Billy - Silver

Regular Show S7 Episode 5-7 Reaction

Regular Show | 8 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    I almost stopped watching after the wedding crap i hated it and him only continued for Rigby Eileen and pops

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  2. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    40:10 notice how its the regular show intro

  3. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    this is around the time i stopped watching, just because cartoon network made it so hard to; this set of episodes was insanely good and felt like watching new old regular show, but the characters feel so much more grown and developed. super excited to see the next episodes, im almost completely blind upto the series finale.

  4. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    39:54 get on it Rule 34!

  5. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    "aw he thinks he's people" raditz pls

  6. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Yess the Dome has made its appearance!

    I'm ngl Season 7 and 8 are the BEST imo. The hardcore lore/plot/storyline, wtv you wanna call it, really kicks in this season and next. And I am just so excited for pretty much every regular show drop from here until it ends~

  7. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    day 4 of asking for dawn of the planet of the apes trilogy

  8. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    why only two episodes?

    Expand 3 replies
    1. Commenters avatar
      7 months


    2. Commenters avatar
      8 months

      this video has a two parter and the next one has a two parter

    3. Commenters avatar
      8 months

      Probably because the Next batch include the next Terror Tales of the Park, which is double length


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