Pokemon Concierge Episode 1-4 Reaction
Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Movie Reaction
Pokemon the Movie: Destiny Deoxys Reaction
Pokemon: Jirachi, Wish Maker Movie REACTION
Pokemon: Mewtwo Returns Movie REACTION
Pokemon Heroes Movie REACTION
Pokemon 4 Ever Movie REACTION
Pokémon 3: The Movie REACTION
Pokemon 2000 The Movie REACTION
Pokemon The 1st Movie REACTION
Family Guy Star Wars: It’s a Trap! Reaction
Couple Plays Pokemon Heart Gold & Soul Silver for the First Time
Steven S2 Universe Episode 1-2 REACTION
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law S4 Episode 1-8 Reaction
DBZ Battle of Gods REACTION
Shield Hero Season 1 Reaction
(Gold) Monty Python & The Holy Grail REACTION
The Legend of Vox Machina Episode 1-2 REACTION
Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens Reaction
JoJo’s Part 4 Episode 1 REACTION
Courage The Cowardly Dog is More DISTURBING Than You Remember…
Terminator Zero Episode 1-4 Reaction
(Gold) John Wick 3 REACTION
(gold) Puss In Boots The Last Wish REACTION
Please keep reacting to Pokemon movies!!!!!!!! I'm loving it! My childhood reborn!
I’m hoping when they get to the manaphy, Lucario, and Zoroark, movies hopefully they won’t think that they are part of that generation. Because they appear in those movies before appearing in their respective generations.
It's confirmed in the games that they get their food from pokemon. There's pizza made with cheese from Milbank milk, slowpoke tails, kingler legs, Leek with farfetchd sauce, and dozens more.
So yes, aside from synthetic pokemon food all food is either berries, or pokemon, because even basic shit like cherries exist as a pokemon
Charizard is just an over rated fire lizard that's only popular cause a bunch of children saw a dragon and wanted it on their team. He's not even that good of a starter pokemon compared to the ones we have now
The first 10 movies are all great for me, but starting with 2010's Zoroark: Master of Illusions the movies really started following off for me. There has been 1 or 2 good ones since, but over all I think gen 4 really had the last good movies, and all 3 Gen 4 movies are actually canon to each other/
My favorite movies are the next one Lucario and the mystery of Mew, and movie 10 The Rise of Darkrai. So can't wait for the next one!
I love these reactions. I can’t wait to see more as the movies become a lot more grander in scale or more personal to the characters, especially the most recent three outings.
Also to answer the animal question. Yeah, animals do exist in the Pokémon world but are somewhat of a rarity to come by with exceptions such as small marine life still being abundant. It’s also kinda implied that because Pokémon are just absolutely everywhere normal real life animals just can’t compete in the same environment with these super powered creatures so it becomes natural selection at that point. Who knows how many animal species are extinct in their world.
"I hate Max." Welcome to the fandom, Boom. Yo, I did not remember this movie nearly as much as I thought I did. I saw it once on TV when it first came out and thought it was mid. This is so much better than I ever remembered.
Boom resonating with Munchlax is giving me life
Final Comment I swear. The new layout is nice but I think I prefer the old one. The film was really small and was hard to watch. Since it is difficult to see what is going on it can be tough to know what you are referencing sometimes. Like if you mention something small in the background, one wouldn't know what you are talking about unless they really remembered the movie. The promotion of the socials and stickers are cool and definitely necessary but I think they can overlay the film every now and then. Or pop up when you do your mid-video announcements. Just a thought, you know what is best. Just feel like this version is too crowded and hard to tell what you are paying attention to/what you are discussing.
I can't wait for the next movie. Lucario was the last Pokemon film I watched completely. I have seen some clips of the other ones. I would rank the Pokemon films as
#7 - P.: Jirachi, Wich Maker
#6 - P.: the Movie 2000
#5 - P.: The First Movie
#4 - P. 3: The Movie
#3 - P.:Destiny Deoxys
#2 - P.: 4Ever
#1 - P.: Heroes
Every few seasons, mainly when the generation changes Ash forms a new group of friends. Brock stays pretty consistent but leaves for like two seasons. That's why in Pokemon 2000 there was that other guy. Mist left to run her Gym but came back in the show a few times. May and Max took over when Misty left. You could do a ranking video of who are your favorite side characters or who helped Ash the most in the movies.
Great reaction. Glad to hear that you guys enjoyed the film. Its a really good one in my opinion just because it is so different compared to the ones we have seen so far.
you guys should react to the new horror movie talk to me
If you notice whenever Pikachu is referring to Ash he says (pi-ka-pi) as in (Sa-to-shi) which is Ash's original name in Japanese
Rayquaza is my favorite legendary besides Yveltal. Still don't have him in Pokemon Go ?
I LOVE THIS FILM. The Advanced and Diamond and Pearl seasons have some of my favorite films in the entire series (like the next one which I cannot fucking wait for). Glad you guys enjoyed!!
I need you guys to do a 3 person soul link play through of the different main story games. I think it’d be amazing.
I’m not particularly fond of watching single player nuzlockes but I really got addicted to soul links recently.
I'd pay so much to see Boom play any Pokémon game tbh
I've been waiting for this! Such a good movie, can't wait for the reaction for the next upcoming movies. Especially for The Rise of Darkrai! my favorite!
You guys would love Link Click. I hope you put it on a poll soon! Its a mystery time travel anime(dongua) from China which is actually awesome. Its got 2 seasons so far.
you guys should react to the kingsmen movies
Wow!!! Love your reaction, guys! It was such a good movie. I´m happy that you enjoyed it!!
fun fact: Deoxys is the DNA Virus pokemon, technically he's not supposed to exist but he does due to humans like mewtwo. deoxys is the virus for all electronics thats why his beams has negative effect on all electronis and it messes with his vision
Boom saying unhinged names for Pokémon is what we come here to see ruff don't take thus from us
Forgot how good this movie is. I remember seeing Blaziken and Metagross for the first time and being super psyched. Hope ya’ll are enjoying the Pokémon movies and hopefully we’ll get some episodic battle reactions soon.
Way back when, I tried to watch this movie but my sleep schedule was so shit, I always fell asleep at the start (where Tory gets his trauma), but damn. This movie really does hold up, and I wish I'd made it through to the end sooner. XD I wanna say the next one is the Ranger and the Temple of the Sea film, 'cause anything after that I don't believe include May and Max anymore... But, I could be totally wrong.
Ok so for insight on Rayquaza and Deoxys is that Deoxys is a Pokemon from space as like an invader kind of deal. Rayquaza is a Legendary Pokemon on the same trio as Groudon and Kyogre.
Groudon created the Earth the rock and landmass that they walk on
Kyogre created the Ocean and tides
Rayquaza created the Ozone and keeps both of the others in check and keeps the planet safe from Deoxys invading the planet.
I love Regiggas and his lore!
One of my favorite Pokémon movies of all time, I’ve rewatched this countless times. I’m loving these reactions so much, I wish more reactors did these.
Been looking forward to this one! Destiny Deoxys has always been my favorite Pokémon movie growing up! I always loved how cool the technological city was! Also the side characters from this movie are some of my favorites! And it has MUNCHLAX!! My second favorite Pokémon movie is coming up next!
Diamond and Pearl is incoming, I can’t wait! In my opinion those movies are god tier of the series ?
Gosh! Yes, this film was so cool! Though I was always a bit confused that Tory had the same voice as Ritchie from the series and Chronicles.
Absolutely cannot wait for the next one!!!! Lucario! Lucario! Lucario!
Just pointing out that it's a thing. In Sonic 06, both Knuckles and Mephiles are voiced by the same person.
Groudon got in the Jirachi movie
Rayquaza got in the Deoxys movie
Kyogre got screwed
Kyogre gets his moment in Sea Temple
Glad you guys liked this one! It was my favorite growing up as well, Rayquaza blew my mind and was the main reason I got Pokemon Emerald. In case no one's shared already, the remaining movies to close out gen 3 are Lucario and the Mystery of Mew > Temple of the Sea.
"It's been 84 Years"
Finally my favorite of the Pokemon Movies is here featuring my favorite Legendairy and my fourth favorite mythical. It's such a damn good movie. I hope you guys will enjoy it!
Here's a cool little knowledge for you this is the last film that Veronica Taylor and 4kids did in pokémon
Sorry I made a mistake the last Pokemon movie with Veronica Taylor and 4kids was Lucario and the mystery of mew
youre forgetting pokemon ranger and the temple of the sea
After this movie is one of my personal childhood favorites and then the next three after the one after that are the last pokémon movies I saw on the days they premiered on TV. They are also the last Pokémon movies I have seen.