Things Are Changing…
They REFUSED To Baptize Me – #1
UNHINGED Would You Rather Questions– #2
AITA “Steve’s Nuts Ruined My Marriage” – Sorta Stupider #3
We Ate & Ranked EVERY Poptart Twice… – Sorta Stupider #4
Getting Married in 2024 is a Scam – Sorta Stupider #5
Cartoon Dad Tier List – Sorta Stupider #6
Rick & Morty Hot Ones Challenge – Sorta Stupider #7
We Eat & Rank Star Wars Food – Sorta Stupid Show #8
AITA – I Rejected My Friends College Admission – Sorta Stupid Show #9
Confronting Her Cheating – Sorta Stupid Podcast #19
Batman: Dark Knight Returns Part 2 Reaction
Regular Show Season 8 Episode 1-4 Reaction
Lego Batman Movie Reaction
Out Healing The Last Epoch Harbingers of Ruin
(Gold) Kung Fu Panda 2 REACTION
Rick and Morty S6 Episode 1-2 Reaction
86 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Steven Universe S4 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Pokemon 2000 The Movie REACTION
Rocky Horror Picture Show Movie REACTION
Gumball Episode 1-2 REACTION
Spongebob Anime Op & End REACTION
Peaky Blinders S3 Episode 1 REACTION
The *SILENT HILL 2* Remake Has Us SCREAMING Like School Girls
Pirates of the Caribbean REACTION
At 24:06 their faces are too good. ?
ive also been advertised "substances", it was a YouTube ad for an out of country trip to "open your mind" using ketamine
Yeah, Texans are assholes on the road in all honesty. It's part of what makes me wish I wasn't a Texan lol
To be fair with the epi pen situation, those things are expensive as hell and they have an expiration date, so if you don't need it before that date you're out like almost 1,000 dollars. My cousin is allergic to nuts as well, and she only doesn't carry one because she can't afford to keep replacing them
The only time I was pulled over by police in my life was when I was practicing for my license in my high school parking lot with my dad, the cops saw us driving in circles for a while and wanted to check what was going on and according to my dad I almost shit myself but I didn't notice, I was 17 so I understand panicking because of a car accident as an 18 year old
As a teenager my first time getting pulled over, I got a speeding ticket, I got mad anxiety thinking I was gonna go to jail to where I got teary. ???? I have bad anxiety and even small things can trigger it especially when I don't know all info on a experience I'm having. The cop was really nice, I still feel embarrassed crying like that but he did lower the reported speed on the ticket.??