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Fun fact, the voice actor for Chris is the same voice actor for Wendy in gravity falls. The more you know ?
I hate Mordecai sooo much after this. I used to be so frustrated about Rigby but thank goodness he's grown, I always liked him but now I like him more. Mordecai SUCKS!
Someone brought up why people dislike mordecai more than rugby despite rigby messing up more and technically worse. But I think what it is is that rigby does stupid shit i can’t believe anyone doing like betting their souls on a bowling match. Mordecai’s fck ups are far more based in reality. Idk anybody doing stuff like rigby but I know way too many people irl like mordecai ?
Last I heard the writer gave up on CJ pretty much only giving her 2 more short appearances.
Mordecai is…dumb. I think we all know this. The good news is, all the romance drama shit is finally over.
Who would've thought that Rigby would've had the more successful relationship prospects at the start of the show? Dude just genuinely formed a steady relationship between him and Eileen and kept it chill enough for Mordo to not even notice. How is that even possible?
I swear I wish I knew which of the writers thought his whole thing was a good idea. Mordecai and CJ were so good together and now it's just over.I'm glad that their other show Close enough doesn't have to deal with that crud.
Plus there's talk of Regular show coming back alongside some other cartoon network cartoons
This show could of easily been a great romance show... but then it wouldn't be regular. Mordecai is frustratingly regular despite all the opportunity
Yeah the fumbling that makes Finn's breakup with Flame Princess look graceful by comparison; at least Finn was just a teenager who didn't know any better (I mean if you wanna be technical Jake was the one who pushed things because of the sheer mention of the Cosmic Owl). But hey, we're actually past the worse part and now we're moving on the finishing peak of the series woo!
Personally, people take Mord's fuck up at the wedding a little too hard not thinking what he was going through the entire time. This while thing was like 40 % his fault and after that the rest of this drama was all CJ and Margaret's doing and Mord tried so hard to not screw it up. He did a damn good job too by not messing it up but the energy between CJ and Margaret made Mord bottle up his feelings which is dangerous because those feelings will always come out at the worst times and Muscle Dad's letter gave him the confidence to end the relationship which is a win due to the circumstances. Like muscle man MADE him read a high impact emotional letter. Also he didn't ruin the wedding they all said ok dude you done? And moved on. So yall quit holding this against him.
oh yeah cheating, almost humiliating someone by breaking up with them on broadcast with an audience, hijacking a wedding yeah blame it all on "bottle feelings" in that case, everyone would use that when they cheated. I call bulls*it If he hadn't cheated in the first place CJ wouldn't have been so cautious and insecure in their relationship with Margeret around there wouldn't be a need for all this drama with Margaret but no Mordecai had to ruin it. Personally, I wished CJ was the one to break things off for good since she's the victim in all this but no it had to be Mordecai of course.
I see what your saying but Objectively regardless of muscleman’s reaction publicly dumping and humiliating someone at a wedding is just shitty. Margaret isn’t the one in a relationship so yeah it is mordecai’s fault tbh. I find it’s hard to ask the audience to care about what he was ‘going through’ when he cheated on CJ not vice versa. Plus he’s a grown man no one made him bottle up his feelings he just for whatever reason still hasn’t learned that communication is key which might be more on the writers to be fair. Making things about himself actually is a trait he continues to show after this episode so I think the criticism is fair. I will say it was dumb of CJ to stay in the relationship after he kissed her though.
Very true; I think it's just easier to blame Mordo because he's always fumbled the bag in the past and it's usually HIS actions and no one seems to be willing to throw the same blame on CJ or Margaret....and YES he was trying very hard to keep it together but they were definitely making it harder....it was still pretty stupid but I can't blame him when he's pressured to walking on eggshells when the two of them are around.
MY DUDE LITERALLY CHEATED ON CJ THOUGH!??! CJ was fine with Margret at first because Mordecai reassured her that they were over only to be cheated on at the end. when they got back together CJ was understandably uncomfortable with the idea of Margret around Mordecai so she was very anxious and cautious around her. Your right Mordecai shouldn't be the only one to blame, Margret should as well after all it only takes 2 to tango.
I need to mentally prepare myself for the boom rage before watching.
All I'm gonna say is we are past the hardest part. It's sweet sailing from here. Woo time for the movie!
41:33 I LOVE ❤️ the pure excitement for the best relationship in the series
I looove how excited you guys were for the long-awaited reveal of Rigleen ?
Ah yes, the episode that forever tarnished Mordecai's reputation amongst several viewers
i still like mordecai myself however overall, outside of the romance arc
The mordecai character assassination arc is so annoying because even though he gets better he never fully recovers from this moment
First him cheating on her and now this! What were they thinking
Season 7 has my FAVORITE story
cant wait for the last seasons think there is only 2 left
I love Mordecai sure he's made mistakes
Oh yeah, the movie takes place after the first episode of season 7
Never mind, they already know. Lmao
The king of fumbling the bag strikes again!
You should watch the movie after the first few episodes of Season 7. That's when the movie takes place/was released.
Mordecai fumbles the bag more than Brian Griffin
Saw that thumbnail! Been waiting for this train wreck!
Mordecai is the biggest bag fumbler in cartoon history.
The second hand embarrassment is strong with this one. Get ready for Mordecai being butt-hurt over Rigby as well guys lol
Ah yes, the downfall of Mordecai
and soon... the rise of the Rigby >:]
You guys must watch the movie before season 7 and 8 since some it's aspects referenced in those seasons
Mordecai is the absolute worst.
Yup. I saw the thumbnail and the only thing I can think of is "oh... Oh no..."
Oh boy yall perspective on Rigby fimma flip when u see the movie ?
In then flip again, after the rest of the series
Nah, this is the one Episode I can’t watch Bro. That man Mordeicai pissed me off with this shit. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS AT A WEDDING YOU LAME ASS BITCH
the fucking wedding.