Scary Movie Reaction
Young Frankenstein Reaction
Madagascar Reaction
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi Reaction
Hotel Transylvania Reaction
Star Wars Rogue One Reaction
Men in Black Reaction
Deadpool & Wolverine Reaction
Shaun of the Dead Reaction
Cars Reaction
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure Reaction
Robin Hood: Men in Tights Reaction
Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens Reaction
Dragon Ball Super: Broly Reaction
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War Reaction
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines Reaction
Batman: Hush Reaction
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Justice League vs. Teen Titans Reaction
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Kaguya Sama S2 Episode 1-12 Reaction
First Time Playing High on Life Part 4
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi Reaction
The Pacifier Reaction
Helluva Boss S2 Episode 1 REACTION
The Conjuring Movie Group Reaction
JoJo’s Part 3 Episode 1-10 (Ruff Solo) REACTION
Rise of the TMNT Movie REACTION
Rick and Morty S4 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Technically Violet does only have one super power creating force fields is an offset of being able to bend light and become invisible as seen by invisible girl aka mrs. Fantastic
"What's wrong with rich people and big tables" yeah, one corner of the table doesn't share the same Zip code as the other corner
This video isn’t playing for me?
Yeah. Same
Can Luffy do what Elasitgirl can do, or are they too different in powers?
I wish people would look at how Bob wanted to train his kids so they can use their powers easily. Because what's the point of having parents with powers if the kids never get a space to use them. Helen was also being selfish in wanted in more normal life for her kids when they are anything but. Dash doesn't have an outlet which I can imagine for someone with superspeed at such a young age would be mind numbing, I wouldn't be surprised if his perception of time gives him ADD. Violet's social anxiety is a direct result of Helen's parenting style because she never coached her on how to make friends as a super. We even see performance anxiety during the plane scene, Violet could have definitely deflected those missiles but couldn't even get a force field bigger than a soccer ball up.
Not to mention how completely unprepared they were for Jack Jack.
Bob may be a bit neglectful and wishes for the glory days, which ultimately gets him in trouble, but he genuinely knew what was best for the family and his kids. We see this at the end of the movie where everyone is genuinely happier, you can even tell by the gray color grading having faded by the time they all put on the mask.
I don't think Dash suffers from a slower perception of time. I think he just have videogame Sonic level of super speed. I think Both Bob and Helen weren't looking at the side of their kids powers from the other's perspective. While Bob told them that their powers made them special, he didn't teach them that they have reign them in and to teach them how to use them appropriately like how Dash used his speed to torment his teacher. And on the other hand Helen shouldn't have taught them to not use their powers and that they are important part of who they are. And plus if they slip up and get caught using their powers, their whole lives could get uprooted again. Constantly moving is not a positive affect on children and not to mention the government would be breathing down their neck about the money and resources wasted. Violet actually wanted to be normal but the family was just a constant reminder that she's not. They both should have came together to and could have seen that they want was like looking in a mirror of their younger selves since in the interview, Mr Incredible wanted to settle down and enjoy the simple life while Elastagirl wanted to continue to be a hero and they could have come to a quicker compromise like they did at the end like with Dash using his powers in sports but not to where he has to outshine the other students. Thanks for listening Billy
And I think the reason why they were unprepared for Jack Jack was because they didn't expect that he was a late Bloomer as everyone in the family assumed he didn't have any powers which probably means that when Dash and Violet were born, there indicators that they had their powers otherwise they'd just wait until they kicked in instead of believing that he had none
You guys should totally watch Watchmen. The whole superheroes becoming hunted by the law and froced into retirement story is also in Watchmen. It also directed by Frank Miller who made the Sin City Movies and did The Dark Knight Returns that you guys reacted to as well. Ithink you guys would really enjoy it. Since you guys are diving into DC movies.
Directed by the awesome Brad Bird who also directed “The Iron Giant” and “Ratatouille”. Bird has been one of the biggest and most outspoken champions for animation as not being just “for kids”. One aspect of this movie I feel doesn’t get enough attention is the score by Michael Giacchino. The jazzy feel of the music gives the movie a feel of not just a superhero movie but an espionage spy thriller as well. In fact Bird was chosen to direct one of the mission impossible movies because of the MI type vibes this movie had.
One of my favourite fun facts is that Disney had to invent new technology just to make violet's hair. The tech to make thousands of individual strands like that and have them all flow like hair without freaking out/clumping up did not exist. They wanted her hair to function like actual hair, so they created an entirely new physics engine that could handle calculating all of that information. It became the industry standard for physics simulation.
In short, an emo girls hair is the reason CGI looks as good as it does now.
That’s why you gotta be like Batman and make your cape Detachable
Frozen was actually the intended target for Mirage found out about Mr Incredible, if you remember the phone call she makes saying “he’s the one”. Bob inadvertently saved his friend just by listening to police scanners I stead of going bowling.
The third one was just anounced
I am so happy to be Billy
yesss, like someone else said u gotta watch the shorts too!
ignore this comment lol
When you guys watch incredible 2 you've also got to watch the short for that one too it's with Edna
If i remember correctly, the director said each of the par family powers has a meaning behhind them. Dads are supposed to be strong, moms are pulled all over the place, teens are awkward and wanna hide, little boys are bundles of energy, and babies have unlimted potential.
such a good and fun move! glad y'all reacted to this :)
My favorite scene in the whole movie will always be the plane crisis scene. The voice acting and the panic that was going on. Usually in superpower shows there's the trope where if their life is in danger their powers will do something wild and be strong asf but here was not the case and the mom had to put that antibalistics suit to use. Great scene.
Reason there is only a second movie has nothing to do with JackJack; but that there was like 20 years of time between the movies lmao
it was 14
could have been 2 years, still beside the point; JackJack wasnt why there is only 2 xD
beside the point buddy
Honestly I love this movieIt also makes me really want to see you reacting to “The boys”
I'm soooooo happy yall watched this. This was my favorite movie as a baby, my family would search high and low for this whenever I was making a fuss to shut me up lmao. And yes I had to wait 14 years for a sequel ;-; but it had came out around my birthday so it was a lovely birthday present. I can't wait to see y'all watch the next movie Love y'all and yalls reactions <3
The Jack-Jack plot twist of him not only having powers but multiple powers is, I think, is still one of the best in any animated film.
Jack Jack is a polymorph so he can do pretty much anything.
I haven't seen it since it came out, it will be fun to watch with you guys.
i really love how the incredibles are a big fantastic four parody , hell the villian at the end is deadass the moleman even
This movie is heavily influenced by Watchmen (combined with Fantastic Four) there is even a thing about a superhero getting killed because of his cape in that comic. You should watch the film if ye haven’t seen it, it’s pretty good.
So one of the fan theories before Incredibles 2 came out was that Jak-Jak was an Omega of Supers, where he had all their powers, potentially speaking powers of Supers who had died, culminating into a master of all, a "Jak-Jak of all Trades."
i feel like yall will like the movie bolt
I could watch Incredibles forever, over and over again, and I'd never get sick of it :D Loved all your expressions in this reaction!
i already need the Incredibles 2 reaction this is peak. Also there's actually a short animation called Jack-Jack Attack that shows what Jack-Jack was doing to the babysitter while they were gone if you guys wanna watch that too.
lol sent that before i finished the vid so nvm on the Jack-Jack thing ?
There have been theories that Jack Jack was the kid in Monsters inc who as a Monster described on the news, “flew over him and blasted a car with its laser vision”.
Fun fact, Bob is more than super strong; an Easter egg of his file confirms he also has near invulnerability, danger sense, agility, and accuracy. They're shown but subtle.
Tbh thats part of super strength tho, atleast nigh-invulnerability, agility and accuracy, as that is very much related to his muscles; Super Muscles = Super Body.
All of the powers in the Incredible family are based on their roles in the family. Bob is excepted to be the strong father, Helen is the flexible mother that is pulled in different directions, Violet is insecure (invisibility) and defensive (force field), Dash is an energetic ten year old and Jack-Jack being the baby has untapped potential hence all the different types of powers.
You have to do Finding Nemo and Finding Dory! We can all say what we want about Ellen Degeneres but I will forever love her performance as Dory.
And the kids names are all a play on their powers, "ultraviolet", dash (self explanatory), and a "jack of all trades"
I think someone also synced the timing from the "Where's my super suit!?" scene and one of the Nick Fury scenes from Endgame and the timing of helicopter crashes match perfectly.
If you have the dvd, there are a lot of cool behind the scenes, storyboards, and bonus content to look through. Like Helen's pilot friend was originally in the plane with them and they totally kill him off in the storyboard it's super dark, and there was one where they try to have a backyard BBQ but they end up having to move homes by the end, and one where baby violet gets her powers. Then everyone already mentioned Jack Jack Attack which is a must-see.
Commented before finishing the episode! Glad you watched the Jack Jack short!
A few people weren't big fans of the second movie cause of the villain. But the movie did well enough for an incredibles 3
I'm normally someone when it comes to memorable characters like Edna Mode, who is more on the side of leaving the mystery of how someone like her has access to such technology and became the go-to person for creating hero costumes, etc. So one part of me is, "Don't pull on this thread, leave the mystery because that's what makes her such a great character," but then there's another part of me where I can't help but want to have an Edna Mode origin movie. And maybe it wouldn't just be about her but when the heroes were starting to be like the first Captain America if Howard Stark had more of a role. Again, I don't know if this is something that should happen or even something I would want to put into existence.
Fun fact: Brad Bird voices Edna Mode.
Maybe Super Intelligence? Could explain a lot of the super-rapid development of both tech and super suits, as well as how she became so rich. Imo could be why she chose a support-style role rather than be on the field, as it would assist every superhero while staying safe, as she might be weaker in direct combat.
Well I wasn't even implying she may have powers herself, I was more referring to how she's developed this whole empire of creating costumes for superheroes.
*when the heroes were starting to be a thing in the world...
PEAK Pixar. Just a little heads up, during the action scenes or when the OST is playing, it's kind of difficult to hear your guy's commentary. I personally like it when the movies on the quieter side, but I know a lot of people get mad when the media is "too quiet"
So, I know it's too late since y'all already reacted to the sequel (excited for that, I assume it's next week) but there is a short similar to Jack-Jack Attack that accompanies the second movie. Very hopeful y'all watched it, or maybe have it as an add-on.
I LIKE the 2nd one it gets too much hate
There's a PS2 video game that was released after the movie, that was about fighting against the Underminer and his minions (the guy we see at the end), and if I remember correctly you only control Mr. Incredible and Frozone during that game. It's probably one of the games I've had the most fun with in my entire life.
Forgot to add : the DVD had 2 discs, one with the movie and one for bonus features, the bonus DVD used the design of the giant screen in Syndrome's lair and you could read some additional informations about the superheroes he defeated (like their powers and stuff). It was really interesting.
The Incredibles is the best Fantastic 4 movie ever
The guys got the worst job next to being an actual criminal, he's shit on every day at work and at home, he just wants to save people. His wife, who doesnt work even though they can afford a baby sitter, shits on him all the time for being zoned out because of the soul crushing job, I get why he's like that, I would be too. They're giving him way too much hate for what he has to deal with. Like yeah if someone found out theyd sue him but if he's always in costume how would they know? Its the same with batman or any other vigilante hero. Sorry for the rant but he's not a "selfish bitch" he's a typical man who's completely ignored and expected to take care of everything for his family no matter the sacrifices
I went to the D23 Expo Event this year and they did announce Incredibles 3! It will be released in 2026!
its funny how they said they'd go off on the teacher even though he's 100% right Dash is a little shit who terrorizes him using super powers, the guy deserves to be paranoid if thats been happening to him enough to where he actually set up a camera.
I'm pretty sure they saw. There's a video where they looked at the trailers
well, during the vid, they did say "I can't believe there's only 2 of these" or something. But they should know now?
Oh, alrighty
Yesss love this movie the incredibles is definitely a classic ? ?
dont forget the short that goes with Incredibles 2
PLEASE watch the second lmao !! it’s honestly my personal favorite from the two, it’s so good n hilarious.
jack-jack has every power well at least like 17 powers. also the second movie picks up directly from this
I love how movies like this use the logic of "they aren't dead if you don't check" for so many random bad guys lol
It might just be me, but the movie is too loud. I can barely hear you guys talk during parts of it.
its not just you bro me too
yoooo, I have been waiting for this!!
What timing seeing as the 3rd movie was just announced
Hopefully someone tells them to check out the jack jack special after this!?!
wait for the surprise lol
Lol I face palmed so hard as soon as he mentioned it
0:53:22 I like how Syndrome has gaslighted himself into not remembering Bob holding onto Bomb Voyage here.
the only reason they haven't made this movie into a bigger franchise than it is, is probably because they'd want Brad Bird's approval (he's the creator), and he's been busy working on a Sci-Fi noir film called Ray Gunn produced by Skydance Animation.
oof gonna have to rethink that name after the breakdancing memes from the olympics
She couldn't yell at Dash's teacher because she knew that he was right about her son tormenting him, she just can't reveal that they have super powers. Plus, since she was a superhero, she's actually a good person and as such, she wouldn't lie like that
is this new i could swear they've already reacted
yep, it's new and no, they haven't
Is it bad that I’m on Bob’s side with the moving from fourth grade to fifth grade ceremony?
same, but honestly, Boom raising that point, does make me question Bob's rationale; he already spends most of his time detached from raising the kids, would it kill him to attend a ceremony that's supposed to celebrate Dash?
Oh I agree that he’s selfish. I agree only with how stupid holding a ceremony for that type of thing is. If Bob actually took part in raising the kids, then I’d be like “ok if you miss the ceremony it’s whatever” but because he’s not, it’s a dick move.