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A Goofy Movie REACTION

Movies | 1 year ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    First: This is actually a movie intended to be a "series finale" for the Goof Troop series. You know a movie is top tier is it is actually related to a project that was meant to be enjoyed before this for maximum payoff but not even knowing the series existed doesn't deminish the enjoyment at all. I have yet to watch Goof Troop but with how much I love this movie and the sequel it is something I want to watch at some point in the future.

    Second: So many incredible small details in this movie. Something I noticed for the first time while watching your reaction is that durring the song "no body else" we see various fathers and sons represented with the animals they show from lizzards and chipmunks to the fish Max and Goofy watch on their feet.

    Third: This movie does the "liar revealed" trope so incredibly well. Max lies twice- one lie he is caught in and one he fesses up to. This shows an example of how if you don't own up and tell the truth it can lead to disaster (but maybe not the the same extreeme as going over a waterfall in a car) but if you own up to you lie and come clean the consequences may not be as bad as you imagined.

    Finally: The biggest theme of this movie is about communication! Max doesn't communicate his feeling properly to Roxane but instead goes through a whole over the top gesture. Then he and Roxane don't properly communicate about Goofy forcing him on the road trip or how "taking somebody else" might seem like Roxane saying "Don't worry about me I'll be fine" but to Max it comes across as "Well if you're not going to take me then get lost". Goofy doesn't properly communicate with Max about the call from the principal but instead just decides to take the situation at face value and plan a road trip and leave that same day. Max doesn't properly communicate with his father about why this party he wanted to go to was such a big deal in the first place. All this is what makes Pete the perfect antagonist as his relationship with his son represents what a Father/Son relationship without healthy communication and respect will be if Goofy continues to take his advice. Yeah the climax is the waterfall sequence but the true climax of the story and themes is right before that when Goofy and Max finally openly communicate about the whole situation.

    Nothing but massive respect for this movie- a movie that on paper should never have worked as it was basically "Goof Troop: The Movie" but stands the test of time as an underrated classic.

    Ps: As a white girl I'm not really in the position to discuss this but it is also my understanding that a lot of People of Color related heavily to the themes of this movie which I find incredible. I love when stories are coded in ways that people of various demographics can enjoy on levels most people can't but doesn't diminish the quality for general audiances. This is like me as a trans girl seeing representation in "The Little Mermaid" that most people don't even consider as having a deeper meaning. Things like this are why I am so passionate about storytelling- so many layers that so many people can draw from.

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  2. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I'm 100% sure there is not a single reply on this video with what I am about to say

    Pete and his Son are cats

    This movie is so underrated

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      10 months

      Have you thought about why Pete is a cat?

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    you should watch brother bear defiantly an underrated movie

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    You guys should watch treasure planet or Atlantis next! And if you ever have a chance, Dinasour from Disney is a good choice, too.

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The sequel is alot more fun, and id say iconic, but this movie legit just hits different. It was the first piece of kids media I saw growing up that really felt it was trying to say something that wasn't a psa, or being super in your face. It was the first thing to really make me sit down, and think that there was something to stories as a kid. So while the sequel is alot more fun I always come back to this one for how kinda raw it is seeing goofy and max's rocky relationship.

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      10 months

      Really? I felt like the sequel was just a repeat of the same lessons they should have learned from the events in the first movie. It was a fine sequel, but it didn't do anything different from the first. Just that they lack good communication. Goofy, is over bearing, and gets overly offended when his child just wants some space, or says he's embarrassing. And Max knowing his father can be oblivious as to how his over the top energy can be embarrassing, just pushes him away, instead of just having a respectful talk with him about it.

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I hope they react to the sequel soon ? you have yet to witness the true rizz of the goof gene

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    So yeah this movie was like the finale to Goof Troop. (when they’re singing on the car in the river they even do the Goof Troop theme song’s back to back and arm around each other pose)

    Also in Goof Troop, Pete was married and had both PJ and a daughter. So that means Pete and Peg (his wife) must have gotten divorced and he kept PJ while she got their daughter sometime between Goof Troop and this movie.

  8. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Now you have to watch the sequel that is not constantly debated as good or not ? But yeah, An Extremely Goofy Movie is a fun movie to watch.

    Also Pete and PJ are cats. It’s slightly hard to tell now but in the old cartoons (black and white), he looks much more like a cat.

  9. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    This all could have been avoided if Max just asked to postpone the trip by like a week. They’ve got three months.

  10. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Every time they decommission a showtime or chuck e cheese animatronic they have to record it to prove they actually destroyed it so no one can keep them. that's how it's always been. And i don't believe they are removing them because of the Fnaf movie, not even for a second. Unless i see an official Chuck E Cheese confirmation, especially not "for the kids" because kids have always loved fnaf even before from the games. i used to be terrified of fnaf but i would see children drawing fanart and reciting lore about it all the time. if anything it's for the PARENTS that probably complained because they didn't realize what fnaf was when their kids dragged them to go see that movie

  11. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The friend of Max who's dad is also friends with Goofy is Pete and he is a cat so not everyone in the movie is dogs at least

  12. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I never thought it was weird that there are humanoid-animals with normal-animals in the same universe, but I did think it was weird that each city in the Disney-universe seems to focus on *one* species with only maybe one or more characters that aren't. Pete's family are all cats, even though I thought Peg was a dog for years. XD Duckburg is also full of humanoid-birds, with the occasional humanoid-dog, like the Beagle-boys. At least in Ducktales 2017, we see *more* kinds of humanoid-animals, like pigs and the like.

    I also always headcanoned Goofy had a relationship with Clarabelle the cow, 'cause I remember a few shorts where the two seemed romantically involved...

  13. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I don’t know if you guys have watched it but I suggest you check out Atlantis: The Lost Empire it’s one of my personal favourites along with Treasure Planet and I have a feeling that you guys will enjoy it.

  14. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    technically we didnt just see dogs at the beginning, Pete is a Cat

  15. tribalchief676
    1 year

    yall should react to the kingsmen trilogy

  16. Commenters avatar
    1 year


  17. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Damn Boom you look great

  18. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    the dude who voices cheedar whizzay is the same guy who voiced fruity pinocchio

  19. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Please watch an extremely goofy movie! I absolutely adore that movie ??

  20. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The sequel is really good too if you guys are interested!

  21. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Congrats to Boom for slimming down. He looks great!

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      So you're saying I don't look good now?

  22. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    pete and p.j. are cats btw

  23. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    i think this movie is good but 2 is better to me

  24. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    If someone made a movie or a tv show for Mickey and did what DuckTales 2017 did for Donald, and what this movie did for Goofy, I’d respect Mickey a lot more.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      I mean Goofy already had a show, Goof Troop. This movie was like a finale to it.

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        Goof Troop was after this movie. It was a prequel series.

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      What? You mean Paul Ruddish Mickey didn’t impress you?

  25. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    the principal is not the yeti or the truck from cars both those are john ratzenberger while the principal is voiced by Wallace Shawn

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      I know right I was like what is he talking about lol

  26. iron pirate
    1 year

    please react to the kingsmen movies

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      I gotta say man, you are committed ✊

  27. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    People get all in a fuss over goofy and pluto both existing but then don't bat an eye when something like one peace has fishmen and regular fish. Or when Zelda has the Ritos and Zoras but also normal fish and birds. It's the same principle.

  28. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Normal principals call in a student’s parents and sit them down for a discussion to resolve a problem. This man tells Goofy his son is approaching capital punishment over the phone and abruptly hangs up.

  29. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I can die happy now. Don't even need to watch, just knowing y'all watchin' my favorite Disney Movie has me hella satisfied, as if Squidward just turned Hella Tricks on me.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Principal Mazur is voiced by Wallace Shawn, not John Ratzenberger.

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        He's the T-Rex from Toy Story, Bob's boss in the Incredibles, and Vizzini in Princess Bride... he's in lot's of stuff, but those are the 2 I know off the top of my head ?

        Expand 1 reply
        1. Commenters avatar
          1 year

          3* lol

  30. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Let's fking gooooo!

    Also fun fact. The student at the beginning who says "Stacy! Talk to me baby!" Is Dante Basco(aka)Zuko.

  31. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Garsh, this outta be good

    Expand 2 replies
    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      ahem, I believe you meant "Gwarsh" good sir.

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        you are completely correct fml

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Instant regret. How do you delete a post? Haha


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