Pokemon Concierge Episode 1-4 Reaction
Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Movie Reaction
Pokemon the Movie: Destiny Deoxys Reaction
Pokemon: Jirachi, Wish Maker Movie REACTION
Pokemon: Mewtwo Returns Movie REACTION
Pokemon Heroes Movie REACTION
Pokemon 4 Ever Movie REACTION
Pokémon 3: The Movie REACTION
Pokemon 2000 The Movie REACTION
Pokemon The 1st Movie REACTION
Adventure Time S8 Episode 1-4 REACTION
(Gold) Evil Dead (1981) Movie REACTION
The Robots PS2 Game is SHOCKINGLY Good…
Let’s Watch 2000’s TV (DBZ, Rugrats, Billy & Mandy + More!)
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines Reaction
Spaceballs Reaction
Gumball S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Regular Show S5 Episode 1-4 REACTION
Rick and Morty S5 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Lego Batman Movie Reaction
(gold) Sonic 2 Movie Reaction
Can You Poop Out A Baby?
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Episode 1 (Boom Solo)
The Lion King REACTION
Alice in Borderland Episode 1 REACTION
Guys Professor Oak is not Ash’s dad. Oak has a grandson who is the same age as Ash
Man these early pokemon movies still slap <3FYI with subtitles for deaf people... the auto sub title software is so good now that if someones tech savy enough to watch these videos, and deaf, they probably have the plugin that can sub any audio. At least for things where the accents are normal
I mean they'll need it to know what you guys are saying anyway
I'm new here but enjoying catching up on the journey ?
Been ages since I saw this movie. I did not expect to see Celebi use its powers to turn into a digimon.
Togepi did have an evolution, it gained a new one in gen 4. And it does not mega evolve.
You guys are awesome but please you gotta watch Pokemon: Mewtwo Returns. It's the sequel to Pokemon the first movie. I'd love to see ya'lls reaction to that.
You gotta do Pikachu’s vacation
Keep up the great work ??
I don't think it'll ever not be funny that they're so committed to the Oak being ash's dad bit lmao. I remember when that theory was flying around the internet for a while. Just to put it out in the first few episodes of the anime Ash's mom does talk about his dad a little bit. Never mentioned again though (possibly true that he was recently in the anime but I haven't watched it in a bit). Pokemon kind of has a habit of leaving kids fatherless in general.
They talk about ashs dad quite a few times in the series. In the final episode Ashs dad gives him a new hat, the same hat he had back in episode 1
Guys I think you should watch the final season once you are done with the movies. Maybe just watching the very last tournament. The tournament starts at episode 25 of Pokemon Ultimate journeys. That would be a cool way to end it off
Loving the pokemon movie reactions. I’d love to see you do some of the original series of Pokemon. Or even the final Ash specials that are coming out next month on Netflix
These movies are great love the reactions
Being Legendary or Mythical does not mean there is only 1, there are still multiple of almost every Legendary and Mythical pokemon canonically.
Legendary pokemon are defined as "incredibly rare and often very powerful Pokémon, generally featured prominently in the legends and myths of the Pokémon world." Mythical pokemon are defined as "a special group of Pokémon that are rarely seen by anyone in the world of Pokémon. Some are so rarely seen that people are unsure if they really exist, spurring scientists to do research." You'll see in future movies (and the anime if you ever were to watch it) that there are more than one of most of them
Also, my love for Syther and Hounddoom was born from this film! They were so cool! YOU HAVE TO WATCH HEROS ASAP! My top favorite Pokemon also come out there, just can't tell you the types cuz it will spoil the story.
I didn't have cable back then so I watched a lot of films by renting movies from the library. Pokemon 4 ever was in its own DVD case and loved it. What's cool is that I have the same case as Ruff that I got for my birthday. (Like 12th in 2011) Pokémon Heroes, Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys, & Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew were the last 3 I watched, and love them so much. You GUYS HAVE TO WATCH THEM. Pokémon: Jirachi, Wish Maker I have but never saw, it never caught my interest nor did the later films. But can't wait to see more from yall.
I love this movie so much. Yes, Suicune gets sideline but the sound it makes is so cool in my opinion. Also a cool attack. But I like it when they focus on 1 Legendary at a time because they feel more special that way. Celebi was so cute & my heart broke seeing her/him/it "Die" cuz I loved the cute moments. You could say the threat was small (I skipped Movie 2000, need to watch it) but Mewtwo was mostly contained to the island. It felt more threatening because more people were involved and what Mewtwo did at the start of the film. And Movie 3 felt threatening cuz you saw the people in danger as the ice expanded. 4 Ever turned it up to 100 at the end and showed how destructive the twig monster was but because we don't know the scale of the forest it didn't feel "threatening". If Celebi attacked a town it would probably feel more dangerous. I liked 4 more because I liked Brock helping Ash & Sam by bringing Onix near the end (Misty & Brock were more helpful in movie 3). And team Rocket felt integrated more naturally in this one because even if they didn't help much (They did last minute saves in this film & 3) but teaming up with the Masked villain seemed more natural than Mewtwo & Movie 3. (Again I don't remember 2000 too well so need to rewatch it) Great reaction and can't wait for more!!!
Professor Samuel Oak, truly surprising reveal
So there’s a story I heard in regards to censorship. I know I keep bringing Reboot up and you’re probably tired of it but it’s an interesting story.
I don’t remember the episode in question but the writers submitted a script and it got rejected for being inappropriate and they were given a long list of things to censor. So they resubmitted the script with no changes and it got approved. I think the thing with censorship in America is that people are just being too cautious because they don’t anything to negatively impact the series. Cus there’s been instances of creators/writers whatever pushing back on some stuff and getting their way, I just think most people just aren’t willing to go that extra step
I was wonderiing how long it would take them to realize that professor Oak was Sam. when they showed the notebook the first time there was a image of an oak sapling on the cover.
I’m enjoying these! Personally, I’m excited for the sinnoh region movies!
Popping back into the comments here to let y'all know Across the Spider-verse is available (for purchase) digitally as of today.
As these Pokémon movies go on it’s getting progressively FUNNIER how much it annoys SeeOnKnee that the anime plays fast and loose with the game mechanics. The anime/movie just running on pure vibes in every battle???
Honestly sam had no idea ash slept in so he was probably just thinking ash was gonna wake up and pick Pikachu from the get go. He was probably super surprised that things played out the way it did.
The reason Pokemon movies 4,5,6, and 7 are so iffy to find because their rights got caught up with their producing company called Miramax. (I think think the company was owned by Harvey Weinstein) So currently for release in the west no one has the rights to re produce movies 4,5,6 or 7, they are forever stuck in their original DVD form. Which is a shame because Japan gets re releases and I think they got a theater re run showing in the last few years. I think the rest of the movies are easy to find and will get showings on streaming platforms.
BTW Lucario and the Mystery of Mew and Pokémon Heroes made little kid me sob?
Most of the movies can be watched out of order except movies 11-13 due to them being connected.
Honestly loving the Pokemon Movie ructions!
Fun fact, the show actually recently came to an end. At least the main series did, they're doing a spin off with someone other than Ash as the lead character.
I'd say go for a pokemon series reaction but it's sooooo incredibly long.
So excited for Pokemon Heroes next! The opening sequence is amazing but the movie always makes me cry!
Also I still have my promo Suicune card that I got with this movie when it came out! Surprised it's still in one piece to be honest lol
Aww this is definitely one of my favorite Pokemon movies. So much nostalgia and I kinda appreciate the "tamer" stakes (but even then, there are some pretty dark moments (but that's nothing new for these movies lmao)). Honestly, I'm totally down for y'all to react to any of the movies in any order you want. The order itself doesn't really matter once you understand the gist of Pokemon, though you might be introduced to new main characters, Pokemon, and regions sooner. Personally I'm really looking forward to Mewtwo Returns and Pokemon Heroes, which I think should be the next few movies in chronological order anyway. Can't wait!
Not gonna lie, I forgot Suicune was even in this movie with how much it got sidelined. Well, it was still better off than Raikou.
I remember that Professor Oak twist blowing my mind as a kid. I'm so glad you guys dove fully down the rabbit hole with that one. Glad you've got a whole bunch more of these to watch as well. Pokemon Heroes is the last one I remember seeing, apart from Mewtwo Returns and bits of the Lucario movie.
Speaking of, Mewtwo Returns is apparently considered a "special" rather than a movie for some reason, so you probably won't see it on any of these DVD sets. But it came out in 2000 and the only required viewing is the first Mewtwo movie, so you can pretty much watch it whenever. Would probably be best to do so before they jump from Johto to Hoenn with Pokemon Heroes, but it doesn't really matter as long as you get to it eventually. :)
I hate the Professor Oak is Ash's dad theory so much. XD Unless someone in their genetics have black hair, Oak and Ash's mother can't have been together as Ash has black hair--but both Oak and Delia have *brown* hair... Oak also has a terrible memory at times, so I wouldn't be surprised if he forgot about Ash and Celebi at some points, otherwise does he always ask what his grandson's name is in the game..? =D
Regardless, I looooove Celebi. He's def one of my favorite legendaries, to the point I own three plushies (a normal, shiny, and Halloween themed one). Though, I think Suicune had more of a role in the Johto anime, but I could also be remembering wrong. XD Been so long since I watched that one throughout its entirety.
The electric one (Raikou) does have a movie it’s called
Raikou (The Legend of Thunder!)
Ash isn’t the main character so ya know some people don’t know about it
Went to see a picture of Sam and I found this Reddit post that said this about Oak
“ I was just watching 4ever and its stated Sam(oak) was gone for 40 years so Oak cant be more than 50 somethin. He just looks older than that to me.”
Oh, that was a movie? I thought it was just an OVA-episode from the Chronicles series. That one is suuuuper hard to get a hold of, though, even rarer then that DVD movie collection they were luckily able to nab up.
You theoretically could jump around in the order, it shouldn’t matter too much. But I don’t really see a particular reason to either. Rather you just go in order for the sake of simplicity if nothing else.
God it's been probably been 15 years since I last saw this movie! It's still fantastic. I'm looking forward to more this is such a great series.
In the whole series, brock doesn’t simp for the main female companions that travel with them. Just other ones, the one time characters and nurse joys and officer jennys etc
Eric gotta watch Ash vs Conway. The way he tries to implement game logic in the anime is hilarious. ??
I need boom to watch detective Pikachu in case he hasn't seen it before.
How could he fall, he gas controll of celebei, he could just scream for it to catch him and be fine
If you guys did any digimon reactions I would pass out from enjoyment
agreed! Season 3 (Tamers) especially with how dark it got. My favorite season.
If I remember right, Suicune had a larger role in the actual show.
I'm loving these reactions and I hope y'all keep going.
Y’all should also watch Mewtwo Returns! It comes after this one and it’s a TV Movie. But it’s worth it! Its Really good as a sequel to the first movie!
agreed. I always thought it was a movie because it was on VHS on shelves in stores everywhere! I still have the VHS tape
Aaaaaaah~ Good to know that still makes me cry my eyes out. Gosh, seeing Celebi wither away was and is still so upsetting. The poor Onion Fairy!
Loved seeing you guys having your minds blown with the big Sammy Oak twist at the end! As a child I was so shocked, I would not stop telling my parents about it - and they had no idea what I was on about.
Would love to guys continue reacting to all the rest of the Pokemon films! Coming up on some really awesome ones too! Though, all the Pokemon films are awesome in their own ways!
In regards to jumping around the movies:
You can pretty much jump to any movie outside movie 10-12 as those three movies are actually a trilogy that built upon each other, but otherwise, yeah you can just watch them in any order, tho I do recommend staying in order as it would be confusing seeing the cast change drastically between movies.
Samuel Oak
Yea lets go!!! My second favorite pokemon movie
My name is Celebi, I speak for the trees, try to catch me and I'll time travel your knees
So hyped! This and heroes are my two favorite movies. Celebi, to this day, is my favorite legendary.
I can’t tell if he’s screwing with us, but the evolution for togepi doesn’t mega evolve. It’s a third evolution. It goes togepi, togetic, and togekiss. It has no mega evolution.
Technically not a legendary, it a mythical, but I get what you mean. I like it too. Especially the shiny.
The reactions are awesome, I'll keep watching for sure, the next few movies are the last I saw since back then. After that it'll be new for me as well ?
Oooh one of my childhood favorites! I cant wait to finish this.
Also I will continue watching those movies as long as you guys keep uploading them and nothing's gonna change about that. I love Pokemon and I wanna see y'all reaction to all of em, so you guys better keep going or else I finna be very sadge.