Scary Movie Reaction
Young Frankenstein Reaction
Madagascar Reaction
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi Reaction
Hotel Transylvania Reaction
Star Wars Rogue One Reaction
Men in Black Reaction
Deadpool & Wolverine Reaction
Shaun of the Dead Reaction
Cars Reaction
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure Reaction
Robin Hood: Men in Tights Reaction
Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens Reaction
Dragon Ball Super: Broly Reaction
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War Reaction
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines Reaction
Batman: Hush Reaction
KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World! Legend of Crimson Reaction
Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus! Reaction
Reign of the Supermen Reaction
Konosuba S2 Episode 1-10 Reaction
(Gold) Logan Reaction
Nimona Reaction
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Movie REACTION
Owl House S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Spongebob S5 Episode 1-2 REACTION
League Of Legends All 2021 Cinematics REACTION
(Gold) Scooby-Doo Cyber Chase REACTION
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law S2 Episode 1-12 Reaction
Rick and Morty S5 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Movie
Fairy OddParents Episode 1 & 2 Reaction
Not sure how anyone else feels, but I have to say this is one of, if not, my favorite interpretation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
It’s never shown in live-action movies, but yes, Batman always had a T-Rex in his main Batcave. In the comics, Batman: The Animated Series, the Batman Arkham games, and many other media. When people think of the Batcave, the two most iconic decorative pieces are the T-Rex and the Giant Penny. As for WHY he has a T-Rex and a giant penny, they’re trophies from some of his cases, I always forget their stories
WOOOOH! Can't believe I missed this until just today. So happy, this was the movie I started not expecting it to be good and loved how they respected the fuck out of both batman and TMNT properly.
The timeline for this movie is incredibly wonky. Batgirl here is Barbara Gordon, who is usually Batgirl at the same time Dick Grayson (1st Robin, Circus kid) is Robin. She usually stays Batgirl until Jason Todd (2nd Robin, Street kid) dies, and then she becomes Oracle, someone who works behind the scenes. After Jason is usually Tim Drake (3rd Robin, another Rich kid), but Tim quite literally only has two animated appearances: Young Justice (season 2 onwards) and Batman The Animated Series- which technically doesn't count because they just fused Tim and Jason into one character.
The Robin in this movie is Damian Wayne (technical 5th Robin, as Stephanie Brown, the Batgirl after Barbara, briefly has a time spent as Robin). Damian is Bruce's only biological son (though he does adopt the other Robins), and most notably, Damian is Ra's Al Ghuls grandson. He is the most volatile of the Robins (usually attributed to Jason, who actually wasn't that angry and reckless despite what modern media wants you to believe).
Issue here: Damian comes into the story when Dick is well within his 20s. Meaning Barbara should be Oracle here. It would've made more sense for this Batgirl to be Stephanie or even Cassandra Cain (3rd Batgirl), but instead its Batgirl Barbara, who has never interacted with Robin Damian. Very weird choice, but there are a lot of funny interactions.
Honestly they easily couldve just made this Robin either Jason (would've fit with Barbara being Batgirl) or maybe Tim (who we quite literally never get to have as Robin outside of complete character changes or as a not important character).
Robin is Damien Wayne. Talia drugged Bruce Wayne into impregnating her and gave birth to Damien back at the League of Assassins HQ. The reason Damienj is so savage is because he was literally raised as a prince under Grandpa Raa's Al Ghul's tutoring.
Pretty sure the Talia drugging Bruce plot was invented by Grant Morrison. He very much didn't like her and even admitted that a lot of what he wrote of her was stuff that wasn't even true and was him misremembering plotlines of other stories he barely read. Gotta say it was the worst choice to take with her character, considering how great of a character Talia was without it.
Gotham is in New Jersey so it’s like going from NYC to Jersey
To Answer you guys, Batgirl is Barbaa gordon (Sometimes Stephanie Brown, Sometimes Cassandra Cain) Batwoman is Batman's Cousin, Kate Kane
Hope you guys react to DC flash paradox movies such great movie
Such a fun movie with so many cool easter eggs thrown in. Love that you guys watched it.
The giant penny was from when Two face tried to kill Batman at one time. Penguins minion with the green mohawk is a redesign of Krang one of the Tmnt villain's. Btw Baxtor is not a fly in all of the versions. He was a normal dude in one and kept losing body parts till he was a brain and eyeball in a jar till he made a new body. The line "Hey Creature leave that kid alone!" is a nod to the Pink Floyd song which I just love hearing Raph say. The selfie Batgirl took is actually a nod to when the joker did ummm some fucked up shit in the "past?" to batgirl and that was a bit of revenge on her part.
Why is the one voice I never here them call out is Tom Kenny the voice of SpongeBob and the Penguin in this movie
DC is really good because they have a lot of standalone stories but just as a general rule you can start from a writer's #1 e.g. Batman #1 by Scott Snyder. Also, you can even start from the start of the beginning of a story arc. Though I'd suggest staying away from big event books until you get used to more comic characters.
Troy baker has voiced joker and also Batman in Lot of animated things and some games also
Harley ain’t just any Doctor, she was Joker’s Psychiatrist up until he manipulated her into basically going insane by preying on her unhealed trauma and insecurities caused by her abusive father. Eventually she regains her will and leaves the clown.
The Order people keep referring to would be the DCAMU, lasting from 2013-2019, just look up “DCAMU watch order” and you’ll be fine
the justice league war timelne of movies is awesome' it includes teen titans vs the justice league and several batman movies featuring damian as robin
Damian is best when interacting with Dick. No one will change my mind. Without question the child would trade Bruce for Dick as a father any day of the week and twice on Sunday. ?
He definitely wouldn’t, Damian respects the fuck outta Bruce, regardless of the bs they’ve gone through in the last year or so(comic wise), probably more so than any Robin before him. The literal only incarnation of Damian that might fit your idea is the Injustice version, and the characters there are written with some VERY large liberties being taken(the Tom Taylor comics being the closest to the characters’ roots)
So, Damien Wayne is a weird kid, because in addition to being Batman's biological son, he's also Ra'as's grandson, who trained him for the first 10 years of his life. With Jason Todd, Batman just had to deprogram the anger management issues. With Damien, Batman had to deprogram literally 10 years of being trained to kill people.
The Robin in this movie is Damian Wayne who is Batman's biological son!
I believe this robin is possibly the 4rh robin Damian Wayne. Basically raised from birth to be the next Ras until he ended up meeting Bruce Wayne. Different stories will usually have him either run away to join batman, be sent to batman for some more personalized training, or as a spy for the league of assassins. Different versions of him will usually have him as somewhat narcissistic because he's been trained since birth to kill, others can have him basically be evil. He's basically going through a Jason Todd thing where people will hate him until he does something cool
Day 22 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009
I love the power scaling they immediately showed off. Batman was able to 1v1 shredder to the point he needed to be hit with that last attack while the turtles couldn't fight him even with the 4 of them
There are a lot of DC movies that are best watched in a specific order as they are similar to the MCU. It's just that these are animated. But I do want to recommend The Dark Knight returns part 1 and part 2. It is a two parter but it's self contained to just those two. You don't have to worry about a watch order with them.
i hope you guys can react to Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole at some point
you could probably start when dc starts there new absolute DC universe which is like what marvel does with the ultimate universe
HIghly recommend Batman vs Dracula. It's a movie for the 2003 series "The Batman"
with comics you can start EITHER when a new author joins a comic or when it starts at a new #1. And it's best to start with characters you're already familiar with. The Teen Titans cartoon is based on "the New Teen Titans" from the 80s.
I love this movie!!! It has so many references its silly. I suggest re-watching this movie later if y'all go down the DC animated rabbit hole (even if its on y'alls own time). Fun fact the turtles fight the Foot clan. Ra Ja Ghul's clan is called the Hand. Pause timing kings you where talking about how Gotham and New York are so similar. You paused as (in movie) the characters made a joke about that exact same thing. I do highly recommend watching more DC animated movies. They don't have a lot of clout in the zeitgeist but they are all quality. Either way thank you for the content!! I look forward to more sorta stupidity
So about the Robins, all of them are basically Batman’s children, but Damian is his only biological one. Also there is an order for DC Animated films that came out after Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox. (some are self-contained though like this one) If you want to look it up online, there should be a watch order/chronological list.
A movie I would like to recommend to you guy is The Iron Giant.
So there are three Batman/TMNT comic runs (they made two sequels to the first one because of how popular it was). They also made a crossover comic run of the Batman: The Animated Series comics and the TMNT 2012 cartoon comics however it wasn’t as well received.
Also I think you all would like reacting to the Injustice 2 super moves and dlc trailers ^^
A great animated movie is Son of Batman it is PG13. I think you guys would like it. (There is blood and death)
New York does exist in DC, in fact there's a new Batman based in New York. But Gotham, while based on cities like New York or Chicago, is in New Jersey
Honestly if you want some lighter Damien stories read Supersons. Wonder Woman also is a good comic rn and their are extra stories in it about Damien and Jon Kent (supermans son) co-babysitting Wonder Woman's daughter. I believe they made a supersons movie as well but I havent seen it yet
If you want more Damien lore you should watch the movie Son of Batman. It makes sense that you thought he was Jason though. In the comics their personalities are similar and they hang out a lot. Their relationship is basically this: Jason is the big brother who buys alcohol and cigarettes for his little brother. There’s a lot of moments where they fight(with deadly weapons) but overall they’re typical brothers. There’s one scene where they’re in a diner with Dick that perfectly sums up their relationship.
Damien: “this is not what I asked you to purchase Richard.”
Dick: It comes with a toy.
Jason: “I’ll take the toy if you don’t want it.”
Damien: “the toy is mine!”
Jason mockingly: “the toy isth mine!”
Troy Baker does Joker and Batman and idk if this the film I am thinking of, but its the first time someone voiced both roles in one project if I remember correctly
DC’s animations are the best, I don’t think there is an animated universe that’s better.
This movie is the best superhero movie for furries
Fun Fact Gotham is in New Jersey
You guys should watch the killing Joke and more of the DC animated movies. For the DC animated movies the later ones theres a specific order to watch them in, starting from Justice League Flash point paradox (2013) and then so on. its simple enough to find a list online and i know people left lists in the Under the Red Hood comments. You also gotta check out the older ones too, You guys should check out Batman The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 and Part 2. Also Superman VS The Elite, Superman: Doomsday, and Superman/Batman Apocalypse.
Please not the Killing Joke ?
This was delightful! Your synchronized reactions were killing me!
As for comics, I guess you could always surf a wiki, find a storyline that sounds interesting and backtrack to a comic from there. If it's old enough there will be an asterisk that says "check out comic issue XYZ to know wtf we're talking about right now" and that way one comic leads into more! Just got to be aware of spin offs or mass-group comics changing the plot from issue to issue.
watch My adventures with superman its only 10 ep.
There's a Huggbees video about the Penny
I absolutely love tmnt crossovers and I wish we got more animated ones
This version of robin is named Damian Wayne. Son of batman and talia al ghul. He is the biological son of batman aka Bruce Wayne.
I promise you that comics are the easiest thing in the world to get into, its not hard to read 22-24 pages with pictures. The biggest hump is thinking that continuity is a thing it is not it is the garnish to the stories not the point. You build the web of history by reading and is a bonus to what the real point which is the adventure and arc the characters went on in that issue.
Take Batman you can start right now with Chip Zdarsky's run and you'll be a little confused but its still Bruce Wayne trying to be a good man and save his city. You could start at an easier point with Frank Miller's Year One 4 issue story and then go to The Long Halloween or you could even read Scott Snyder's New 52 run which is 50 issues by one creator. Or even X-Men given the 97' boom, you could start with Grant Morrison's run which basically opens with Episode 5 of X-Men 97'.
It just making the effort to pick up a book, be that through Marvel Unlimited/DC Infinite digitally, purchasing omnis for bulk stories, or "reputable websites", but everyone starts at 0 and the point is the journey and I promise ya that journey is a lotta fun.
this was a comic book first, and this robin is Damien Wayne Batman's biological son
batgirl and batwoman are two different people and have been
different people over the years
pretty much just start with a specific run, i have a DC Infinite subscription and they have a lot of "Learn more about XYZ" tabs for their more well-known heroes, with collections of their most iconic runs from creation to the present. Also yeah, that's Damian Wayne- you generally won't find any movies with Red Hood still as a Robin because he's most famous as Red Hood.
You guys should watch batman and superman public enemy's number 1 great film between the two beasties
You should watch Justice League: the flashpoint paradox
This is the best Batman Crossover, I've seen this movie a million times!!!!