(Silver) One Piece Live Action Trailer Reaction
The One Piece Live Action Looks AMAZING
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As someone who has never seen One Piece, but who has absorbed some of the character names and Luffy-isms through osmosis, I am really enjoying the show and have been bingeing these reactions today!
So, while I do think the backstories are the weakest part of this... the Sanji one is easily the best of the lot so far, and that good bye at the end is the thing I chocked up on the hardest so far.
I stopped one piece about in the middle of thriller bark, cause I was already in the middle of Naruto (I liked it, but I think I made the wrong choice, personally). This live action really makes me want to watch again (or maybe, rather, read. I remember the eating it thing more than the anchor accident thing)
The whole "how does this map to future seasons" thing is why I'm worried about the cast aging out even if they get all the seasons they want. Even mixing arc elements together, I don't see getting much past Alabasta in season 2. Assuming broad stroke sagas are in the same order, I'd think you have Skypeia as season 3, Water 7/Enies Lobby season 4. I don't think you'd need a full season for Thriller Bark, but at the same time I don't think you want to start the Summit War mid-season. But maybe you do... I'm just starting Sabody (which is listed as the first arc of the Summit War saga) on my first-time watch, so I don't know how the subsequent arcs play out.
I don't know how far away I am from it (or what it changes), but I know there's a time skip somewhere ahead of where I'm at in the anime/manga. Depending on how much time passes, maybe I don't need to worry about the cast getting too old, but it's looking realistically like 5 to 7 years just to get to where *I'm* at in the series (given Netflix's history regarding how long passes between season for their shows). I'm barely a third of the way through. It's one thing to have actors in their early to mid 20s playing teens. It's another to have them doing so when they're in their 30s or 40s.
That fish skin treatment is indeed real. Sometimes it’s used to treat burns.
The starving sequence is so damn visceral that to this day I have to skip past it, cannot watch it. This version makes me feel that same gut punch.
ok, so the actor for young Sanji is in a show called Sweet Tooth where he played a deer boy hybrid. if they keep the tradition of kid Sanji voicing Chopper we could get the funniest fucking typecasting coincidence.