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Rise of the TMNT Movie REACTION

Movies | 1 year ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    4 months

    Not that anyone is going to see this, but what makes the opening even more depressing is that Leo and Mikey are the last of the Turtles to be alive with Casey, with some deleted scenes revealing that earlier on in the Rebellion -  which was created from any surviving humans and mutants on Earth to fight against the Krang - Raph was killed in some kind of manner of protecting his brothers (similar to the scene of him protecting Leo) and then later Donnie as well, with his death being left more open air; though many guess it was also probably a sacrificial death. Casey was raised not only by his mom but by the Turtles too - with Leo becoming more of a father-figure to him as well as his Sensei, and so witnessing them all die one-by-one like that must've been beyond heartbreaking.

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  2. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    I love that you guys watch this movie and ended up loving it. This movie was actually my introduction to the TMNT fandom and forever holds a special place in my heart. I so hope that you guys react to the 2012 show as I also really love that show as well.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Dude! Binge-a-thon sounds so fun!! And season 2, is definitely more fun (sans the tickle fight, that was so cringe, and I feel it’s left overs from nick’s feet days) and would be great for binge. And the second season is SOOO much better! Sorry about the toxic fandom shit, that’s always the worst. And yeah, for anyone curious, rise was supposed to be a hard hitter from the beginning but producers forced it to be 15 minute episodes and for it to be more akin to Teen Titans Go. So rise was fucked with since the beginning, and then had season two chopped in half; and they forced Leo to be crowned leader at the end, despite the crew having grown to love Leader Raph. Now, rise is not the only victim of Nicks producer micro-managing, I think Avatar is probably the only animated show to not get fucked over by them in literally EVERY way possible. The live actions had to deal with a pedophilic foot fucker who MADE me uncomfortable about feet being shown on tv. The guy was a creep, and did a lot of damage to the actors, yet production almost always went smoothly for them.

    Anyway, TLDR: Nick has some of my favorites but is the most corrupt on the production side; Cartoon Network itself tends to get fucked over, a lot, but the shows seem untouched for the most part; and Disney is usually to busy sucking off conservatives to fight when creators actively fight them for certain creative liberties they wanna take in their shows, even if they still find ways to fuck them over once something that upsets the conservatives comes up. That’s definitely why I’m so happy indie animation is gaining such a footing on YouTube. Hate still comes, but that’s cuz nobody is ever taught how to safely handle hate in a way that isn’t toxic and harmful. Emotional literacy is so incredibly important… I absolutely lost track of this thread, curse ye my adhd! Lmao stay safe and safe y’all

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I nearly screamed when I saw this right after making a plea in your Mutant Mayhem video to watch the Rise Movie. Thank you thank you thank you so much for giving it a chance. I can totally understand why you left it and I admit rise is probably not for everyone and has its flaws, but as you now know, it had so much potential it was able to fulfill in this movie. I am convinced THIS is the vision they wanted for Rise from the start, but interference and Nick doing just about everything it could to cut off this show at the neck. However, I can confidently say that Rise has always nailed their finales and that the people who worked on the show knocked it out of the park for all the constraints they had. Again, so glad I could experience this movie again with you guys and I would say that, while this is the pinnacle of Rise, there are definitely scenes and episodes that you didn't watch that might hit the same spot as this movie, like Battle Nexus New York. So if there is any interest, there might be at least some nuggets worth checking out what you skipped.

  5. levi_b00
    1 year

    Can you watch 2012 TMNT it's really good and has a lot of the fighting action y'all wanted

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Yes! TMNT2012 series is insane and actually progresses story and has fights. Also, everyone pretty much agrees that it's the best Splinter. We gotta help Boom convince the gang

  6. Commenters avatar
    Of Butterflies and Books
    1 year

    Please watch TMNT vs Batman

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      That would be sick. The level of action and violence may not be mystic, but it is one hell of a watch to see what they WILL do. Probably the most mature and dark I have seen the turtles in animation in a different way than Rise.

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I really want them to react to the older tmnt soon

  8. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    something really funny, is that i started watching the rise of tmnt last week. and i was never interested in tmnt before, but i liked this show, even tho it had so many jokes, i just treated the show like a crack treated serious. and that made me enjoy it. but i love the fact that the time i finished season 2, you guys uploaded the movie. i guess im enough of a billy that even my timing is similar with you guys

  9. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    i didnt know hom much i would love you guys being in the same room, i need more of that XD

  10. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Now that you have done a batman and a TMNT movie, you should react to Batman vs the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

  11. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    not gone lie, season 2 was peak.

  12. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I would love watching you guys binge shows like that I know a lot but if you guys do it it just opens up need show I have to watch so please do it ??

  13. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I totally get why u guys dropped the series; it’s real hit or miss due to its general tone. But I’m glad you got around to the movie!

  14. v0lt0040
    1 year

    If ya'll want more of this style of animation, the studio that made ROTMNT is now making Lego Monkey Kid, which is honestly one of the best animated shows of all time imo

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Totally agree with them watching LMK. It has the amazing animation and serious moments Rise had, with a lot less of the downsides that Rise had. And the pacing isn't an issue considering how short the seasons are.

  15. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    This was and is one of my favorite movies and I love how hard the creator and animators went off on it, it almost feels like a message to Nickelodeon corporates about what they could have gotten if they were patient. Oh, the story and animations are still beautiful to look at, not to mention unique and stands out from any other TMNT franchise and movies reminding me how the creator wanted to make this show just that. different. Also couple of fun facts, after the movie was released fans of ROTTMNT all over twitter were trying to spread as much support for the show to get revived for a Season 3 and that went on for months, I'm sure it's still lingering around still. And one of the storyboard artists released some scenes for future episodes they were going to do before everything got cancelled. There's one I absolutely love including Mikey and a pet, but yeah, so glad you guys enjoyed the movie XD

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Have to watch more tmnt there so many good series the best one are 2003 and the 2012 have to be in my top 3 also remember there a series coming out for the tmnt mutant mayhem turtle so hopefully you can react to that too

  16. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Okay, post watch thoughts:

    Glad you guys liked it! ?

    Funfact! The head Krang is voiced by Jim Pirri who was Alador Blight in Owl House and Kraven in the new Spiderman game.

    Also, they released a deleted alternate draft of the opening scene of this movie that is even MORE murdery if you can believe it.

    Expand 2 replies
    1. sombra_hacker09
      1 year

      With rise finally finished there's is now more hope of ducktales s3 for me

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Not sure if we're allowed to do links, but if you're curious about it, you can look up "ROTTMNT Movie Panel Animatic/Storyboard" on YouTube. Someone put it on there from the live panel. It's 6min 33seconds.

  17. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    SO GLAD y’all enjoyed this movie it’s one of my favs and definitely the best rise has ever been I’m so glad y’all gave it a chance, it just makes me even more sad we’ll never get a season 3 especially since from what I hear the creators wanted to go a more serious route with the show but couldn’t because of corporate meddling (I may be wrong but there was a lot they were never able to cover because of the cancellation) but I’m glad we at least got this movie it rules

  18. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    ok, so the season after the Kraang was going to be against the reality bending chaos king known as The Rat King and damn it, that would have been so fucking good.

  19. riceking997
    1 year

    You guys would love infinity train

    Expand 1 reply
    1. riceking997
      1 year

      Its like adventure time mixed with gravity falls and each season is its own separate story and they are only 10, 10 minute episodes

  20. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I was literally just thinking about this today! I am taking credit for manifesting the reaction, but heck yeah my Monday about to get more exciting with the Rise movie!!! ?

  21. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Puh-LEASE watch the Batman Vs TMNT movie next. The timing couldn't be any better.

  22. blitz1126
    1 year

    We're one step closer to that Batman vs TMNT movie.

  23. Miles
    1 year

    When will you guys permanently start using this room?

  24. Commenters avatar
    1 year



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