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JoJo’s Part 6 Episode 30-38 (Ruff Solo) Reaction

JoJo's (Ruff Solo) | 9 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Lmao idk why him walking on the treadmill while reacting is so funny to me ?

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  2. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Man I am really looking forward to the day you find out what part 7 really is ;D 

  3. Commenters avatar
    9 months

    Because Pucci was killed in the acceleration, he was erased from the final universe. Parts 1-5 happened the same, but because Pucci now never existed Jotaro is now more active in his daughter's life. Irene is no longer cursed to fight Dio's legacy and isn't a jojo anymore. All of the characters we followed have better lives without Pucci's meddling but are no longer the same people that we or Emporio know. Foo Fighters also never exists because she was created by Pucci.

    As for part 7, it has no continuity to the first 6 parts. Most people in the west who have read it have it has the best part (me include).


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