Peaky Blinders S3 Episode 1 REACTION
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Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back Reaction
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Nimona Reaction
Halloweentown Movie REACTION
Teen Titans S3 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Regular Show S5 Episode 1-4 REACTION
First Time Playing Psychonauts
Castlevania Reaction Season 2 Episode 1 & 2 (Boom Solo)
The Robots PS2 Game is SHOCKINGLY Good…
why does rick get away with murder with y’all but jerry can’t do shit right. no matter what he does u hate him. rick treats everyone like shit but all he get is “damn” lol
Because Rick knows he is powerful and is upfront on him being a dick. Jerry is always playing the “woe-is-me” card but the second he has power turns into a Rick who can’t admit it. Better an avoidable asshole than a manipulative one.
Jerry does not turn into a Rick when he has power, sweetie
Why does it seem like, compared to youtube the volume balance here always kinda sucks? I cant hear the show ...
I love that when Rick is healthy, his skin is light pale but when emerged with his toxins his skin goes to a grey state
Bit of a late comment but watching through this series again in a binging session makes me wonder based on how Morty acted in this. Is Evil Morty (eye patch Morty) perhaps a detoxified Morty, probably not but the similarities were definitely there.
i love these episodes, such cool concepts perfectly executed
Our Morty is actually incredibly capable purely because he's survived so long with the most insane Rick.
what do you mean she's entering jerry levels? beth has been an egotistical bitch this whole time its just worse now lmao
I think that'swhat they're saying lmao, its getting worse to the point where she's entering jerry territory
Jerry gets treated the worst and is a horrible person but so are Rick and Beth and they get away with it too much, none of them are entering Jerry territory for they were always there. Then again, this is a fandom that idolized Rick and thought Beth was a decent person, so just ignore me, I guess.
The problem with Jerry is he doesn’t admit it. Sure Beth doesn’t always admit until a later episode where she fully realizes that, but Jerry always falls back to self-pity when things don’t go his way.
Can I ask what's going on with rwby?
it will be taking adventure times slot on Thursdays
Sure you can ask
Walked right into that one
Jerry has been such a pathetic piece of shit for a long time. And the moment he gets the slightest bit of control over something he acts like that.
So excited for next week! No spoilers, but the next episode is without a doubt by almost any standard the single best episode in the entire series, in fact, I would even go so far as to say it's one of the better tv show episodes period, I'm seriously hyped
I Always found the second episode 3-6 so confusing like why was Morty so okay with being found when he ran away? I only got it when I was ? one time. When morty went into the detoxifier it took everything he thought was toxic, every thing but his obsession with Jessica. Morty doesn’t think his obsession with Jessica is a bit toxic. That’s why he messes up his date with Jessica, he’s still in love with her and because all his nervousness and human things was taken away by the detoxifier he feels nothing. Morty feels very emotionally dull and that’s how he becomes a stock broker.
While Rick at home realises that his obsession with Jessica is in healthy Morty, so when he’s very drunk he drunk dials Jessica. When I first heard he drunk texted Jessica I found it so confusing. So when Morty find out Jessica care that’s why he’s so ready to leave all his success, apartment and beautiful girl cause he’s obsessed with Jessica.
To confirm, taking a high enough dose of a hallucinogenic substance is pretty much the same as what Jerry goes through with the wormhole sequence there. The general creepiness of it has the flavor of datura or other deliriants which everyone is better off not experiencing 'cuz with those kinds of chemicals you're especially risking your life and longterm mental wellbeing. Stick with shrooms, shit's safe as houses.
Next week is gonna be such a banger of an episode i cant wait
I love how smart morty was these episodes. First episode, he tricked rick into taking Jerry on an adventure so he could be left alone and figured out was was, in his words, "rick level sh*t" within maybe an hour while in the back of a moving car. Second episode, "healthy" morty outsmarts rick and escapes him quickly and figures out rick's plan within seconds of a call from someone else entirely
honestly felt pretty bad for morty on ep 6 kinda surprising how rick didn't find his selfishness as toxic
You guys are awesome. I love your videos but I am curious about something. Would you guys ever watch total drama island one day. I feel like you guys would enjoy it.