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Y'all should watch All of Us are Dead. A show almost in the same verse
havent seen the second one and would love to see you guys react to it
Absolutely love this movie and y'alls reaction to it. I feel like for a horror/zombie movie it really set itself apart from others. I cried so many times watching this haha.
Also I suggest that y'all watch the Fear Street Trilogy on Netflix, perfect movies for spooky month and one of my favorite horror movie series. Warning tho: It's quite gorey!
At the end you mentioned being curious about the politics at work in the movie. I’m by no means an expert on Korean history, but there are a few things I know.
First, the statement given by the Korean President in the film was identical to the statement given by President Rhee following the invasion of North Korea in 1950. Rhee and his government advised people to remain in the capital, while they themselves fled to Busan.
Second, when the train stops in Taejon, hoards of zombie soldiers kill many of the passengers as they attempt to flee back to the train. This is representative of a real life event in the same area, where the South Korean military slaughtered civilians, particularly any suspected of leftist leanings, in the form of mass executions that killed somewhere between 60,000-200,000 people. This event was collectively known as the Bodo League massacre. If you decide to read up on the executions or look at pictures I suggest you do not eat beforehand, they are hard to stomach.
Finally, the last scene where they enter the tunnel amidst mowed down corpses with bodies floating in the river is a reference to the No Gun Ri massacre, where hundreds of refugees were gunned down by US Troops because of reports that North Korean sympathizers had infiltrated some refugee groups. Somewhere between 200-400 people were killed, mostly women and children (making the near deaths of our surviving protagonists resonate very hard with Korean audiences).
Those are just some of the more obvious references. I’m sure someone of Korean background could probably point out a lot more.
Oh, one more just occurred to me. I’m not certain this is a reference, but it makes sense if it is.
The song that Su-an sings is “Aloha ʻOe,“ a song written by Queen Liliʻuokalani, who was the last ruler of Hawaii before it was fully annexed by the United States. The song is considered President Rhee, the man directly responsible for the bulk of South Korean war crimes ended his political career after allegedly fixing an election. Protestors forced him to resign and the CIA covertly evacuated him to Hawaii, where he stayed until he died of a stroke in 1965. It’s possible that Yon-suk (the businessman y’all hate) is a particularly unflattering stand in for President Rhee, but I’m not the best one to make that claim, though it would make sense in context.
Ugh, that should be “the song is appropriate considering President Rhee”
Wish there was an edit button.
One of you asked if their vision was just trash, and yeah. If you watch they don’t have a blink reflex, so their eyes dry out the corneas start getting damaged, it’s one of the reasons they look like they have cataracts. They can see enough to find you in the light, but they’re effectively completely blind in the dark.
And Yoon Sang-hwa is the best character in this or any other movie. When the man goes to work he goes to mutha-fuckin work.
I feel like y'all would enjoy the Squid Games
Since yall liked this movie i would liked to Suggest World War Z as your next zombie movie i personally rank it higher than train to busan but both are good regardless so i aint complaining.
Great video keep it up :)
Watch Mr. Queen it's a kdrama it's about "a modern chef suddenly becomes trapped inside the body of a queen from the Joseon era, which causes chaos for everyone involved." it's a really fun series this show has make me cry,laugh and care so much for each character and the mystery to it bruh I absolutely recommend it
By caring about each character I mean characters that I thought were background ones but feel like their part of the family later on the show I care so much for them and also would worried for them so much
If you guys haven’t seen it I’d heavily recommend All of Us are Dead. Another piece Korean Zombie media but this time a TV show and it’s just as intense as this movie
We hit a wild turkey on time in our 2002 Ford expedition and it looked like a cannonball went through the front right side of our car.
I like how the characters don’t really know what to do in this kind of situation. It’s easy when watching something like this from the audience “Hey do this obvious thing.” But panic tends to give people tunnel vision. The movie really plays on the fact that a most of these people either are fairly close or total strangers since it takes place on a train so you’re either traumatized because all your friends just died or some stranger is going on about her boyfriend “definitely not being infected”
the so called sequel is disappointing
I haven't seen the sequel but heard it's completely unrelated and not as good
Peninsula isn’t really worth it, use that time for other great films!
I have a feeling y'all might like Snowpiercer. Has a kinda sorta similar (but not really) vibe and also the same director who did Parasite, ANOTHER fantastic, award-winning Korean movie (highlyrecommended if y'all haven't seen it. Very suspenseful). Snowpiercer is mostly in English though, so that might interest y'all more-so, for the sake of simplicity.
Excuse you Boom. The Caltrain and BART trains happen to be very fast.
14:14 I didn’t know this movie took place in Northern California
I know this movie is Korean, but for a horror movie reaction, "The Grudge" which is based off a Japanese horror film would be a good one to react! It's frickin creepy like the zombies ?
I need to see the sequel after watching this for the first time while watching y’all’s reaction
Don't bother with Peninsula. They slapped the name on it for recognition but that's it.
Ok so the sequel that Boom mentioned is called Peninsula. It doesn't take place in a train and I am pretty sure not even in Busan. It has no returning cast and almost no connection to this movie except for the zombies. Also Peninsula had no where near as much acclaim is this one. So if you guys choose to watch it just keep in mind it's no where as good as this one.
To elaborate on the plot without spoiling, Peninsula takes place 4 years after outbreak in this movie with the outcome being that the Korean peninsula (where the name comes from) got overrun. How that happened is beyond me because there is no way in hell these zombies stand a chance against a military.
I cried more times during this movie than I have this year, that was so good.
Btw if you guys haven't watched it already you should react to the Cornetto Trilogy. It consist of well three movies: Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and World's End. They aren't really trilogy in the sense that they have any relation to each other plotwise but because they were all directed by Edgar Wright, star Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and were sponsored by Cornetto. The trilogy is British horror comedy at its best.
Seconding this. Hot Fuzz is one of my all time favorite films.
When watched Train to Busan for the first time I actually quite liked it but looking back it there are some weird moments in the movie. Like everyone in the movie being absolute idiots.
1) I screamed at how many times they left the door open (which Ruff pointed out).
2) It also heavily suffers from the zombie movie syndrome of standing around and gawking at the obvious zombie running full tilt at you. Like move bruh.
3) It also has a uniquely Korean media problem of not having any subtelty. This is very prominent in the antagonist roles. Kdrama and Kmovies always have these weirdly over the top villain characters who are just pure evil. And I feel the like the zombie genre particularly suffers from it. There is always the one guy who is absolute ahole. Sometimes even at the expense of their own lives. Like here when everyone turns against the main group and accuses them of being infected they for some whatever reason barricade the door the potential infected zombies and leave the one with actual zombies trying to get in completely unguarded. Also them screaming at the group to leave is just so over the top and cringy.
4) This is a very minor complaint but apparently a bullet train door is made of the strongest material known to man. That's the only thing that holds up in the entire movie. The zombies manage to break through literally everything.
i would say this is the greatest Korean zombie movie of the decade
It's so cliche to say, but I honestly believe this is the best zombie movie.
Yall should definitely watch the Fear Street trilogy to really get yall in the Halloween spirit
As soon as I saw the box pop up when I got on I had to watch. One of my favorite zombie movies of all time.