Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi Reaction
Star Wars Rogue One Reaction
Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens Reaction
Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith Reaction
Star Wars II – Attack of the Clones Reaction
Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace Reaction
Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi Reaction
Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back Reaction
Star Wars IV: A New Hope Reaction
Can You Poop Out A Baby?
(Gold) Megamind REACTION
Valorant All Agents REACTION
Ralph Breaks the Internet Reaction
Ben 10 Alien Force S2 Episode 1 REACTION
Shrek Movie REACTION
Adventure Time S9 Episode 1-5 REACTION
Adventure Time S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
(Movie) Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 Reaction
Inside Out Reaction
Gumball S5 Episode 1-4 Reaction
First Time Playing Telltale’s The Walking Dead – Episode 1
(gold) How To Train Your Dragon Reaction
Twilight of the Gods Episode 1-5 Reaction
This may sound strange. But now that you'ved finshed episodes 4 through 3. I would love to see your reactions to the behind the scenes features of each of them.
it is a galactic crime to be a media personality and not seen starwars i am on other hand glad to see a legit reaction to it and wish i was on the couch with you
Please watch the clone wars show together. That would be awesome to react to
Ruff learning Luke is Mark Hamill is one of my favorite moments in reaction video history.
I know you're probably watching them in release order, but I want to see Ruff's reaction to Rogue One so BAD
For real, that is an awesome movie even if Disney haters say otherwise.
you should definitely watch all the old star wars movies and maybe the newer ones also
also go to galaxy's edge, it's a ton of fun
hoping yall are going to watch all 3 trilogies!
They can skip the 3rd trilogy...
Ignoring the new CGI they threw in recently, the ACTUAL practical effects hold up so well!
Also I think the Banthas were elephants in costumes, right chat?
You guys actually got the Han shot first thing backwards. In the original release, Greedo never even shot at him. They added that shot in the remaster. In fact a lot of CGI in this was added in the remaster. A lot of aliens you see in the beginning scenes on Tatooine didn't exist in the original.
Also, a good Star Wars game to play is Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2.
I knew some of them looked weird but it’s been ages since I watched them
Too bad Bree couldn't witness this awesomeness
Hey I don’t know where we can request movies or it’s even an option but can you guys possibly react to Annie 2014? It’s really funny and a wholesome family movie that I feel like you guys would like. :)
They don't do it like that per se. They just go around and see if a movie has been mentioned. Basically just a 'community trend' kinda thing. Get enough people talking about X thing, they'll consider it. Easiest is to just join the discord and chat around about the movie, rather than only doing "Please watch X"
Yess!! Its finally happening introducing Ruff too Star Wars one of my top 5 movie sagas ever!Sweet reaction guys was just an amazjng experience seeing Ruffs fresh reaction too it so hyped to startthis journey with you guys.After that we need LOTR with Bree haha?
No shout out for Andor? that was the best Star Wars thing since the original trilogy
Hope harry potter is the next big franchise they react to or LOTR
Seeing Ruffs blind reaction was so precious lol my favorite has got to be when he found out Mark Hamill is Luke Skywalker! Ahhh good stuff! ☺?
boom, I thought you was a fan gang?
people argue the Darth Vader twist was not planned but the signs were there
Vader being hands on in the final battle in thismovie is the biggest clue in the original movie to his true idenity
Lucas could not have had it all planned out but he could have also had ideas for what he wanted to do and it is very apparent in some of the world building that he had some big ideas early on
like yeah he didn't know how much he would get to used Boba Fett but he knew he wanted to do more with the character if there were sequels so he had him look at the camera to tease his involvment
The clone wars being mentioned and Obi-wan's clear hesitation before saying Luke's father died are also great world building moments
Just top tier movie all around
I actually don't think Boba Fett was originally in that scene. They added a lot of CGI in the remaster, and I know Jubba was originally practical effects, and was switch to CGI in that scene. I think Boba might have been added with CGI.
when you are done with the movies please watch the family guy Blu Harvest Trilogy
It is a hillarious love letter to Star Wars
Guys listen to this man she is speaking facts after you watch the original trilogy you've got to watch The family Guy Blue harvest trilogy
"I can't wait for you to see how pretty Alderan is" "Gorgeous"
That is evil and I appreciate the hell out of it!
2:40 this is why I watch you guys
I hope they do a marathon or something for May the 4th, national Star Wars day.
just play lego starwars the complete saga and play each section after each movie
Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor are probably my favorite games. I'm also a big fan of SWTOR but that story is ever-expanding and is a MMORPG.
Does this mean we're gonna get reactions to the rest of the movies and starwars series??
Ruff said they are, but it depends on how it does on YT. I would assume the first six movies are for sure. And high possibility for Mando Seasons 1 &2.
Im so happy we're finally getting these reactions. I cant wait to see more of Ruffs first time reaction to watching the Star Wars movies with Boom and Erik.
There's a reimagining of the Obi Wan and Darth Vader fight that came out a few years ago. It provides a reenactment of the famous duel but with modern effects and choreography. You should totally react to it, or at least check it out on your own time.
I will never not love that moment, that the stormtroopers accidentally hits his head walking into the control room at 1:23:35. I'm so glad they left that in the movie. Makes me laugh every time.??
Final Comment, I promise. You guys can watch the movies as 4,5,6,1,2,3. After movie 6 (the end of the first trilogy), you can watch Rouge One since it's before EP 4 (The movie you just watched). You can watch it whenever you want, but please watch it.
Watch Clone Wars & in chronological order. It's a bit of work but worth it. Clone Wars (the show) happens between Ep 2 and Ep 3, which helps expand some of the characters from the movies and gives you more details on what happened during the Clone Wars. You can watch the show after you watch Ep 2 to remain in chronological order, or you can watch it after Ep 3.
Mandalorian is Awesome! Especially season 1. I heard season 2 is good too. You can watch both movies once you finish watching movies 1-6.
Andor is another good show that I heard about. It takes place before Rouge One, so you can watch it before or after the Rouge One movie.
The Sequel movies (7-9) are okay, and you guys can react to them, but I only liked movie 7.
Finally, Bad Batch is the sequel to the Clone Wars TV show. I recommend it highly because it looks so good and has a fun story.
For the love of god yes
Comments on the REACTION: Great & Super funny. Yes, CLONE WARS is before this. So it's the "Originals" in episodes 4-6. Then it's the "Prequels" (Clone Wars) episodes 1-3.
Then it's the "Sequels" (Disney) episodes 7-9. If you think the CGI is still good, I recommend watching Disney Dinasour. CGI still holds up and is better than this CGI, but the shades/Colors are a bit similar.
If the armor looks fantastic, especially the 501 armor that Boom mentioned, I recommend watching Star Wars: the Clone Wars for some dope armor, and it will add some context to the 501 Armor.
It's crazy you guys haven't seen Clone Wars; it's a great show with some of the best Star Wars content. You guys will love it.
RIP Biggs & Obi
To explain, why do Obi and Vader move so little with Light Sabers? Well, it's because when making the swords and giving them light, they had cables attached to the bottom. So A) they tried to be careful/not rough because they didn't want to break them. And B) they couldn't move much due to the cables. Imagine the lightsabers you have in your hand. You have an extension cable coming out of the bottom that has to be connected to the wall to turn on.
I have been waiting for this moment for so, so long. I’m so glad we’ve finally made it
Y'all Have FINALLY DONE IT! Let's go; I'm excited for you guys. Small comment on STAR WARS being Political. Every movie/story has a message/belief/political view, which is normal. Plus, every movie/show has issues or controversy (Beng racist, sexist, low pay, inadequate treatment of employees, bad people being in charge, controversial topics, etc.).
I think the biggest issue when people say something is WOKE (which is an overused word) is that the newest Star Wars content from Disney feels like they stuff your face with trying to be "righteous" or "progressive," but the quality of their work declines.
Princess Leia is a significant female lead. She shines in being a leader, caring, determined, etc., & there are moments where you see her weakness or even dislike her (Like when she was rude to Chewy). But you never heard or felt LucasFilms tell the audience, "Look at this movie, we have a female lead, we're so progressive," and then mention it in the movie, like "Look at all these men, they can prepare to attack the enemy, leave it to Leia, she a woman and knows how to handle the situation, unlike these men."
Everyone has their own opinions, and sometimes they can be bad takes. But Disney Star Wars has had a few more misses than hits.
Good Star Wars games are: Star Wars Republic Commando, Star Wars the Force Unleashed 1 & 2, Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga, Lego Star Wars 3 the Clone Wars, Star Wars Battlefront 1&2, Star Wars Battlefront (2015) Star Wars battlefront 2 (2017), Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order and It's Sequel Jedi Survivor, Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Academy, and Star Wars kinect dancing mode. ALSO POD RACER RACERS REVENGE
after They finish the movies they should play jedi fallan order
As someone who makes watching Star Wars episodes 1-6 an about quad-monthly occurence, I never get tired of these movies.
One of the best franchises there is.
I could probably give commentary to just about every scene in this film, same with the other five films of the Star Wars Saga.
One of my first ever memories from when I was 3 or 4 was watching the Star Wars movies on tv in '06.
Fun fact: the tiny rebellion fighting against the enormous empire was meant as a metaphor for the Viet Cong defeating America. That’s why the rebel base is on a rainy jungle world. And yet, somehow, someway, conservatives are losing their minds right now over politics in Star Wars.
Much like X-Men in that way
Best to worst of the main movies for me: 5, 3, 6, 4, 7, 1, 8, 9, 2
For me it's: 6, 8, 4, 5, 3, 9, 2, 1, 7.
My feelings about 9 1 and 2 change on the day so they are interchangable
Never understood the "attack of the clones" hate, I remember really enjoying it, much more than the sequels for sure
I don’t hate any of the movies. 2 just happens to be the one I rewatch the least and don’t find that memorable which is why it’s at the bottom of my ranking. It’s not bad imo. Just not as good as the other films.
If you guys think capes should come back then you need to watch the Incredibles
I am SO excited to watch you guys watch Star Wars! I really hope you decide to watch "The Clone Wars," because it's amazing! Especially the final season ("The Bad Batch" is really good too). I especially can't wait for you to get to "The Mandalorian," (PEDRO PASCAL, BABY) it one of my favorite Star War's shows. This was so, SO much fun to watch with you! I haven't seen "A New Hope" since...idk how long, but it's long enough that I forgot 80% of what happened, so this was like watching it for the first time again! I genuinely laughed at so many parts with you guys, and your comments are so funny. I can't wait for more Stars Wars! You're all so hilarious and watching you're video's lifts my spirit every time. Thanks for reacting to this!
I'm so glad you guys are watching these movies, they were a big part of my childhood and as much as Disney doesn't really know what to do with it, I still really love a lot of what the Star Wars franchise has given us!
I think once you finish the movies I think the clone wars show is worth a watch when you have a opening, it's a double whammy, cause it was a big show for me growing up and it's really good actually, I think you would like it.
So all the very obvious CGI stuff is not acctually original it was added in at a later date. The original movies had zero CGI and was done by special effects and props only.
I don't know why they did that. The CGI edits look so bad compared to just the original movie effects. And it seems to be so hard to find just the OG version of the movie anywhere.
Mos Eisley just always irks me so much whenever I see those new bits thrown in.
I'd love for a Mandalorian reaction after you get through the movies and other Star Wars stuff! I actually stopped at the movies for a while, Clone Wars series got me confused easily but I was younger so I didn't watch it. I didn't even watch the Rebels one, just my parents during dinner. But my mom and dad loved Mandalorian and so I gave in for a try and I loved it! I might just watch Clone Wars along with you guys too, definitely more fun.
For video games I'd love to recommend Knights of the Old Republic, my favorite to play growing up although I never made it very far lol
Definitely give the Clone Wars show a try. Yes, there are many episodes, and some that you may not find interesting. Watching the show chronologically is the best way to see it, IMO. But there is a YouTube video that breaks it down into season themes that look interesting, but I haven't watched it in that order. The show is really good and not a kids show at all. The end of Clone Wars is peak and totally worth it. I hope the guys and you watch it.
Sounds like great news that you're gladly watching all of Star Wars but you will NOT regret going beyond the movies, hope that happens somehow. It's a lot to commit to but blind reactions of the Star Wars "Expanded Universe" will make me so happy, and I mean we would love ALL of it: live action, animated, shows, and movies (excluding the kid shows of course). Most all of them will blow you away.
I suppose release order is the best policy, but just for fun and for reference, I wanted to list Star Wars in chronological order. (Only movies are in parenthesis, the rest is shows. Each line is a different "age" in-universe, some are simultaneous, and it was released very differently from this order.)
Acolyte, (EP1: Phantom Menace), (EP2: Attack of the Clones), (Clone Wars Movie), The Clone Wars, (EP3: Revenge of the Sith), The Bad Batch, (Solo), Kenobi, Andor, Rebels, (Rogue One),
(EP4: A New Hope), (EP5: Empire Strikes Back), (EP6: Return of the Jedi),
Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, Ahsoka,
(EP7: Force Awakens), (EP8: The Last Jedi), (EP9: Rise of Skywalker)
And of course, the popular anthologies that don't fit in just one spot or are not canon: Visions, Tales of the Jedi, and Tales of the Sith.
EDIT* - "Tales of the Empire"
We gotta get these mans to play Force Unleashed. It is the most fun I have ever had with a Star Wars game ever.
grown ass men gleefully swinging toy lightsabers gives me hope
oh my GOD u havent seen star wars??? this is gonna be good
Not seeing Clone Wars is akin to Ruff not seeing Star Wars! I look forward to that journey! Clone Wars is peak Star Wars lore imo.
they better watch the clone wars
i have more nostalgia for the prequels but the original trilogy is the best one.
I reccomend when watching the prequels to have an open mind cause i LOVED THEM but the original was better
The disney sequels are BAD like even the actors didnt like it
Also the clone wars tv show you guys would love i just can tell by your vibea
In terms of games there are plenty old and new. There is one movie tie in game for Episode 3. The more recent games are actually connected to the rest of the Star Wars Universe like 'Jedi Fallen Order' and 'Jedi Survivor' but those take place between the Original and Prequel trilogies.
Lotr after Star Wars PLEASE I WILL BEG
Any CGI in the original trilogy was added in post from the 1997 rerelease, as it wasn't commonplace in movies until the 90s
Another great reaction. I can’t wait to see you guys react to the other Star Wars movies. Two other movies I would like to see you guys react to is The Iron Giant and The Secret of NIMH.
There's a really well made reimagining of the Obi Wan Vader duel on YouTube called "Star Wars SC 38 Reimagined". It splices their own shots and choreography with footage from the original movie. It's really good and would make for a great short reaction.
You guys should definitely watch Star Wars the Clone Wars (in chronological order) after watching the first 6 movies! (official order: https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-the-clone-wars-chronological-episodeorder)
Day 26 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009
Y'all have to watch Rogue One after episode 3
If you plan on watching the rest. Go in release order. There are 9 mainline movies total: 4,5,6,1,2,3,7,8,9. There are spinoff movies too plus tv shows but for now those are the main movies of you plan on reacting to the rest soon.
Machete order is definitely the way to go- as far as first time reaction go. 4,5,1,2,3,6
I actually wouldn't recommend that order for first time users as it does spoil key details
Are you guys gonna react to the other ones too?
I'm sure somebody (let's be honest here, A LOT of somebodies) is already going to comment on the "Han Shot First" thing brought up in the reaction, so I'm gonna take the path less traveled: So, I last saw this particular movie roughly 12-13 years ago, and since then Carrie Fisher(RIP) had come out about the sexist bullshit she had to suffer through while making this trilogy and god I'm surprised I never noticed before but since she's pointed it out, I could NOT turn off the male brain when it was on screen. So, if you're wondering, the big one I'm talking about is how George Lucas didn't let her wear underwear on set (because "underwear doesn't exist in space"), so no bra or panties, and I feel so bad for her now that I'm watching this again after being armed with that knowledge because GOD DAMN it is noticeable, especially in that thin linen white robe/dress thing they make her wear in this movie. Like HOLY SHIT the jiggles she had to endure most have been hella uncomfortable, cause her girls are swinging like Gainax animated this bitch! No wonder she was on the biggest trash pile in the compactor scene, if she got wet then there would've been NOTHING left to the imagination.
I'm so happy she gets to be fully, properly clothed for the next movie's runtime atleast... Yeesh
I’d be shocked that Ruff hadn’t seen Star Wars if I hadn’t shown 3 different fully grown nerds Star Wars for the first time myself. It’s crazy how people can go decades being tuned in to nerd culture with anime, video games, cartoons, etc. without experiencing one of the most beloved and iconic pieces of pop culture ever made, I’m not mad at it though if it means we get to see these first time reactions
Hey Boom, y'all ?...your explanation of the greedo/han scene is the other way around, Han originally shot first. After years of people saying "the hero" would never shoot first, Lucas changed it (actually several times with cgi). You can see Hans head move through cgi in the current version. Many disagree with this since Han was doing what needed to be done
I honestly can’t believe people thought the hero couldn’t shoot first. He’s being held at gunpoint. That’s self defense no matter who fires the first shot.
Hearing Luke call Leia Beautiful threw and I'm not ok, it's gonne get real uncomfortable real fast...
I definitely think Ruff is gonna vibe with the prequels and Clone Wars the most.
I would be depressed if he liked the prequels over the original classics.
Bro we’ve come full circle. We been talking about doing Star Wars since Nani no anime
If you’re looking for Star Wars games I highly recommend the Knights of the Old republic games. They’re a bit dated but the story and characters are as good as the movies. Plus they take place thousands of years before the movies so no need to worry about any of the other movies being spoiled. There’s actually a remake in the works now.
100 percent agree. Also since it's a good gateway to DnD like me hanics
Can't wait for all the other movies as well!
After u watch the originals for the prequels Yall should do it how RTTV did it first 2 prequel movies then clone wars then 3rd movie
Interesting thing about the CGI effects is that some were added after the special edition of the trilogy was made. So some of the effects were not in the original release back when they first premiered.
So it probably has to do with me being sick, but booms no its a toy broke me, its been 5 minutes and I am still laughing about it. oh I love this so much.
YESSSSSSS. Btw watch all numbered movies in release order. You can watch Rogue One whenever but ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WATCH SOLO BEFORE FINISHING THE CLONE WARS SEASON 4. Also watch the shows in release order.
LET'S GOOOOO! I hope you guys watch the machete order for peak enjoyment and hypeness. ?
Incase anyone is wandering, machete order is: 4-5-1-2-3-6
Any other movie/series can be added in at viewers discretion.
After watching edits:
Ruff- Glad you liked it so much. You're definitely in for a wild ride.
Boom- You are troll sir and I am here for it. ?
Erik- Your continuous and vehement dislike for Pluto is starting to feel personal. *clutches at pearls*
Machette order?
Holy fuck it's happening!
If your interested in playing star war games, you gotta play star wars jedi fallen order, it takes place between ep 3 and 4. I recommend finishing the movies from 1 to 6.
After y'all watch episode 3 you have to watch Rogue One
Hell Yeah! Sadly I can't watch at the moment but definitely going to when I get home. I've been waiting for these reactions and the eventual Lord of the Rings.
And… here… we… GO!!! The long awaited journey begins at last!
Day 26 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009.
And congrats on finally getting Ruff to watch Star Wars
About damn time hope you also do the series like clone wars bad batch rebels mandalorian ahsoka and andor