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Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi Reaction

Movies | 5 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    Anakin and Luke did not get the force quickly at all, Anakin had years of formal training under Obi-Wan and Luke spent years off screen in between movies to get to where he was, even in the second movie he could barely pull his lightsaber out of the snow.

    Warning: Undefined variable $current_user_roles in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/sorta-stupid-2025/functions/walkers/Custom_Comment_Walker.php on line 235
  2. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    I think 9 needs a special eddition

    it has some great ideas but there are some major flaws a solid a re-edit can fix

    I honestly think the name is the biggest issue with the movie as there is a much better name for the movie that I guess they didn't want to use for "spoiler reasons" but it is something litterally ruined in the trailers leading up to the movie release as well as the opening text crawl with out any type of build up or suspense so changing a specfic word in the title would be a very welcome change to me personally

    I'll get more in depth on my thoughts on Rise of "Skywalker" when we get there but needless to say I think the Movie needs a masterful re-edit badly

    It's got potential... it's just bogged down by sloppy execution

  3. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    So a note about the balance of the force, the Sith are not a part of it. Their whole thing is about refusing to be a part of the balance and controlling the Force to force their own ambitions to fruition, cheating death is the biggest example of the Sith using their power to disrupt the balance and natural order

    There's a video of George talking about the nature of the Force on youtube, you guys should check it out, no spoilers or anything

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    1. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      Also to add, not saying the dark side isn't a part of the balance, its the Sith specifically that are not

  4. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    This movie is just so bad, and lets be clear im not a new starwars hater i actually really like movie 7 and even mostly like 9 except the endish. Rogue and solo are also prolly some of the BEST starwars movies. This movie just has so many bad points, why did holdo not say anything to poe, why the whole casino side plot for it to turn into nothing, why kill phasma, why is the most hopeful character luke lose all hope over some bs and then disconnect from everyone. Why show leia has the force in a goofy fly through space scene. Idk lots of bs in this, personally i really wish they redid this movie to make 9 make more sense and make the new trilogy more enjoyable. 

  5. shantheman99
    4 months

    For all the "cool scenes" this movie has, the atrocious writing absolutely ruins it for me. 

    For context in case anyone didn't know, they made episode 7 without having ANY IDEA where the story was going. They handed a director episode 7 and a blank sheet of paper and said "make episode 8 from scratch" and it shows.

    Why did they have a whole plan to bomb the dreadnought if they were just going to leave immediately as soon as they evacuated? If they followed leia's orders, they would've gone out, not made it to the ship, and immediately come back. 

    Why didn't Holdo tell him the plan? She had no reason not to, and it literally caused a mutiny, at which point she STILL DIDN'T TELL HIM

    Why are they in a slow spaceship chase at all? They have an EMPIRE'S worth of resources. Send one of those 7 star destroyers ahead at light speed to sandwich them, the chase is over.

    Finn and Rose's mission accomplishes nothing except for ruining Holdo's dumb plan because the code breaker exposed Holdo's plan. But how did he know her plan? Finn and Rose didn't. 

    Speaking of their plan, it was based on the first order not looking for little ships. Why wouldn't they? How did she know that? This plan could be foiled by them literally looking out the fucking window.

    If they could just lightspeed a ship into their fleet and do that much damage, why didn't they do that from the beginning? They had multiple ships, send one at lightspeed into the fleet, and escape on the others. This isn't a problem unless you introduce it as a possibility, which they did.

    Finn tries to sacrifice himself to save the entire rebellion. Instead, Rose crashes into him, which should've killed them both, then steals a kiss from him while silhouetted by the explosion of their entire rebellion dying behind them. 

    The Luke illusion thing is a cool concept, he does exactly what he says he wouldn't, pulls out a laser sword and faces down the whole first order. But, it's an illusion, so the first order focuses on that, the rebellion escapes, and the first order is fooled. BUT THEN LUKE DIES ANYWAYS!?!? The whole point of the illusion reveal is that Luke's not really here, so he's not in danger and will survive. If he's just gonna die, DON'T MAKE IT AN ILLUSION. Have him actually show up using the x wing they literally showed us earlier, and have an actual final stand. It's a pointless double fake-out. 

    Also, this isn't a writing thing and doesn't change much, but, why are their lasers arcing in space? There's no gravity, they would go straight. 

    This movie is an amalgamation of "cool scenes" the director thought of that he messily strung together without thinking it through. It's not that he had new ideas that's the problem, it's that they're executed terribly. 

  6. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    Wow, I must admit that it has a lot of epic scenes, but it still has a terrible plot design. The references to episode VII, some things got complicated just because Holdo didn't share the plan. Some plots came out of nowhere and ended in nothing, and they tried to fix the plot so much in the next movie that they contradict this one with more nostalgia.

  7. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    My inner sci-fi Billy is loving the Star Wars content. Hope you do some more sci-fi series like Babylon 5, Farscape, or 2004 Battlestar Galactica.

  8. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    Please do Ben 10 

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    1. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      They already did classic, and Alien Force

  9. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    While hated, especially by me, I do love aspects of this movie. Primarily, the Luke and Rey scenes, those are great! I like Space Las Vegas and all that they inspire to be. The problem with this movie that Boom pointed out, is that everything that anyone does in this movie results into nothing. Now failure is not a problem, but when ever result in your screen writing leads to nothing again and again, that's just poor writing.

    Movie begins, Po distracts the enemy military fleet with sitcom-styled antics. Then destroys all of their big-ship's defense weapons so that his bombers can destroy it. Doesn't matter because the ship has it's own fleet of TIE fighters to defend it (which should have been deployed before hand) [not to mention other Star Destroyers were in orbit with their own Squadrons]. The bombers show up, with decent fighter coverage, but all the fighters AND the bombers blow up before doing anything (for some reason their shields weren't armed), leaving only one to do the fatal blow (*AFTER the First Order ship blowing up the former resistance base and destroying a ship or two). Then they flee. And then they're found, through arbitrary means, which creates a non-sensical plot of racing across slow space, no hyperdrive that "happens" to land them near a planet they knew they'd find for refuge without jumping too and without them showing real movement to. Then Finn and Rose do their mission because Vice Admiral bitch won't tell people what their plan is. Now, if there was a spy on board being the tracking beacon as to why the First Order was tracking, that would matter to keep things secret, but THEY KNEW IT WAS TECH TRACKING THEM, WHY KEEP PLANS A SECRET?!?!??! Anyways, Rose and Finn do nothing of importance except make things worse. The VA watches for minutes while 10 ships get destroyed BEFORE SHE EVEN DOES ANYTHING!!!! Her last out is cool, but SHE COULD HAVE DONE IT SOONER!!!!!!!! Annnyyywaaaayyyssss, They get to the planet and hear that none of their "allies" want to help, leading to the whole thing being an almost total waste. The saving grace was Luke doing the super, awesome thing of doing the one thing forbidden by the Order, because the strain would literally kill you. Fans bitch about it and Leia doing these things and "why don't other Jedi do this?" Because they ain't Skywalkers! Anikin was super powerful, his twin children could do amazing things too! Back to the point of Luke, again, Jedi knew they could do this, but astroprojection takes a lot of use of the force, hence why it's forbidden. Luke broke the rules to save the Resistance.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      Call me crazy but I still enjoy the movie even tho I am (and was) aware of all the issues you mentioned (you even missed a couple). This is how I see it:

      1. You can be aware of the issues and hate the movie (like you)

      2. You can be aware of the issues and like/love the movie

      And I know, number 2 is probably not something that people can willingly choose, at least not everyone. That said, there is also a LOT of people who put more effort into finding issues with movies (so they can rant about it later) instead of focusing that energy on enjoying the movie... My 2 cents.

  10. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    Deadass do NOT watch Solo until you finish Clone wars it has a massive spoiler

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    1. sombra_hacker09
      4 months

      Nah it will be more funny 

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      1. Commenters avatar
        4 months

        No...? It'd just spoil probably the best thing about clone wars it'd suck if they ruined that reveal

  11. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    Star Wars always seems to struggle with taking risks vs playing it safe. Obviously this franchise has, and I think the constantly waffling between fan service and dynamic storytelling holds it back narratively. I like a lot of things this movie did, especially as someone who thinks grey force users are compelling and really liked the framing of jedi as an overzealous religion, plus this movie has some of the most visually stunning sequences out of any star wars movie.

    No star wars movie is flawless and I think too many people place the og trilogy on a pedestal, and I say this as someone who has loved star wars since I was old enough to remember it. (Gotta drop the credentials before having a star wars opinion on the internet lol)

    At its core, star wars is a fantasy set in space, it follows a very textbook hero's journey, so I really appreciate the commentary about Luke and Anakin also being "chosen ones". As always I feel you guys give fair reactions and a reason I've supported you so long is that you are always open to meeting things where they are and seeing the value in different narratives. I look forward to the next one. 

  12. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    "the writing feels forced" it is forced dammit

  13. hewmanity
    4 months

    "We don't win by fighting what we hate, we win by saving who we love" - she says while sacrificing her life to save the person she loved... who was about to sacrifice his life for the people he loved.

    Like, I enjoy the movie, but that scene was rough

  14. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    For those of you who don't know including sorta stupid. At the end of the credits in Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi theres a sound clip foreshadowing the 9th movie. I won't reveal what it is, but man it is so good! Go back and watch till the end and listen its awesome! Seriously SortaStupid you need to react to this! 

  15. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    It's been rough for fans like me who love The Last Jedi. It felt more like one of the SW novels being brought to the screen than a sequel movie, and I'm not blind to it's flaws, but it's my favorite movie out of all of them. 

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    1. kekkers
      4 months

      Damn straight

    2. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      thats a shame

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      1. Commenters avatar
        4 months

        Will you elaborate, please? I can't figure out if you mean it's a shame that fans of TLJ have it rough or if it is a shame my favorite TLJ is my favorite out of the Saga. 

  16. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    It's really interesting watching your reaction and comparing it to the discourse that happened at the time of the movie. While this movie is really divisive the next one seemingly united both sides, not in a good way. Looking forward to see your reaction to that one.

  17. sguy90
    4 months

    I will say, for Leia, not a spoiler, she is in the next one but they reused deleted scenes from episode 7 and mashed it into scenes for 9. In terms of story, you'll see where it goes, but let's just say episode 8 hate created some issues with 9

  18. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    (As an officially licensed nerd,) in regards to the timeline, the biggest time jump is between Episodes VI and VII (30 years), second longest is Episodes III and IV (19 years). Strictly inside trilogies, the longest time skip is between Episodes I and II (10 years). On average, the prequels have the longest time skips between episodes, and the sequels have the shortest time skips.

  19. ardeline
    4 months

    They did my Finn dirty man. Give this dude a lightsaber god damnit.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      I can’t tell you how many times I wished Finn was the main Jedi protagonist! I mean come on, a stormtrooper turned Jedi knight would’ve been a much better compelling story than another child from a desert planet!

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      1. Commenters avatar
        4 months

        Plus there’s be an interesting between him and Kylo because Finn is a traitor to the First Order

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        1. Commenters avatar
          4 months

          Dynamic. Interesting dynamic. Idk why I forgot to put that there.

  20. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    Can’t say this is a bad movie. Yeah the Finn and rose plot is meh and the Holdo plot is frustrating but I love everything else and besides the kiss I think the last third is peak Star Wars 

  21. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    To me star wars is like pizza, its always at least good. Saying He's just giving head to the motherboard is top tier.

  22. genericgamer283
    4 months

    First off, glad to see you enjoyed this movies. It has it's issues like any of the other ones, but overall it's just a fun watch. It definitely helps that you take Star Wars for what it is, and don't take it too seriously. Overanalyzing pixels in a frame has brain rotted movie discourse. Stuff like Finn and Rose's last scene is definitely the weakest link, but I think I enjoyed the casino plot line more than most. I kinda like that the plan was pointless, because A) It's nice to see the good guys just fail every once and a while, and B) the blame falls squarely on Poe for taking such a risky plan and endangering the Resistance (like literally, Holdo's transport plan would've worked if Poe didn't send Finn and Rose). Luke's final face off with Kylo is perfect in my eyes, and Boom pretty much articulated why. And while it probably would've been better to die here, I can't really critique that too much, since no one knew Carrie Fisher would die IRL (Fun fact, her daughter is in all 3 movies, which is really cool). 

    Second off, I HIGHLY encourage you to hold of on watching Solo until Season 4 of The Clone Wars. I can't say anymore without spoiling it, but a certain scene is gonna come straight out of left field, and you'll more than likely be very confused.

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    1. genericgamer283
      4 months

      Also, and fun thing to know, is that there were a lot of clues that hinted that Luke wasn't really there, from Leia giving him that look when he gave her the dice, to the blue lightsaber that Rey and Kylo just broke like 15 minutes prior, to him not leaving any footprints and refusing to attack, and of course, just looking a lot younger than he was in the island.

  23. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    I do have to admit, I really didn't like this movie when it came out and after seeing it again, I am still disappointed with how this one turned out. It just felt so disjointed and cut off from everything that was set up in Episode 7. I also didn't really like "both sides are bad" plotline they tried to go for with the Codebreaker, especially after Episode 7 set up the "modern people revitalized with an old, evil ideology" that Episode 7 put forth so well, especially since these movies came out during the rise of the Alt-Right and resurgence of fascism.Although I will say, trying to make Luke into a Gray Jedi in this one was such a mistake. Like, a regular Jedi would have known that the Dark Side needs to be weeded out from young Ben, not the reason for him to be put down. You can have your thoughts of the Jedi Council and their dogma be whatever, at the end of the day they're the ones who understand that any attempt to understand the Dark Side just leads to falling for it and becoming evil. At least they don't want to kill their masters to further their power and conquest.

    Ultimately, my litmus test for the Sequels were "does this feel like a Star Wars movie?" Episode 7 nailed it completely, it feels like a modern take on Star Wars. Episode 8 just feels like any random sci-fi that they slapped the Star Wars name on and called it a day. I will admit, I don't just completely hate it anymore like I did when it first came out, but I do still think this could have been so much more.

    On a more positive note, the scene where they use a starship as a battering ram with hyperspace was my favorite scene that I've ever seen in media. Seeing that in the theater made my jaw drop and I ended up actually saying "Whoa," in my seat. The cinematography in this movie is just top tier. And that end scene with Luke facing off is absolute cinema. Seeing him vanish while looking at the two suns made me tear up so badly.

  24. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    Great movie  has its problems but all star wars does 

  25. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    A bunch of people already said it but the whole casino plotline was literally pointless and it took like 1/3rds of the movie. I will admit the visual are great and it does have hype moments but that's all it is, hype moments, and not any that are particularly memorable (except the last scene with luke). I also don't like (and i believe mark hamill himself said as well) how luke was characterized, the symbol of hope, the man who saw light in the darkest soul and believed in it, i'm supposed to believe he just gave up on ben and immediately thought of drawing blood? i understand it was a moment of weakness but jesus christ its not the same as yelling at someone who didnt deserve it and feeling bad about it, dude was ready to snuff the darkness by shoving a stick of light in him

    the movie in a vacuum isn't that bad especially on the first watch so im glad yall enjoyed it

  26. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    This is the movie that Destroyed the Internet and it hasn’t been the same since. 

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    1. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      LOL what? Most of the internet is OK, I think you mean toxic Star Wars fans (or toxic people in general).

  27. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    I actually like this movie more than Force Awakens.The ending is especially fantastic

  28. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    Man fuck this movie

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    1. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      So edgy, congrats.

  29. smilingknight
    4 months

    The baseball bat trilogy 

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    1. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      They’re wiffle ball bats! Get it right!

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      1. smilingknight
        4 months

        Oh my bad lmao

  30. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    Ah yes. I love Holdos plan of not telling her crew her plan so that they dont believe in her making her people even more desperate. The nonsensical casino adventure just made everything worse. Those weird-ass Bombers who have no reason to work in the vacuum of space. Okay, at least the Rose Scene got them lol. That poor actress got so much hate for the bad writing even though she had nothing to do with it.

  31. olin616
    4 months

    This is the one, THIS is the one Star Wars film that made a lot of fans change their mind about the prequels? - It’s crazy. For anyone reading this, if you didn’t like the movie, that’s fine, I didn’t either, but maybe don’t use this comment section a place to dogpile argumentative comments.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      The sad thing is thanks to this movie and the next one, so many fans suddenly realized that the prequels don’t seem so bad

    2. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      you are on the internet

  32. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    once again good visuals mediocre story

  33. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    If youre going to watch Solo please watch it after season 4 of Clone Wars

  34. marvoeous
    4 months

    You guys should watch HISHE for Star Wars. It's all on YouTube

  35. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    I'm torn between this and Rogue One being the best looking Star Wars movie. It really is a beautifully shot flick.

  36. kekkers
    4 months

    Here we go with my favorite of the new stuff.  Looking forward to which side of the fence they fall on

  37. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    They ruin Luke's character, Holdo was an annoying overbearing character, the casino sub-plot was pretty forgettable, and have nothing for Finn to do, Snoke was over hyped and was killed off easily. There are many more examples but this is what happens when these people "literally" put out these movies without a plan on what to do next in the story and making it up as they release them.

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    1. thereverend1972
      4 months

      I never understand when people say Luke's character was ruined. He was literally trained by two masters who did the same thing, they thought they failed and went into hiding. He did exactly the same thing. I do however totally agree with canto bight  issue, such a waste of time. 

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      1. devontetheenigma
        4 months

        But that's the reason how they ruined his character. Luke Skywalker went from believing in the good of someone who seemly was completely consumed by the dark side and was considered 1 of the most feared things in the galaxy to giving up on his nephew that seemingly is becoming consumed by the dark side. That makes no sense for his character to be written in such a way.

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        1. Commenters avatar
          4 months

          In legends Luke redeemed so many dark side users, one of which he married and had a son with, another officiated his wedding, and another became his most prized apprentice. I can’t believe for a single second that he would just immediately pass judgement like that on his own nephew! Legends Luke=True Luke it’s not even a contest

  38. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    I'm hoping I'll like it better this time. It's not a new hope, but it's hope.

  39. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    I want start off saying, first time I watched this movie I really liked it. However, every time I rewatch it, I find more and more and more that I do not like. Even from my first watch though, Holdo was really annoying and just aggravating. The whole casino plot line was pointless, made doubly so by having none of it matter in 9. The only real interesting parts of the movie was the stuff with Rey and Luke and Kylo. I don't hate the movie, but I find it to be the most disappointing Star Wars movie in the history of the franchise. Also, this is the first Star Wars movie that is a direct continuation from it's predecessor. Every other Star Wars movie takes place years apart from the previous and following except Last Jedi which picks up right after 7 ended. They really tried bucking every tradition for this movie and overall I kinda think it all ended up backfiring as nothing has really ever recovered from the backlash of this movie.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      Thankfully Rian Johnson's career wasn't damaged, I mean his trilogy probably ain't ever gonna happen, but I'm glad he had success with Knives Out after this.

  40. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    Almost time for ep 9

  41. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    good movie bad Star Wars movie

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    1. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      I personally really enjoyed it. I think that, instead of the director from the first movie taking a hard right to try and course correct what the second movie did, and instead keeping the same director from the second movie and staying the course, the trilogy could have been great. Yes it was different, and changed things and went in its own direction, but that's what I personally loved about it. If the third movie built on it instead of trying to undo movie 2 to try and keep the half assed nostalgia bait of the first movie, then I think this could've ended up a much better trilogy. But oh well.

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      1. kekkers
        4 months

        Same big fan of this one. Really wish they continued the direction with it. 

    2. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      this trilogy is a series of wasted potential

    3. Commenters avatar
      4 months

      Second this


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