through it. I've been following RWBY since the Red trailer came out in 2012 when I was 16 and still follow it closely to this day. I look forward to seeing you guys come to love this show, with its characters, story and MASSIVE character developments through each volume and soundtrack.
Omg this took you so long to write but is really accurate and so relatable. Started this journey I think in 2016 when it was on Netflix for a bit and have been hooked ever since. Also worth mentioning there will be a lot of haters and spoilers trying to get you to not enjoy it but I’d say form your own opinions about it and don’t let them dissuade you.
Red vs Blue would be hilarious to see it's awesome. Also a show on Netflix that has similar animation style to RWBY is called The Dragon Prince it's another great show. If you guys ever make another poll I'm sure it'll get some votes.
Red vs blue would be so hype
I'll love to see them react to Red vs Blue eventually
Very thankful you guys are extremely forgetful at times like this, it’ll be like you were never spoiled or set up for confusing character statuses.
I never understood why they call their channel/brand "sorta stupid" but after seeing them watch ALL THE TRAILERS instead of just the character trailers for volume 1 I finally get it
Silly Billies
Where is adventure time?
I wish I wasn’t one of those people that didn’t like change I miss the old set up
when yall gonna watch more danny phantom?
Watch order is stupid anyway. The trailers are way cooler if you know the characters first. Best react I've seen so far ☺️
Monty oum was the best fight choreographer on YouTube for a long time. Haloid, dead fantasy, etc. The more modern fights in rwby sadly lack the spark he gave them.
He also preferred doing all the animation work himself, which is one reason why rwby itself took so long to come out.
It's also a reason he became overworked a lot
If you guys enjoy the music you should really listen to each soundtrack in between each volume
The soundtracks are semi canon as they do give context on characters inner thoughts to some extent
If you decide to react to them I’d suggest using lyric videos to react to the songs FlyntofRWBY has done a great job putting together lyric videos that people react to
Great reaction! In case you haven’t heard, most characters are loosely based on a fairy tale character. For example, Weiss’s song with ‘Mirror, who is the loneliest of them all?’ Is like the ‘Mirror mirror, who is the fairest of them all?’ As a little funny hint.
I always found it fun to take guesses on who is who whenever a character appears. Little side game while enjoying the lovely fights and characters.
Wait, they reacted to all of Vol 1? Where's the rest of the episodes then, I can't miss that reaction. ?
I believe they do a massive reaction through RWBY and other shows to a certain point. For marketing and promotional sake, they span out the episodes to different weeks so they can be a certain weeks ahead. They could've posted the entirety of Volume 1 and 2 into two different episodes but that wouldn't be the right case. So we will get episode 4-6 of Volume 1 either this weekend or somewhere along next week.
I think the patreon comments were not specific enough lol. Glad you guys are still excited though.
Rwby has always been on crunchy roll btw, I remember watching the episodes on the app in high school wondering why lol.
All of RWBY is awesome the story gets so crazy! Can’t wait for the hype when you get to Vol 2 ^^
Also, I heard Monty had notes for RWBY quote "until they were adults".... I guess that's subjective, but I always assumed it was for like years and years worth of time skipping. Also always heard the "this arc was in Monty's vision" "this part was changed" "this part was completely ignored and changed"... I couldn't even tell you what's what, and I've been here since Volume 2. Just got to go in and make your own decisions on what we do have, I say!
AND..... if you aren't sick of RWBY after finishing all this down the road, then I recommend adding the RWBY Chibi spin off show (after Volume 3), the RWBY and the Justice League 2 part movies (def post-Volume 8), and all of the spin off shorts content they made on your own time. (I heard someone call it "homework" once, and they're not wrong. ?) (IDEK how to date those, soooo Post-Vol 5 to be safe?)
At first, when I realized that you were going to react to all the trailers, I was afraid that the spoilers would ruin your experience a little, but honestly, if it gets you hyped for the rest of the story that's great! We should have been more specific about “watch the trailers” lol
I'm hoping that you'll still watch the soundtracks (of the completed volume only lol) at the end of each volume because you only got a glimpse of the amazings songs RWBY has to offer!
There's surprisingly not a lot of things in these that are spoilers in and of themselves without context
Soooo... I'm pretty sure people just meant to watch the character trailers, and/or maybe just to add in trailers for each volume before said volume. Ah well. No biggie.
Normally, "the trailers" is just how people refer to the Red/White/Black/Yellow trailers, so it's admittedly a bit of a shame that you ended up seeing the others in advance. Not the end of the world, or anything, as RWBY is (unfortunately) not exactly known for stellar storywriting as the series progresses, regardless, so the spectacle and such will nonetheless be very cool to see reactions for (albeit not always such later on, as RWBY's fight choreography arguably never recovered from the tragic loss of Monty Oum).
Also. Yeeeeeeeeees. Red vs Blue would likewise be extremely hype to see y'all react to.
ALSO YESSS! WOULD LOVE TO WATCH RvB with you guys!!!! The final season is coming out sometime this year!
You: "We're going to watch all the trailers"
Me: "Aww, yay!"
Me (in real time, seeing that this video is 57minutes long): "Wait, wut? (laughs nervously) Oh nooo..."?
--- Still though... man That Volume 4 trailer. I was at RTX for that one, I still remember the parts where the sea of crowd screamed the most. ?
I don’t think watching the first reveal trailers after Vol 1 is a problem tbh. ALSO BOOKMARKING THIS LINK SO I CAN COME BACK when y’all release the other volume reactions so I can watch the volume trailer reactions in order lmao.
To be fair we definitely shoulda been more specific in “watch the trailers” ?
Man when I asked for trailers I thought they would do just the character ones you know the first four not every single one. They’ve now seen a ton of major spoilers. I can only hope with the amount of episodes they will forget over time what they have seen.
hahahaha, oh I love the reaction! I find it hilarious the whole "watch the trailers" but not being specific enough. But it is as you said, things will feel spoilery to us who have watched and know the context but as long as people avoid pointing out what aspects they are sad about being spoiled you guys arent spoiled, because you lack the context! Love your view of going into this! RWBY is one of my favorite shows and for me it just gets better and better. So many of the songs are just on my always going playlist! I am looking forward to seeing you guys on this journey! Hope you all have a Great day/evening/morning/afternoon/other unspecified time of day!
I thought I was very specific when I asked them to watch, and I quote, “Can you guys please react to the RWBY four color trailers?” or “Can you guys react to the RWBY Red, White, Black, and Yellow trailers please?” Idk guess enough people didn’t clarify. I’m sure it’s ok though because they probably won’t remember it at those points.
dang u watched all of em sucks cuz spoilers but yeah
Lol guess people weren't specific enough with which trailers you should watch but honestly I'm happy with this
You were only supposed to watch the beginning trailers lol. Not all of them. Let's hope u guys don't remember any of the potentional spoilers
for one they didnt have context for the other trailers and no way in hell they are going to remember them when they got to it
I'm sure they'll forget by the time they get there. H Man seems to be the only one who remembers stuff from the TV shows
I'm pretty sure the majority of people who were asking you to react to the trailers were just asking for the first 4 trailers where it introduced the team. The trailers for the actual seasons leads to spoilers as you found out.
These trailers are incredibly vivid in my memory. I think it's especially so for the first one since it came on immediately after the S10 finale of Red vs Blue (Rooster Teeth's magnum opus imo). So glad you guys are checking them out!
The fight choreography in early RWBY is some of the best I’ve seen anywhere to this day. Monty Oum certainly knew how to make fight scenes stand out.