Deadpool & Wolverine Reaction
Regular Show S5 Episode 1-4 REACTION
Family Guy Star Wars: Something Darkside Reaction
Ben 10 Episode 1 REACTION
(Gold) Kung Fu Panda REACTION
Spaceballs Reaction
I Reacted to EVERY Cutscene from **.HACK// & .HACK//G.U.**
(gold) How To Train Your Dragon Reaction
One Piece Episode 1-1088 Reactions
Gravity Falls Dippers Guide to the Unexplained REACTION
Elemental Movie Reaction
Spongebob Anime Op & End REACTION
They REFUSED To Baptize Me – #1
Mob Psycho Episode 1-2 REACTION
Has Anyone Seen Lenny or the Reverend? – Red Dead Redemption 2 – Part 3
That poor bastard at the end is going to have untreatable Post-Turkey Stress Disorder for the rest of his life.
It’s kinda funny you guys said you thought the thanksgiving episode was one of the best of the series when it’s almost consistently listed as one of the worst. Not saying I disagree personally just found it kind of ironic lol.
whats actually crazy is they rcently found a Mayan Pyramid in Helen, North Georgia and theyre excavating it right now and theres alot in Florida and lousiana too its wild how ancient indigenous people had cryptic temples and pyramids all over the usa
If you're gonna hate Jerry I feel like it shouldn't be for... just enjoying things earnestly without harming anyone?
34:06 …..Damon?
“And the femail boxes.” I’m upset that that took me a second.
You guys make episodes or characters tier list after every season? I would love to see that
Am i the only one who thinks bruce chutback looks like a younger version of ruff
01:32 "how could you be losers with everything you do?"
Do you not remeber THE GIANT INCEST BABY?!?!
Let's be greatful their reputation ends at "loser"
Jerry we have many many seasons of proof why nobody should love you for you
So fun fact that no one else will care about, the turkey that starts talking exactly 30 minutes in is voiced by Arnie Panjota, who is the English voice of Kazuma from Konosuba!
Be impressed :(
i meant 31 minutes in :P
They said multiple times it was th Constitution, no the Delcaration of Independence.
goddammit jerry
3 minutes in and the Jerry hate is strong, just like i love it
For him just enjoying himself and not doing any harm at all?
It's honestly so pathetic. The double standard is stupid