Billy - Gold

Bullet Train REACTION

Movies | 2 years ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Rewatching this just to realize that when Lemon's explaining the trains and how everything he learned about people he learned from Thomas, he puts a sticker on the son's head and says he "seems like a Percy." That's Logan Lerman. THAT'S PERCY JACKSON. HOW DID I NEVER REALIZE THAT

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  2. llongo1996
    1 year

    This was honestly a surprising movie for me. I didn’t expect much but I enjoyed it none the less. They’re also working on a sequel.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    What's ironic is that The movie is called Bullet Train and Sandra Bullock having the last name Bullock and Bullet Train has the first word Bullet. What I'm saying here is that Bullet and Bullock sounds the same. Bullet = Bullock and vice versa. Congrats Joe Ruff on the baby ?


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