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Star Wars II – Attack of the Clones Reaction

Movies | 10 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    the cloners 200,000 clones they are perfect in every way and are obedient to any and all orders given and we have 1 million more in the making. also the cloners they only have one weakness, they have the worst aim in the universe.

    Warning: Undefined variable $current_user_roles in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/sorta-stupid-2025/functions/walkers/Custom_Comment_Walker.php on line 235
  2. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Is H-Man no longer part of the group? I recognize he hasnt or will not make the move to Texas. However if anyone knows what his status is in terms of the group? Like is mans getting a check every month and not having to participate or what?! 

  3. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Don’t worry guys this is literally the worst Star Wars movie and everything goes up from here. 

  4. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Attack of the clones lets go!!Some of the things i love about this movie we get some awesome new Characters Count Dooku one of the greatest duelists in the history of the Jedi order played amazingly by Christopher Lee,Jango Fett and off course the Clones.I love that we also get some back story on Boba Fetts origin too.I do love how a lot of this one focuses on Anakins and Padmes falling for eachother (Across the stars to love is one of the greatest Star wars Score ever)but also glimpses of Anakin starting to have hints of the dark side about him wanting more power releasing his anger and hatred and straying dangerously close to the dark path and those notes of vaders theme chefs kiss!?there are so many awesome moments the Arena fight against the creatures the jedi arriving to fight the droids and so many epic lightsaber duels in this one too all overshadowed off course by Yoda vs Count Dooku still gives me chills every time?i would definitley recommend Clone wars in Chronological order you get so many amazing stories and characters answers to questions and most importantly so much more depth to the Clones awesome reaction guys!?

  5. snakegoddess
    8 months

    i love all of star was but man does this one make me cringe hard. 

  6. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    So yes about the purple lightsaber but the lore about it is because mace uses both sides of the force

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      8 months

      he dosent really use both sides of the force, he just taps into his emotions more then other jedi and is in fact one of the only to be able to without turning dark

  7. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Please watch the Obi-Wan Kenobi series

  8. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Honestly, while I do have gripes with the prequels (I'm one of the people who doesn't love the midi-chlorians--overexplaining a soft magic system rarely improves it, and while I appreciate the allegory, the whole "midi-chlorian immaculate conception" with Anakin is real weird and heavy handed--I think things like Jar Jar sometimes mess with tone, I wish we'd gotten more about Qui-Gon he's kinda flat, Anakin/Padme's romantic development is a bit bumpy, the whole child murder thing was brushed past wayyyy too quick, I don't think Hayden Christensen is a bad actor like some people but his script and some of the delivery do make him come off whiney and annoying sometimes--prefer Anakin's characterization in the show, and the overreliance on cgi dates the movies in ways lots of the practical effects of the ogs don't, etc.) I agree people overdramatize the issues.

    I also have gripes with the og trilogy, they aren't perfect movies either. I'd say as a whole, the prequels avg out to a score in the high 70s/low 80s and the ogs to one in the mid to high 80s for me if I take off my nostalgia blinders, their quality isn't that different. I think a lot of that lack of "wonder" probably comes down to time. There's a 20 year gap between this movie and Return of the Jedi, a lot of reviewers probably saw the latter as children or teens/young adults, and saw the prequels much older. As someone who grew up watching the complete series, I get the same childlike wonder and nostalgia for the prequels as I do the ogs, and they certainly have personality.

  9. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Yoda mentions more than once that their sight is clouded by the dark side of the force, as if a kind of "fog" was preventing them to sense things. This is the doing of Palpatine. Hope that helps clear things up about the jedi council not being able to sense the sith menace.

  10. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    if you watch Clone Wars, watch the 2003 version first. much shorter and definitely worth it

  11. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    If you do end up watching clones wars look up the chronological order it will make life so much easier

  12. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Clone Troopers, not storm troopers

  13. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Man this has been fun, I haven’t seen attack of the clones in 15 years or so it’s definitely better than i remember. On the rewatch so far I’d probably rank them: ep 5, 4, 1, 6, 2. Rogue one & ep 3 are sick so I’m excited

  14. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    In fairness Hayden Christianson was a bad actor but it’s entertaining & fun hahaha

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    1. Commenters avatar
      9 months

      he def wasnt a bad actor. hes shown so in everything else hes done. and he acted well as anakin too. the lines make his performance fall flat bc the emotion he puts into contrasts too much with the dialogue.

  15. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    For the love of god PLEASE don't forget about Rogue One.

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      9 months

      I'd be more worried about ROTS, currently.

  16. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Ruff keeps saying C-P3O instead of C-3PO, gotta love the dedication.

  17. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Lol so u guys talked about Windu's lightsaber being purple and both the actual and in story cannon reasons as to why it was that color. Like Boom said in the new games, Fallen Order and Survivor, as well as before them they had technically made up to like 6-8 different available colors lightsabers COULD be and they all have a cannonical reasoning as to why someone would have a saber in that color an why blue/green are the most common by far

  18. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    I really hope that they get around to reacting to the Clone Wars after all of these

  19. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Btw, fun fact, since you guys talked so much about ADR in the original trilogy reactions:

    Episode 2 used new cameras that made an obnoxious sound which could be heard on literally every recording they made during this films production. Literally every line in this movie had to be ADRed because the audio from filming was unsalvageable.

  20. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Just like with episode 1 I get so incredibly giddy whenever I watch Episode 2.

    That one review talking about "no sense of wonder" must've been watching an entirely different movie.

    The prequels, just like the originals, fill me with childlike wonder on the 40th viewing just like they did on my first when I was a child.

    I genuinely love all of these movies and cry tears of joy or sadness in every single one of them, whenever I rewatch them, which usually happens on at least a bi-yearly basis.

    This movie has so many moments that just hook me every time, chief among them being Anakin's rescue of his mother and the following scene where Anakin lets out all his frustration and anger in the moisture farm. I do not care what critics think, Hayden Christensen was phenomenal as Anakin in this. He played him the way Anakin was supposed to be. An emotionally repressed teenager that's dealing with a huge case of the romance and intense emotional trauma, both of which he was never taught to deal with properly.

    Wonderful movie, loved your reactions!

  21. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    RedLetterMedia's YouTube prequel reviews have probably the greatest amalgamation of gripes with these movies. If you're genuinely interested in where the hate comes from, they're a must watch. I can still enjoy the prequels myself in spite of being an RLM fan, but the reviews are practically a pop culture phenomenon themselves.

  22. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    For me, as a kid seeing the prequels in theaters I felt like episode 1 was a really interesting world but I admit I was very bored between action scenes, but I felt like the pod race was worth the price of admission. As an adult that didn't get much better, but I still felt like it was fine. Episode 2 though, I was surprised to learn I was in the minority thinking this was the best, I loved this one as a kid and it's still the one I like best as an adult. I know people love 3, for me it gets a bit too dark (but that's obviously to be expected) I loved the clone war segment at the end, I loved seeing all the jedi in the arena, like to me episode 1 is perfectly serviceable, but episode 2 is really fun. Plus it launched two great series, and awesome comics with some of the best stories. I think most of the hate comes to expectations.

  23. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    If you guys didn't know, there is also a possibility that James Bond was based on Christopher Lee. I believe he was a spy during WW2. 

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      9 months

      Pretty sure that's a confirmed fact. Sir Christopher Lee was friends with or related to the guy that created James Bond.

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      1. Commenters avatar
        9 months

        I'm pretty sure he was his cousin, if I remember correctly. 

  24. masterfulpaladin
    9 months

    There's a theory that Anakin was subconsciously Force Persuading Padme this whole movie, which explains the awkward, seemingly forced, writing wise, amd speed of said romance.

  25. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Watch the third movie and then begin the clone wars show, your reactions to the series would be so great 

  26. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    There only being 2 sith isn't a rule or anything, it's just how the society evolved. There used to be more sith, but they kept betraying eachother to gain power, so now, to keep betrayals to a minimum, there are only 2, the master and the apprentice.

    Expand 2 replies
    1. Commenters avatar
      9 months

      It’s literally referred to in canon as the RULE of Two. It is an official decree in the Sith doctrine 

    2. bbenzo.
      9 months

      No, it’s literally a rule started by Darth Bane lol

  27. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Yeah. I never understood the hate the prequels got. I've loved them from first viewing.

  28. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Y’all would absolutely lose your phucking minds over the Star Wars the Old Republic trailers!! 

  29. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Im in the middle on the prequels, I think it brings some REALLY creative ideas and world building for star wars that other pieces of media take and do things that I adore (Clone wars) but the movies themselves despite having these cool ideas, do have some moments that are kinda meh to get through, but overall I do enjoy them. 

    Especially when you know all the memes that people have made with these movies, then even the boring parts are very entertaining

  30. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Ruff, I'm telling you right now, your opinion on the prequels will not change after Episode III. If you thought the first two movies were awesome, you are not prepared for this one. This is easily the best movie of the trilogy and was my favorite Star Wars movie for years (it might still be, I go back and forth between this and Episode VI). I also just want to say that I'm so glad you're enjoying these movies, and it has been well worth the wait. I can't wait for you to see Revenge of the Sith!!

  31. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    You guys are awesome! This was a good reaction vid for sure. Recommendation: You MUST watch the Star Wars the Clone Wars series. It's absolutely astounding! A good seven seasons too. :)

  32. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Something you have to keep in mind with reviews, what you watch now is not what was in the cinema back in the day.

    While the prequels haven't been edited as extensively as the original trilogy, they still added a few lines of extra dialogue, changed some parts and reordered some scenes to improve the pacing.

    (and in episode I replaced puppet Yoda with CGI Yoda)

  33. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    If you recognize the names of some of these planets, they use them a lot for places in the My Hero Academia anime because the creator is a Star Wars fan!

  34. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    I think most of the complaints about this were to do with the writing, mostly around the romance being so hokey (I don't like sand). Later on people started disliking how endless the CG and Green Screen stuff was but at the time I don't remember that.

  35. wynosaurus
    9 months

    Dooku was a full jedi master before he left the Jedi. Only rank above Jedi Master is Jedi Grandmaster, of which only Yoda is a grand master. Dooku was also Qui-gon's master, so when Qui-gon was a padawan that's who he trained under.

  36. wynosaurus
    9 months

    The 2nd, third, and fourth episode of Tales of the Jedi cover Dooku's background. So that might be a fun watch, however dont watch the other three because they have Clone Wars spoilers

  37. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    A lot of your questions about the world building and the force are answered in The Clone Wars (and other subsequent series)

  38. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    You can tell a lot about someone by the shape of their chin

  39. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    The Jedi can't have relationships stuff is something I really *did not like* when the concept was first introduced in this movie, but it got expanded upon in a variety of interviews, books and games in a way that really does paint the Jedi of this time period as having lost their own way. Anakin's using it as justification, but he's right that the ban is against attachment, not love.

    I don't believe the Jedi Code is ever actually detailed in the movies, though it's mentioned. There are two versions. The one being followed in these movies is:

    There is no emotion, there is peace.

    There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

    There is no passion, there is serenity.

    There is no chaos, there is harmony.

    There is no death, there is the Force.

    However, the older version is this:

    Emotion, yet peace.

    Ignorance, yet knowledge.

    Passion, yet serenity.

    Chaos, yet harmony.

    Death, yet the Force.

    By the time of these movies, the Jedi philosophy has lost a lot of the nuance it had, and has gone from accepting one's feelings and making peace with them, to denying one's feelings and shying away from them. Anakin's afraid, and instead of teaching him how to work through that fear and come to terms with it, he's told it's bad to be afraid and he should just knock that shit off. Obviously, that's not how people work. The Force is about balance, and the Jedi themselves have slid too far to one side, which leaves a whole lot of weaknesses exposed that can be exploited by the Sith. Dooku was afraid too, after all.

    RE: the Sith, it's not necessary to be Jedi or Sith to use the Force, those are just the two largest philosophies that are constantly butting heads. Worth noting that a Jedi can fall to the Dark Side without becoming Sith, though the Sith usually do snatch them up when it happens, or actively recruit that way. I think the Rule of Two popped up in one of the novels, but iirc it was essentially because the Sith were such backstabbing assholes by design, they were constantly warring with and destroying each other. Sith apprentices are expected to eventually kill their masters; if they succeed, that proves they were stronger, if they fail, that proves they were too weak. The Old Republic (the MMO, not the singleplayer game, so no spoilers there), puts a lot of emphasis on how unworkably chaotic and self destructive an empire run by a whole lot of Sith Lords is, including various Sith Lords trying to break away and make competing empires in the middle of a war against the Jedi.

  40. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Watching these now with my knowledge of mental health and clear warning signs, I can definitively say the Anakin absolutely has some form of a personality disorder or other mental illness, considering his outbursts and very unhinged behavior. Also I will die on the hill that Anakin's infatuaton with Padme is creepy and obsessive and that girl should've run for the hills. All in all I'm really glad you guys are watching this series, Ruff's reactions are the most entertaining. Thanks for another great reaction!

  41. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    From my moderate understanding, the thirst for power and general greed of the Sith caused lots of infighting when it was a larger order, so the last remaining sith at the time Darth Bane made a new system where there would only ever be two existing sith lords: A master and an apprentice. A master to wield the full power of the Dark Side, and an apprentice wishing to take that power from the master. The apprentice would overthrow the master if they became more powerful, and become the new master and find a new aprentice, or the master would discard the apprentice if they found a more promising one. In one of the kotor games, you can go to an abandoned sith temple and get alot of neat lore about them.

  42. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    i reccomend for the gaming channel bounty hunter ITS JANGOS BAD ASS STORY

  43. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    I think the biggest issue with the sequel trilogy is the 9th movie

    it kinda retroactivley ruined the other 2 tainting the whole trilogy

    I think there's a good movie hidden in movie 9 and a really good recut of just 9 could save the entire sequel trilogy

  44. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    I know there’s probably gonna be a million comments on this but Clone troopers are not the same as stormtroopers. I don’t blame yall for not knowing that bc a lot of the fucked up context surrounding the clones isn’t explained in the movies but rather in the shows, specifically clone wars, Bad Batch, and SW:Rebels.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      9 months

      They seem to think they're Australian for some reason. I guess to Americans maybe it sounds like it.

      Expand 1 reply
      1. Commenters avatar
        9 months

        They think they’re Australian because the clones have New Zealand accents.

  45. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Fun facts. At the end of the movie when Padme and Anakin got married they exchanged R2 and C3PO as wedding gifts.

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      9 months

      that makes sense

  46. lightning63
    9 months

    Yes please do Clone Wars

  47. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    If you guys decide to watch the 2008 Clone Wars series. A lot of fans recommend watching it in chronological order.

    You can find it easily on by simply searching "Clone Wars chronological order"

    That being said it can just be watched the way it is in release order on Disney+.

    If need, if you plan to do the chrono. Order, then just keep an eye on the list and remember which episode to go to.

    The list only really needs to be used for Seasons 1 and 2 the rest is good to go in terms of order in episodes to watch.

  48. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    episode 3 is my favorite out of all the movies also yes on clone wars if yall have time

  49. wynosaurus
    9 months

    I DO HOPE you guys watch The Clone Wars and Rebels before Mandalorian. Mandalorian has plot threads that began in the Clone Wars and Rebels

  50. wynosaurus
    9 months

    stormtroopers are all civvie conscripts. Whereas Clone Troopers were phased out in the early days of the Empire.

  51. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    retconned lore after the sam jackson request was purple is a little bit light and a little bit dark

  52. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    There’s comic or book that explains where Jar Jar is in the Original Trilogy and the immediate aftermath. Because he gave emergency powers to Palpatine, ushering in the rule of the Empire. His people banished him again. After Return of the Jedi, he’s living as a homeless guy on the streets of Theed(a city on Naboo) who has to be a clown for the city’s children in order to make money. The adults refuse to talk to him or even say his name out loud. Also some people made up rumors that Jar Jar was Darth Vader.

  53. wynosaurus
    9 months

    In my opinion in terms of technical storytelling I think this is among the two weakest movies. However I love it, the opening sequence, the fight on kamino, the CLONES one of my favorite aspects of star wars

  54. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Not sure when you guys will start watching some of the tv series… but if you start watching The Mandalorian, just remember The Book of Boba Fett is basically a part of that series and takes place between season 2 and 3 of The Mandalorian 

    It would have made it easier if Disney+ just grouped them together under the same title

    Expand 1 reply
    1. unassumingnpc
      9 months

      It’s probably best you don’t talk about when future shows take place. It might spoil a few things.

  55. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    The first movie in the sequel trilogy is not a bad film at all genuinely and a lot of people saw it as a true revival of the franchise when it first released, Unfortunately Disney decided to change directors for Episode 8 and the new director Rian Johnson had different plans than JJ Abrams. So when they switched back to JJ Abrams for Episode 9 he had to try to tie in the events of Episode 8 into his existing trilogy plan and cram in a bunch of story beats to end it the way he’d planned and a lot of people feel it bogs down the pacing.

    There are a lot of things to like that still feel like Star Wars within the Sequel Trilogy but it’s held back by a lack of direction really when people say they hate the Sequel Trilogy they usually mean they hate Episode 8 and 9 they were so poorly received by fans that it retroactively hurt the reputation of Episode 7

  56. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    I actually enjoyed the third trilogy (I do have issues with the final one but I digress lol), because overall they still felt like Star Wars! Can't wait for you to get to them but also suuuuper hype for episode 3 !!!!

  57. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    “I failed you senator.” What do you mean?! You did your job perfectly, you’re a decoy! If you die in an assassination attempt on the senator then you’ve done your job right!

  58. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Man seeing Anakin lose his mom, after re watching Injustice with you guys, I never realized how similar Anakin and Superman are when they channel that darkness from loss.

  59. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    I think one of the biggest factors for the hate is also the fact that there's a lot of times when people will either be nostalgia blind or just straight up not remember a lot of aspects of the original trilogy because they came out 22 years later. I notice it a lot with stuff today where people will look at the past with rose tinted glasses and look at stuff today with emerald tinted glasses. 

  60. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    So, to start, this has always been my favorite Star Wars movie. It's not any more cheesy or stilted than the original trilogy. It's visually amazing and for only being two-ish hours the story does a LOT of groundwork. The problem, to me at least, is that most of it is IMPLIED rather than spelled out for the audience. For that I believe the books, comics, and series really do the heavy lifting. Whereas the movies are almost like a 2-3 hour commercial to draw you into the other media so you can figure out what the hell is actually happening. ?

    Here we see EVERYONE more or less talking over, dismissing, or flat out ignoring Anakin's opinion. Obi-Wan does it constantly in front of and behind Anakin's back to everyone he speaks to about him. Always emphasizing him being too young. Padme does it almost as a defence mechanism to fight her own feelings, but goes so far as to not tell him her plans on where to hide when HE'S the one in charge of her security and he can't do his job if she doesn't plan with him, and then also cuts him off when someone else asked his opinion saying he wasn't a real Jedi. Like he was there for show. His anger and snappiness isn't so surprising in those circumstances. Especially when we see the moments where his is free to exercise his tactical skills, like the bit at the end when he is commanding the troops where to fire. The Clone Wars does a magnificent job of showing us Jedi Knight Anakin and his abilities when not quite so hamstringed. Not to say he doesn't cause his own share or problems. After all, the first cardinal rule of Star Wars is no one out extras Anakin except for Anakin. ?

    The books and comics really flesh out the WHY of Anakin's attitude at this point in his apprenticeship, sufficed to say the Jedi do not do themselves many favors in their handling of a recently freed slave child that has seen a lot of bad things, clearly will not be able to forget his mother like the Force babies they take, and is being told constantly that he is "The Chosen One" and therefore is expected to be exactly as they say. The books/comics are also great for delving into just how sensitive he is to others, the feelings they are projecting, and his efforts to deflect them while dealing with his own. For real, man needs therapy, a puppy to cuddle, and a vacation.

    Yoda actually acknowledging that ALL the Jedi have been becoming arrogant is such an important detail they put in this movie because it only grows exponentially. Like the librarian flat out refusing to acknowledge that their information could be incomplete. Or that they have forbidden love. There's more to it I know, but in the simple form that is a hell of a mandate.

    This movie also implies that Obi-Wan is more than a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to his own behavior and recklessness. AKA: jumping out a plate glass window to catch the assassin then getting irritated when Anakin jumps out of the speeder to do the same thing.

    AOTC does a great job of showing how amazing Padme is while also displaying she is flawed and has her own struggles. Her back and forth over Anakin is just as frustrating for us as it is him. Her face when she recognized him was pure joy, directly followed by a flash of panic when, 'Oh no! Boy I knew grew hot!' Deflect! Deflect! ?

    R2D2 is the main character. I'm not sure there is any fan that will argue against that. Especially after watching Clone Wars or reading other media. No spoilers, but the droid puts in the work.

  61. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    I NEED cline wars reactions

  62. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    You guys should react to the Lego Star Wars Rebuild The Galaxy Trailer.

  63. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Man I cant wait for you guys to watch the next one. Revenge of the Sith is my favorite Star Wars movie. Also not sure if you caught it but Sidious called Dooku Darth Tyranus and Jango said he was hired by Tyranus. i mean you could see Jango was working for Dooku but just thought id say it. Tyranus is Dookus sith name. Also i hope you guys do start watching Clone Wars after the Prequels and even Star Wars Rebels eventually which takes place in between the Prequels and the OG trilogy. There is just so much for you guys to watch and i cant wait. I definitely agree with that opinion, I enjoy the Prequels more than the OG (doesnt mean i dont Love the OG, I do,  the Prequels are just my favorite). as for the new trilogy i do have problems with certain things but i still look forward to hear what you guys have to say. 

  64. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    SO MUCH STAR WARS CONTENT. i lovee it. i need moreee. CONSUME BILLYY

  65. devontetheenigma
    9 months

    Episode 3 in many ways is like the best Star Wars movie 

  66. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    oh you should absolutlyy watch the clone wars show, maybe even before episode 3

  67. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Also kind of ironic that Boba Fett ended up falling into the Sarlacc pit because Han damaged his Jet pack and then here Jango Lost his head because his Jet pack got damaged

  68. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Only most of the way through but just wanted to clarify that Storm Troopers are different than Clone Troopers but as others have said ill leave it there for now since you'll learn more later on as you go.

  69. sguy90
    9 months

    Couple of corrections, Dooku was Yoda's Padawan yes but he was a Jedi Master when he left as he was Qui Gon's master. Also the clones are not the same as storm troopers but that's something for later. I'm glad that you guys are enjoying them and forming your own opinions. I'm interested in seeing your opinions of the sequel trilogy. The Clone Wars is great for world and character building that I think you will enjoy. There is a movie for that too. I know some will say to watch in chronological order, which there is a list of episodes in the correct order but you can watch the show in release order and be fine. It's whatever you want really 

  70. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Boom is right about Windu's actor wanting a purple saber, but it's also a lore thing. The color of a lightsaber has a meaning

    Expand 1 reply
    1. wynosaurus
      9 months

      Well in the old legends lore the lightsaber colors had vague meaning but it wasn’t consistent to the characters since it was added after the fact. In present canon there are no confirmed meanings to the colors, only that a lightsaber crystal is clear until it is chosen and made into a lightsaber, normal lightsabers have to be corrupted and bled to be made red, and white lightsabers are purified red ones

  71. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Definitely watch the Clone Wars. Everything emotionally devastating about these movies becomes 1000% sadder after that show. Also, characters from Clone Wars will pop up in other places, so Clone Wars is the show to start with. Literally every other show comes from Clone Wars

    Expand 1 reply
    1. psycred
      9 months

      Definitely before starting Mandalorian and all the live action shows, you have to watch Clone Wars and Rebels. The live action shows have elements of them that you won’t understand without watching the animated shows

  72. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    did yall hear Yoda talking normal to the clone commander? always threw me off

  73. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    We have yet to see a movie or series that Ruff dislikes. And I shudder at the thought of it.

    Expand 3 replies
    1. Commenters avatar
      9 months

      One that I think he grew to dislike was the rise of TMNT. They did season 1 and like 1 episode of Season 2 before skipping the entire season and watching the last episode. I don't know what his opinion is now because they did just watch the movie but I know they grew to dislike it

    2. Commenters avatar
      9 months

      He hated the Last Airbender movie

    3. maskedmagician
      9 months

      if you remember some of the 1 episode streams he did he really didn't like one of them can't recall which anime lol

  74. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    The Rule of 2 was a Sith Rule put in place by (I believe it was Darth Bane don’t quote me it star wars fans??) where only 2 Sith (a Sith Lord and their apprentice) can exist at once. I loved the scene where Anakin gets Revenge on the Tusken Raiders and Yoda is feeling into the force and hears Qui-Gon telling Anakin “Anakin, No!!”. You won’t know why really till the next movie or maybe even the Clone Wars show but man do I love the Prequels??.

  75. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    I will say even if you don't want to watch all of the clone wars(since there's several seasons to get through) bit it is is a great show and doss delve into characters more, I will say Ruff would get some of the things he wished for happening in the show. There is a scene at the end of Solo that will just be confusing if you haven't watched Clone Wars though.

    Can't wait for episode 3 my favourite movie of the franchise

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    1. Commenters avatar
      9 months

      Couldn’t agree more that 3 is my favorite, it’s just to good.??

  76. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    The reasons people don’t like the prequels is bad directing choices from George Lucas and sloppy dialogue like the sand speech, the other main reason is because it murkied some of the nerd stuff like midochlorians and just made it more complicated and confusing.

  77. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    only part way through this reaction but to go into there conversation about Jedi and Sith. A person who can use the force doesnt have to be a jedi or sith, they start off as just being Force sensitive and it depends on what kind of training you get, what path you take etc. also there is the ability to hide your presence with the Force, as Yoda said the future is clouded by the dark side, so the dark side can cloud the senses so you wont always be able to tell who is a sith or not or see the future and etc. The Force has many abilities.

  78. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    To answer Erik, sith don't have to be former jedi, a lot of them just happen to be. Palpatine and Darth Maul were never jedi, they were just regular people

  79. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Lets Go! Episode 2!

  80. hurryupmode
    9 months

    One thing that really bothers me about this one is the cringy and stilted "romantic" dialogue. George Lucas can't write romance for beans, lol.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      9 months

      Strange Magic really wasn't too bad if you can get over it being a jukebox musical romance movie. I like that one lol, but yeah, Anakin is giving me creep-factor red flags in these movies. The show builds their relationship up a bit better.

  81. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Man, imagine Oda finishes One Piece and the treasure is 1.2 million clones.

  82. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    From the Wiki: The Rule of Two was instituted by Darth Bane in response to what he viewed as inevitable, self-destructive infighting within the Sith Order. The Rule of Two states that there would be only two Sith at one time, a master and an apprentice, guaranteeing that when the apprentice becomes powerful enough in the ways of the dark sideto take the title of master, only then would they be worthy of the title. This transfer of power would only take place when the apprentice takes their master's life and finds a worthy student to repeat the cycle, this way the Sith will grow more powerful and still exist through the new master.

  83. sombra_hacker09
    9 months

    In lore wise maces lightsaber is purple because he has perfect balance between the light and dark side of the force as he uses it in his own lightsaber form vapad which feeds off the darkness of an opponent sending jt back at them

  84. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    one of the reasons there is only 2 siths is beacuse the dark side makes you power hungry which during the ancient war between the jedi and the sith, the sith lost alot of numbers beacuse they killed each other to try and get stronger

  85. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Damn you guys are watching these fast love it

  86. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    A Long Long Long time ago there used to be much more Sith and Jedi and they had a huge war. Like absolutely insanely crazy war. The Sith lost and were thought to be extinct by the Jedi. However a couple survived and made a rule known as the “Rule of two”, which basically is in order to ensure that the Jedi don’t become aware of them there would only ever be two Sith at a time so as to be harder to detect. A master to train the Second Sith in the dark Arts and an apprentice to train to become stronger and replace his master someday. Usually by killing him, Force users can live for extremely long times and the apprentice will become impatient and want to take the reins now believing themselves stronger then the master. This rule was made to make the war against the Jedi a long and methodical one. Where as instead of using brute force the two Sith work behind the scenes to destroy the republic and Jedi.


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