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Rise Of TMNT S2 Episode 1&13 REACTION

Rise of the TMNT | 2 years ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    i would've bought toys if they made decent ones but alas

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  2. levi_b00
    1 year

    Can you please react to TMNT 2012? I'll give you my kidney if I have to.?

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    1. Commenters avatar
      11 months


  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Lowkey not excited to watch y'all react to the movie. It's all good that the show wasn't for y'all but it sucked immensely that y'all just skipped to the very final episode, not even its obvious part 1 of that. I would of at least suggested starting at Battle Nexus New York if you wanted a good stream like of 3 episodes back to back of more seriousness. Season 2 and beyond would of had a much better stream of plot focused stuff but because of poor toy sales and sabotage by the TV Network themselves, everything got cut short in Season 2. I was really glad TMNT took a more fun episodic spin rather than the same boring stream of predictable arc and plotline repeated with each iteration like in the other shows but I feel like you guys would enjoy them way more. The 2003 Show and the 2012 Show, especially the latter. Both probably would give you guys what you're looking for in a series, they're really good.

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    When are you guys reacting to the movie? The movie is 100% awesome.

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    an interesting thing about this show is that it has the rare C shaped tier list where the eps are either S or D. normally a show has either a flat line or a mountain curve but due to the studio forcing them to make it more episodic as well as fucking up the airing order we were given this unbalanced experience

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    please react to TMNT 2012

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    (Reposting an old comment here so these replies can have some love too! ?)

    Okay so the episodes "Goyles Goyles Goyles" and then episode 12 "The Finale Part 1" go into a lot of backstory for Splinter, why he acts the way he does, his mutation, and his family when he was still Hamato Yoshi. You don't need any of that going into the movie, but if you ever want to know about this version of Splinter and what all that in the finale with Shredder was about, I say watch it on your own time if you are curious enough.

    There's also a really good TMNT vs Shredder fight in episode 12, and the last 5-6 minutes of the "Battle Nexus New York", if you're in it for those sweet animation moments that pop off!

    I hope you guys still end up watching the movie some day! The animators went HARD, it's more serious, and there was a lot of passion put into it. It's 100% the best part of this iteration, by far.


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