Billy - Silver

One Piece Episode 23, 24, 26, 30 REACTION

One Piece | 2 years ago
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  1. princesskooh
    6 months

    Yall forgot at the end to come back to that moment Boom mentioned where Yall supposedly had in sync reactions. Kinda wanted to see how Yall would react to your reactions ?? 

    As for One Piece moments for the group react slash rewatch 


    Definitely need ta revisit 

    The best Arlong moments and episodes particularly Nami backstory 

    The “help me” scene/episode and then of course the crew kicking butt

    Next I’d say hit up Louguetown

    Then Crocus

    Then Whisky Peak 

    Then obviously the best of drum island

    The best of Alabasta and so on 

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  2. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    I know I'm super late, but obviously arlong park, at least The Walk and Luffy getting up with the sun behind him, but also whiskey peak, as a Zoro stan, like we see him nearly die here in ep. 24 and then whiskey peak?? Won against 100 people, amazing. Also love the emotional devasting feeling as Vivi screamed to the people to stop on top of that clocktower, after Pell and all. And we need to see you all 3 to sob over Merry, its just a thing XD but I also loved when Luffy told Sogeking to shot the flag like hmmmm good stuff.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Persionally, my hype moment of this arc was the introduction of Sanji, his interaction with Gin--which won Luffy over, being such a kind man--and the flashback on Sanji's past. Mihawk was neat, but I didn't care about the fight with him and Zoro outside of the meaningful weight of the encounter it has on Sanji. XD

    But, I am a biased Sanji fan, hahaha!

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Love the re reactions. Ruff, if possible would we be able to see more One Piece TCG openings, love the first two you did and would love to see them continue.

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    As a huge usopp fan, I'd love to see the going Mary episode and as a Nami fan, def arlong. But also, a lot of the best usopp stuff doesn't happen until later so you know.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Instead of the episodes they should watch the special episodes(remakes)


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