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Percy Jackson and the Olympians Episode 7 (Boom Solo)

Percy Jackson and the Olympians | 9 months ago
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  1. prettysissyj
    9 months

    As someone who read the book series multiple times. As well as being a serious fanatic of Greek mythology in general. This series did the books and the original mythology source materials justice. Rick Riordan (the author of the books) was very particular and passionate about this series being done right. 

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  2. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Can't wait for the finale of this incredible little series I'm so glad your enjoying the series ? ?

  3. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    The guy that plays Ares looks like a wrestler ?

  4. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Oooooooh I cant wait for the reaction to ep8 and how you react to how this all ends its gonna be fantastic. Also yes, from what I remember from when this was coming out and when it finished the general consensus was that its a great adaption which is crazy because they do change/shift a fair bit which usually leads to people not liking an adaption but it all plays out so well and in the spirit of the original story that most still liked it. Acting in this show was amazing and I cant wait to see how they do season 2 glad your enjoying it so much(and that you joined in on Dionysus' bit of calling it by the wrong name XD)

  5. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    I haven’t read the books in like a decade so I really don’t remember much of what’s happening at all, the only book I do remember is the Golden Fleece.

    It would be fun if you checked out the movies after this to see the differences.


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