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Justice League Dark Reaction

DC Animated Movie Universe | 8 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    I love Keanu Reeves.

    He isn't a good Constantine Matt Ryan handled it perfectly.

    Hell, he even looks like Constantine from comics.

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  2. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Ok constantine Keanu reaves please 

  3. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    It's funny seeing you guys react to king arthur being part of this superhero universe, what if I tell you that he actually even kissed constantine in one of the original hellblazer comics

  4. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Swampthing is a good guy as long as you dont fuck with mother nature, He's fine with being the anti hero, but really you cant ever really call the protector of nature a bad guy, just different and doesn't give a shit about humanity unless they hurt the green.

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      7 months

      it's like druids in the older editions of D&D, they have to be true neutral as they can't be concerned with mortal morality or notions of laws, only conservation of the green

  5. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    I wish they had better subtitles for zatanna, all her spells are just what she wants the magic to do in english only reversed.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      7 months

      also Constantine has always and will always be a complete ass

  6. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Just a head's up, you might wanna bring in Bree for the next movie. Since it'll bring in her two favorite characters from Teen Titans. 

  7. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    There’s a Swamp thing show, 1 really good season. Cancellation announced on the premier of the 1st ep lol. But it’s a good watch!

  8. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Batman: "Look...: I got Catwoman, ex-baddie turned anti-hero (still baddie); I got Wonder Woman, big strong baddie who respects my swagger; and I pull bitches as Bruce, all the time! You, Robin [insert number here] are expected to have said riz all the time! You're representing the Bat-Family, son!

  9. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Fun etrigan fact. 

    Every year on the same date, the cult of Cthulu resummons Cthulu at the bottom of the ocean. And every year, Aquaman and Etrigan have agreed to meet to defeat Cthulu and reseal him. 

    Not stop the summoning. No. They just casually share the responsibility of taking down Cthulu yearly, and the cult never learns its lesson. 

    Freaking hilarious. 

  10. Commenters avatar
    Of Butterflies and Books
    7 months

    Slightly off topic, but I would love for y'all to have Boom play, along with y'all commentating, a Pokemon Nuzlocke. Basically it's a standard Pokemon game with self-imposed rules. For example, if you lose pokemon in your party you can use it anymore, you can only catch one Pokemon per route/area, etc. You can mostly likely find the basic rules online. The later games I've heard it's more difficult so maybe you could start with either Pokemon Leaf Green or Fire Red. 

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    1. Commenters avatar
      Of Butterflies and Books
      7 months

      *For example, if you lose Pokemon in your party you can't use it anymore,, you can only catch one Pokemon per route/area, etc

  11. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Batman: Assault on Arkham please. It's canon to the games, and no spoilers, but the title is a little misleading.

  12. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Constantine!  Hell yeah!  Favorite comic book hero.  After that is Nightwing, Flash (Barry and Wally close but in that order), Batman, and Spiderman.

  13. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    some good batman stuff to read is the batman run by scot snyder and batman eternal

  14. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    batman was not having any of their shit lmao

  15. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    lol far right chair guy who never says his name is right keanu reeves is a national treasure a Canadian national treasure 

  16. wynosaurus
    7 months

    Seeohknee being blowm away that King Arthur is part of DC. Should we tell him that Santa Clause is ALSO canonically a real and powerful magical being in DC?

  17. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Please please please give the DCAU a chance ??????.  Batman the Animated Series and Batman Beyond so you can watch Return of the Joker. Justice league and Justice League Unlimted were fantastic and so was the Superman animated series. All in the same universe and all worth the watch! 

  18. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Isn't CONSTANTINE: CITY OF DEMONS part of this universe?

  19. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Bostons hero name is deadman

  20. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    I really hope in the future u guys react to justice league: Gods and monsters

  21. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Fun facts:

    1) Etrigan was in the Flashpoint movie as part of the resistance . 

    2) Deadman (Boston) was who Nightwing became in Injustice, when he died.

  22. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    I forgot to mention, but merlin is raven's nephew too.

  23. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    superman can hear stuff all over the world lol

  24. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Question: if John and Zatanna fuck in the house, is that technically a threesome with Orchid?

  25. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    N now I want a mini fan comic of Clark n ruff team up to get boom to work harder lol

  26. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Had me worried Boom wasnt gonna be joining us for this one. lol

  27. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    etrigan's final line gets me everytime

  28. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    I really hope you guys watch The Sandman

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    1. Commenters avatar
      7 months


  29. Commenters avatar
    Internet Zing
    7 months

    Any Disney or other animation movie reactions coming soon? It's been awhile :(

  30. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    If you're gonna watch anything Constantine, you need to watch the tv show and the arrow verse.  The Keanu Reeves movie is TRASH. And fun fact the actor for Constantine in the tv show/arrowverse, Matt Ryan. voices Constantine in the DCAMU. Matt Ryan is widely considered the definitive Constantine. 

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    1. Commenters avatar
      7 months

      i didnt find it trash personally but it was super different from the source material so i understand why people dont like it

  31. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Was also trying to remember where I knew the name "Faust" or "Fausty" and realized it was the old principal from the Eda flashback episode of Owl House!

  32. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    0:04:20 Batman’s just like “huh…..I’ve never trained a sidekick from birth. Now I can ruin Robin’s life from the beginning!”

  33. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    in the comic books "Justice League Dark" is a separate team from the regular Justice League that specifically deals with magical threats. The original version was completely separate whilst the modern incarnation works out of the Hall of Justice is direct co operation with the regular league, and at one point was led by Wonder Woman.

  34. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    so you all wanted to get into dc.  theres a big jump on point they are doing in october  all you gotta pick up is DC all In #1  Absolute Batman #1  

    Absolute Superman #1 

    Absolute Wonder Woman # 1 

  35. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    There is a Swamp Thing tv show which does explain the origin & the voice actor for Constantine in this is the same one who did the tv show & he’s done Constantine in other stuff as well & yes Constantine is British mainly 

  36. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    22:33 this is an excuse for me to talk about one of my favorite moon knight stories. one time moon knight was trying to protect a street from ghosts. since he's moon knight his first instinct was to try to punch them. it did not work because they were ghosts. instead of changing his tactic moon knight got angry and left in order to find a way to punch ghosts. he then found an ancient suit of armor that allowed him to punch ghosts and did exactly that. 

  37. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Dude I started the video and I was thinking that Sean wasn't going to be watching this film I was like what and then he surprises me I love this you guys are awesome.

  38. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    hell yeah! 

  39. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    Hyped for this one


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