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(Gold) The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Reaction

Movies | 2 years ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    So fun fact, Jena Malone’s stripping scene in the elevator was in a real hotel elevator, it was not a closed off set or soundstage. She was only supposed to strip down to her pants, because the camera was above her waist, but decided to go all out, and was genuinely completely naked during each take. During one of the takes when the elevator door opened a hotel employee with a coffee tray was standing there, Jena tried to stay in character but burst out laughing

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  2. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    I don't know if y'all read any of the comments on these older uploads but destroying the entire dome of the games arena was the goal. That's why the cable was cut(to avoid Katniss being in danger), that's why Johanna cut out Katniss's tracker, that's why Beetee had the wire tied to a stick, and that's why Beetee ran into the barrier and got blown back. The game master specifically put that wire in the game and had one of the sections of the arena be focused on a lightning storm at a single tree near the edge of the arena. All of this was done specifically so Beetee could use it to destroy the arena by attacking the wire to the barrier, but he failed.

  3. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    My favorite detail of this movie is during the Presidential Palace dance with Katniss and Peeta. You can see he has 3 of his nails painted. He is literally rebelling in the very center of the Capital. Telling them 'F* you!' to their faces, and because everyone else around them is so elaborate no one blinks twice at odd nail polish. It's a glorious detail that very few ever catch, which is sad because Peeta is such a great character that they took a lot away from in the movies.

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The movies made Peeta kinda useless, but in the books he’s more of a badass. He’s more of a fighter, and the fact that he has a prosthetic leg.

    His mom is a pice of trash, his dad is a pushover, and he’s not super close to his brothers really

  5. jemx27
    1 year

    In the book the dogs were made from the kids that died in that hunger games not all the previous hunger games. Also in the book when Katniss sees the mutts eyes she recognises rue and the guy from rues district. And in this movies book when she dances with the playmaker he is supposed to have a watch that shows a hologram of the mockingjay to show her he's on her side from the very beginning. She also goes into the woods at the beginning and stubbles apon 2 girls from district 8 trying to find district 13. I love the movies but the small details the books have just make it all fit together better.

  6. ammy95.
    1 year

    Omg would you guys ever watch Ru Paul’s Drag Race?

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      "they aren't going to throw her back into the hunger games again"..

      Bree: *turns away and smiles* lmao

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    definitly the wrong movie (u guys have the same thing with a lot of ur show reactions on Ben 10 and some Avatar episodes at least ...)

  8. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Uh this isnt the right movie?


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