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Pokemon 2000 The Movie REACTION

Movies | 2 years ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    Suggested watches:

    - the academy day that jessie and james met (which would include watching Pokemon Chronicles)

    - meowth's story of how he learned to speak

    - Team Rocket's rivals Butch and Cassidy who actually haven't been a part if the movies

    - All of Ash's gym battles from Gen 1 - Gen 6, but go as far as you like

    - All pokemon league arcs

    - Pokemon Master Journeys episode 115-132. Epic

    - banned episodes

    - Pikachu shorts

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  2. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    Wokeamon was funny

  3. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Gyarados can learn flamethrower btw lol

  4. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Yall need to watch the anime before the movies all original 16 movies are canon to the anime, you also have to watch the OG Japanese because they cut so much from the movies MewTwo in the first movie has an entire 40 minute back story before the start of the movie

  5. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    1:00:05 Ash:"Right now i wished my mom would name me Bob instead of Ash..."

    "Bob" Ketchum does have a nice ring to it lol

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    When I was a child, there were pokemon fruit snacks based on thos movie. My mother was appalled when I came up to her and announced "I found a Lugia in my fruit snacks!!"

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Contender for best pokemon movie imo also the lugia song plagues my mind to this day

  8. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    If you want Dark pokemon just read the original pokemon adventures manga.

    Pokemon straight up die in those

  9. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I hope you all react to the Mewtwo Returns Special. It’s not an official movie but it was a special that acted as a sequel to the first movie

  10. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    To answer the question about Misty, yes she had a crush on Ash all the way to the end of the Johto arc. When Melody kisses Ash’s cheek at the beginning you can see how much that upset Misty ?

    Also you all should definitely react to Yu-Gi-Oh. If you want to watch English dub or sub, I don’t mind. I will say that the sub does censor a lot thanks to 4kids and the sub is darker but it’s up to you all at the end of the day.

  11. blaze_water_sage
    1 year

    Here is a fun fact for you guys, the character, Tracy who was there in place of Broke was brought in to replace Brock as the Pokemon company feared that their western audience would feel offended by him. But, when it turned out that the audience WANTED Brock back they realised their mistake and wrote Tracy out and wrote Brock back into the story.

  12. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Fun fact: I still have that card from when I watched the first movie in theatres and they handed them out! :P

  13. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I love how the movies so far have contradicted the franchise: Pokemon fighting is wrong and now it's bad to capture Pokemon.

    You guys should watch Detective Pikachu. It's a fun movie and has interesting Pokemon designs

  14. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Like most, i also hope you continue with the movies. 4ever has a big twist with Professor Oak that really answers some theory questions. Mewtow returns is fun and Destiny Deoxis was incredible. Think i lost interest going into the Gen 4 movies. The seasons kind of covered the game storyline from my memory. Also YES to YuGiOh. I watched you guys react to episode 1&2 and would LOVE more. Battle City and the Seal of Orichalcos seasons were bangers.

  15. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Please do Pokemon Ranger: Temple of the Sea AND Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew. Both are classics, imo. Also, the different companions are from different regions in the show, etc. Brock drops out sometimes because America wanted the womanizer gone.

  16. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I'm really loving these movies reactions and would love to see you react to the rest of the movies and the series.

    Since it might be abit time consuming to do the whole series, here are a couple ideas i thought you might find interesting.

    - Watching the start and conclusion of Ash's Pokémon League Journey (The 1st episode and the final tournament arc episode called "Partners in Time! (The Finals IV: "Partner”)"

    - Watching the episodes people think ash died in. He actually did die in Season 1 Episode 23 after being crushed by a falling Chandelier. I'm not lying it's the episodes plot point. S1 E23 The Tower of Terror.

    - Watching the banned episodes. There are 3 main ones, but I believe there are more. Season 1 E18 Beauty and the Beach (Banned reason... I won't spoil it), E35 The Legend of Dratini (Guns), E38 Electric Soldier Porygon (Seizer warning, flashing blue, red lights)

    - Reacting to all the openings. I personally prefer the dub openings because of the nostalgia and i feel there pretty good and catchy. Plus there are 25 openings and almost all are around 30 sec - 1 minute long for the tv version. The official Pokémon YouTube channel has a playlist of all the dub openings in pretty good quality.

    - Reacting to each opening after watching the movie from that season. Example, you could watch the 2nd opening Orange Islands with Tracy in it after this movie.

    - Watching the 1st episode of every season

    It would be awesome to see a reaction to the first episode of every season. If you decided to do the first and last episode of Ash's Journey that would be pretty hype. but the final episode of the of the main series is actually best watched in 4 parts literally called "Finals I, II, III, IV". The episode after that one, is the conclusion of the side story of the season and it's all about mythical Pokémon that you all know and love. I think you would enjoy that too.

    Just some ideas i thought i would put out into the universe. Just thought you might find these interesting.

    Sorry that this comment was very long, Thank You for reading it and i hope you have a good day.

  17. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Tracy is an artist. Thats his thing (Just in case no one wants to ready my whole comment)

    I'm sure someone's mentioned this before in these comments, but Tracys whole character trait revolved around him being an artist and always carrying a sketch pad and stopping to draw whatever Pokémon he could find. I really liked that about his character because as a kid i liked to draw too. Even now I carry a pad of sticky notes and a pencil almost everywhere incase i want to sketch something. Tracey's art was really good too like professional gallery pieces. but it's just a shame that in the dub of this movie they took that away from him. As a character quirk there is no way there was two legendary birds Infront of him in those cages and he wasn't sketching them. I know i would have found it hard to resist.

  18. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    You guys should react to Pokémon Origins, great animation and it follows the story of the fire and blue version

  19. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I def need more pokemon movie reactions. I would suggest watching them in release order (:

  20. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I would highly recommend checking out the story of the writer who created Lugia, his vision for Lugia being a motherly Pokemon, and his passing, there's a video on Did You Know Gaming's channel about 18 minutes long, might be fun for a reaction too!!

  21. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    this movie gaslit me into thinking lugia is a water type for the longest time… oh also btw gyarados CAN learn flamethrower via tm, I remember an episode where misty was battling a shedinja (can only be hurt by supereffective moves) and she had her gyarados use flamethrower

    I think it would be awesome if you guys just kept going through the Pokémon movies, at least eventually. I also wanna recommend checking out pokemon horizons whenever that releases, I watched the first few episodes and it’s pretty interesting so far at least imo. it’s the new protagonist after ash and features some Pokémon from scarlet and violet so it would be pretty new for all of you

  22. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    React to the pokemon origin series there's 4 episodes but its amazing

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      ooh seconded origins is awesome

  23. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I find it hilarious that they have their little conversation about "old Pokemon with bum knees" in the movie that has Tracey in it, as he has his ancient grandpa Scyther who gets tired out after a couple minutes of battling lol

  24. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    You see the chosen one thing is just supposed be a legend and a festival thats light hearted. But do to trust fund kid messed up the balance which turned what everyone has practiced every year as a fun festival into a true legend.

  25. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Loving the Pokémon content (lowkey hope y’all react to sonic x and sonic prime since I love those too lol) especially with how clueless boom is LMFAO.

    Excited for more!!

  26. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Seeing this movie in theaters is one of my earliest memories. I actually thought this was the one where they gave away the Mew card since I do remember receiving it, but I could be getting them mixed up. This isn't my favorite of the movies but it is by far the one I've watched the most, since I had it on VHS and proceeded to watch it over and over again. This was a huge blast of notalgia. Can't wait for the third one, but my actual favorite is probably Mewtwo Returns, the sequel to the first, since it involves not only Mewtwo but also Team Rocket (as in the larger organization, not just the trio).

    By the way, the show DOES feature the other villain teams as well, but the trio is a constant presence throughout, usually coming to blows with criminals much more threatening than they are.

  27. erlu
    1 year

    I hope you guys will watch the 4th of my favorite after movie 20

  28. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Every generation of the games had a few seasons of the anime tied to it.

    Season 1 & 2: Gen 1 Red & Blue, 3 - 5: Gen 2 Silver & Gold, 6 - 9: Gen 3 Ruby & Sapphire, 10 - 13: Gen 4 Diamond & Pearl

    14 - 16: Gen 5 Black & White, 17 - 19: Gen 6 X & Y, 20 - 22: Gen 7 Sun & Moon.

    Then for Seasons 23 - 25, instead of just focusing on Gen 8 (Sword & Sheild) it showcased every generation, they traveled all around the world to past locations & met people new & old, truly a love letter to the series, lots of fan service.

    Ash has been retired from the anime, and now the newest season will focus on a new protagonist, while based on gen 9 Scarlet & Violet

  29. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    lmao, now i can't stop laughing at everytime Zapdos's roaring, that somebody who voiced Zapdos is just screeching in the soundbooth more than 20 years ago.

  30. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Just so you know, Pretty much every Pokemon movie up until 2017 is connected to the anime. so it would be a few seasons of the show, then a movie, few more seasons, another movie, etc. So if there's a character or something that seems random you're probably just be missing context from the anime.

  31. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Personally, I preferred Tracy over Brock, BUT, I understand why he wasn't as well liked due to the sudden character-swapping. A lot of kids didn't like the change. Despite that, though, it happened multiple times throughout the series.

    Indigo League (Kanto) had Brock and Misty, Orange Islands swapped out Brock for Tracy, but they re-swap before Johto, however when they reached Hoenn (Emerald), Misty left the team to be swapped out by May and her little brother, Max. Brock stayed with Ash until Unova (Black/White), when he got swapped out for some other Gym Leader I didn't care about, but I haven't kept up with the series truly after Hoenn's run.

    What I always found funny, is the villain of this movie never had a name (in both versions of the movie), but in the novel you could read alongside it, they named him Lawrence III. Also~! Another fun fact, Tracy had a lot more scenes in this movie but for some reason it was cut out when localized. =/

  32. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I really liked Pokemon 4ever as well as Destiny Deoxys, The Rise of Darkrai, and Black/White the movie. I thought they were pretty fun. Oh, but the Pokemon Ranger movie was good. The other movies are decent, though none of them are perfect and they are Pokemon movies. But a lot of them have grandiose or fun stories like this one, which I prefer to the first movie. I just love that song scene at the end and the theme of balance. And Team Rocket helping out Ash, it was really special.

  33. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    You should honestly watch the first like... five seasons. Like obviously watching the whole quarter-century run would be batshit and a terrible idea for the channel, but if you watch up to the end of the 4Kids dub (which goes to the end of Johto) you'll get to see all the stuff that had this goofy kinda-meta sense of humor that Boom seems to be enjoying. They dialed it back in Hoenn because that's when The Pokemon Company took over the dubbing responsibility. But the whole 4Kids run is absolutely hilarious. This is the show they were putting all their money and effort into while they were busy ruining One Piece.

  34. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The first 3 pokemon movies nice! I know you won't do every movie because that's a lot, but I'd recommend "Pokemon 4 Ever" after 3 and most importantly a big fan fav "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew". Would also be cool to see a TV pilot reaction, with no expectation to finish the series ofc.

  35. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Please for the love of the heart of the cards, PLEASE react to Yu-Gi-Oh ♥-

  36. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I've been making a Pokemon movie tier list for awhile and it's so hard to decide where to put these earlier movies! I can't tell if it's just nostalgia that makes me want to place them so high or if they're just really that good!

  37. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Gen 5 & Gen 7 Legendary Pokémon can actually fusion with the third legendary of their generation

  38. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    This was part of the inbetween series, between Gen 1 and Gen 2, the Orange Islands. Brock retired from his journey with ash and friends to hook up with a love interest(help out professor Ivy). That didn't go well for him though to the point that he gets depresso anytime she get's brought up, then he's back with ash and misty for gen 2, gen 3 both misty and brock return home and ash goes on his gen 3 journey with May and her brother, then Brock comes back sometime during gen 3 and journeys with ash and the other companion(pretty much changes every gen from here on until gen 6 I believe I didn't watch much of that series, then he went back home after that to help run his gym again if I remember right.

  39. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Team Rocket only succeeded once in the Sinnoh region

  40. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    do yugioh but abridged or 5ds sub'

  41. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I lived in a small town when this came out and our local game store did a cross promotion pokemon tournament and gave away a free pokemon coins (When they were still made of metal) at our movie theater to promote the store so we all got a coin and a card. One of my best memories as a kid. Great reaction as always and can't wait for the next movie because it has my favorite legendaries!

  42. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I've never grown out of Pokemon seen it all and own it all on Blue-ray. The green shirt guy is Tracy, he replaced Brock for the Orange Island arc because. The writers thought that Brock's character would be looked at as racist by American fans, as the Pokemon Jynx was regarded for its racially insensitive design. Luckily American fans were so disappointed when they replaced Brock, they brought him back right after the Orange Island arc. Brock then went on to be the Longest airing character that traveled with Ash, only leaving after the Diamond and Pearl arc. Both Brock and Misty make reappearances during the Sun and Moon arc, I absolutely love Pokemon and can't wait to see. How the story goes since Ash is no longer the protagonist, I only hope they wait until the middle, or near the end of the new series to have Ash make an appearance. That way it's more meaningful and emotional for people like me who have watched Pokemon since it started airing.

  43. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I'm really excited for their reaction to the third Pokemon movie. If I remember correctly, it was my favorite one. I hope they go through all the movies. The only other two I remember fondly are Pokemon 4ever (4th movie) and Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea (9th movie). I hadn't seen any of the others. I really enjoy the interesting plot device in 4ever, and I find the Pokemon Ranger character to be very fun. :3

  44. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I cant wait for you guys to watch the next one its my favorite Pokemon movie and has my favorite Pokemon in it

  45. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    PLEASE do yugioh next that'd be so fun. either The abriged series or the first arc of the anime (duelist kingdom) where the game basically had no rules and was crazy. If you don't wanna commit to the whole series you could also just watch Dark side of dimension which does contain spoilers for the anime but if you're not planning on watching it doesn't really matter. Yugioh season 0 is also really good and SUPRISINGLY dark

  46. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Brock was replaced br Tracy for a few seasons because after pokemon took of in the west they thought blocks design might be seen as racist because of his eyes but he exact opposite happened and everyone hated Tracy and wanted Brock back ?

  47. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I’m surprised no one mentions how Meowths paws when pointing look like a dick

  48. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Would live to see you guys react to Yugioh

  49. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Some of the Pokémon have different names in different languages too. If you ever watch those "pronunciation differences" videos, some of them are pretty wildly different!

  50. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Oh boy, this movie. This one is my least favourite of the first three movies. It's pacing is strange, the plot is all over and it just has a weird feeling about it. We don't ever find out what the villains name is during the course of the movie and he is by far the worst villain of these three. There are definitely things I like about this movie, in particular Lugia, Team Rocket and the music. This was one of the first movies I saw in theatres as a kid so it does hold a soft spot in my heart. Can't wait for you guys to do the Third Movie because that is by far my favourite of all the Pokemon movies.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Now I really need to see boon react to detective Pikachu

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      To be fair to the whole "Chosen One" thing, originally it was just a tourist thing. The first Pokemon Trainer that arrives on their island during the festival becomes there chosen one. It's just by pure coincidence that Ash happens to be a literal Chosen One of prophecy as well as the one they chose for their festival.

  51. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Also to answer to the "Evil" Teams question Jessie, James, and Meowth are always after Pikachu to give to the Boss of Team Rocket, even when there are other evil teams doing evil stuff like Team Magma and Team Aqua

  52. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Also there is a pokemon named Guzlord. Yes that's it's actual name. It is what you thought Zapdos was. A guy just screaming. I recommend watching that at the end of a pokemon movie and laughing your asses off ?

  53. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Each Pokemon movie takes place during each season of the show, and Ash's group of friends he travels with changes when the show switches to the next generation of Pokemon (Gen 1 to Gen 2 are both only 1 season so the group changes in this movie then again in the next movie, but stays for the next 3 movies cause Gen 3 had 3 seasons). Only things that don't change is Ash, Pikachu, and the Team Rocket trio of James, Jessie, and Meowth. Hope this helps

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Edit i forgot Johto was part of Gen 2 still, so the whole Johto arc is the next 3 seasons after season 2, Gen 3 starts after movie 5

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        edit # 2 i may be wrong cause some Gen 3 pokemon show up in the 5th movie so im lost now lol

  54. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    This movie is amazing and probably my favorite pokemon movie. I recommend you guys check out Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged after DBZ abridged.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      There is also a Pokémon mod that is called Pokémon Infinite Fusion where you can actually fuse pokemon.

  55. randyawesome
    1 year

    I loved these Pokémon movie reaction ???

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Yes, you guys should react to Yu Gi Oh


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