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Invincible Episode 8 REACTION

Invincible | 2 years ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    You know what? I just rewarched Season 1 for the first-time with this reaction. And I'm on board with Ruff here - Season 1 Amber really isn't this absolute piece of shit the entire internet makes her out to be. I don't know if I was just not paying attention the first watch-through, but yeah... she's a LOT better than I remember her being. Now I am fully aware that Season 1 Amber has been modified for the cartoon, and she's actually worse than she is in the source material ESPECIALLY with her knowing about Mark, which she didn't in the comics. 

    But yeah... on the rewatch, she's really been giving Mark a LOT of chances, she always forgave him even when he was really not being a very good boyfriend to her time and time again. And It's not like she ever really complained about him without doing anything herself. First she steps in to save Mark in episode 1, then we see her being very involved in volunteering and humanitarian aid, and I think most importantly - when the robot attacks on the campus, she as a normal human with absolutely no powers, put her life in danger to save others. Of course she would be pissed at Mark for running away when she was ready to die to save someone, and her boyfriend "ran to get help" - if we assume that even in this version she hasn't put it together until after this happened, yeah season 1 Amber really doesn't sound like the selfish monster that the internet claims her to be

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  2. parzival25.
    1 year

    I honestly don't know what's worse

    That Amber knew Mark was Invincible and still gave him crap about not being around when she knew why he wasn't around or that after dumping him in the harshest way possible, she comes back to him when he's in a emotionally fragile place and expects to just pick up the pieces like nothing ever happened. She gaslit him into thinking it was wrong of him to not reveal his secret identity and we're supposed to sympathize with her?

    Nah, Mark and Eve all the way.

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    1. _nextghost_
      8 months

      She literally says that she wasnt mad at him for that.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Surprise colonialism!

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    There's Atom Eve you guys need to watch before Season 2 of Invincible on November 3rd.

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I think based on your post discussion from this episode it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on like the anime series Overlord, since the series "protagonist" is technically the villain of the world.

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Bro i remeber the ruff invincible streams and it was a crazy ride

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The Legend of Vox Machina is another great dark animated series produced by Amazon. It takes place in a High Fantasy world and is a retelling of the first Campaign of a super popular D&D stream called Critical Roll which stars a bunch of American Voice Actors.

  8. iron pirate
    1 year

    you guys should react to SUPER CROOKS its basically like this, like super heros and villains but the main people use there powers for heist

  9. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    There's the Atom Eve Special that came out last week, the "When is the next season coming out?" teaser from January, and the s2 trailer and release date from last week also. And I think Atom Eve is getting a game on Steam(?) soon?

    Also Vox Machina would be cool! I like Critical Role and D&D, so everything they do has my bias automatically, but I agree with everyone else, I think you guys will enjoy it!

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      If you watched Vox Machina that would be amazing I think you guys would love it.

  10. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Yeah now that I've finally watched all of this again, Amber is like completely fine? Like she's a little harsh but it's completely fucking understandable? What?? She was like 2000% made out to be like the anti christ

    Expand 2 replies
    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      How is she understandable she lied to Mark for weeks and then she goes to a party to cheat on him and on top of that she knew he was Invincible the whole time, but starts an argument out of nowhere and gets on him for it like making Mark looking like the bad guy in the relationship when he isn’t especially when his secret is very important and shouldn’t be known by many otherwise his friends and family will be targeted, at the end of the day Amber is trash and she will always be trash and she is for the streets.

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      1. thunderlion03
        1 year

        I also hate how the show frames it, that everyone was on amber's side and Mark was the bad guy here, they'd only been dating for 6 months, buts that's also how long they've known each other, meanwhile mark has known William for years as his best friend and not only did he not have an issue with it but he also was happy about. but then we see how easily he slipped up so the show showed us how easily he coulda blown it, and that's marks best friend, what makes Amber think she's the one who should be Angry when she knows what he's doing. "feeding peeps at the soup kitchen, NO I ALMOST DIED. oh you left us with the cyborg dude, YES I ALMOST BROKE MY FACE TRYNA SAVE ALL YALL." its such toxic behavior that

        wasn't at all associated with the Amber in the comments I don't know why they changed her so drastically in the show.

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        1. thunderlion03
          1 year

          OK take the writing choice out of this, look at it from the perspective the characters. Amber has been with Mark for 6 months tops, that's amount of time most friendships take to get past the starting faze, much less a romantic relationship. but yeah 6 months, she sees Mark is always late and she's annoyed, cool makes sense. she asks around about his character from people who know him, they vouch for him, so now you know he's good dude, next she figures he's Invincible, she knows what he's doing now but she doesn't confront him about him or wait for to tell her when he's ready, somehow she got to the line of thinking that her life saving, death risking, very famous, good heart having superhero boyfriend not telling her He's invincible was the shitty thing to do and she made it about her, he risks his life for people selflessly and she makes it about her and at his lowest point, she comes back to him after she dumped him. That's Emotionally unintelligent Dumbass behavior right there folks

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      She started the big argument in the cyborg episode for no reason she knew Mark was Invincible so why get on him about where he was during the attack? It's not like he was gonna reveal himself in public with Williams BF there

  11. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    That train scene will forever stick with me until the end of time. I still remember the first time I watched it like it was yesterday.

  12. lightning63
    1 year

    Omniman is a prime example of a character you love to hate. I love characters who just embrace the villain role, though I still hate their worldviews.

  13. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I feel like Omniman defenders are so caught up in the rationality of Nolan (who has already had time to understand the ramifications of such a long lifespan) that they can't put themselves in the shoes of Mark (someone who was just told he's going to hypothetically outlive his friends, their children, and their grandchildrens grandchildren at minimum.

    Amber hate is alot more clear cut imo. She lied to him for weeks, making her blowing up at him the previous ep and going to a party to cheat on him really bad knowing that she knows he was really saving lives. And alot of people in the Mark camp will bring up the amount of time they were together, but there's also the fact Mark's kept it a secret from everyone he didn't know from the beginning or figured it out by themselves. But the main problem is, William almost outed Mark twice this episode and joked about telling people if Mark didn't fly him around. It's played for laughs because it's people who know, but it absolutely proves him right to be wary of letting someone in on it.

    Tl;dr: Mortal people think they understand immortality, and people should respect others privacy instead of testing them

  14. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Y'all should watch The Boys sometime

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      They've probably already seen it, i hope not though. The boys is probably my favorite show ever

  15. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Omni-man defenders are weird but, I have no idea how so many people actually side with Amber and her decisions.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      I honestly don’t understand how people can side with that trash either, those people probably just love trashy girls like her and not great girls like Adam Eve.

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Yeah, but bottom line is I think Omniman defenders are garbage people (at least the ones defending his callous murders and shit as ok cause he is a viltrumite), and Amber defenders were arguably not reasonable until her explicit actions in episode 6. The fact that this thread of comments is focused on defending or attacking amber for pretty normal human expectations and actions, especially at the age of a teenager, over fucking Omniman speaks to it.

      Heck, the fixation with people who support amber with the simultaneous casual handwaving of Omniman defenders as 'weird' is what is 'we'rd' to me.

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        Amber defenders were arguably not unreasonable until her explicit actions in episode 6*

    3. hobbes314
      1 year

      Because if the writers tried like 2% harder to clearly state her issues with Mark’s lying she’s completely valid, so I’m gonna give credit to the attempt even though everyone on Earth seems to think that lying to your spouse and then revealing it in some attempt to get out of trouble makes up for all the lying in the first place

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      1. Commenters avatar
        1 year

        It's a little naive to believe that you can tell someone you've been sating for not even a year about your secret identity. Whether that be in the beginning or later on, marl had to know that he'd be able to trust her, relationships end, especially highschool relationships. Him telling her that soon could put her in danger, his family in danger and anyone he knows. Even if amber explained her reasoning a bit more. She shouldn't expect anything.

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        1. Commenters avatar
          1 year

          I get that too, but I think it would be different if Mark didn’t keep asking for another chance. Sometimes it’s more respectful to just end the relationship.

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          1. Commenters avatar
            1 year

            Yeah, the problem is that he was really bad at managing anything and she kept telling him that he needed to change things if he wanted to stay with her. And he'd promise that and then...not change anything. Either he needed to be open about his identity and actually work with her on figuring out how to balance things or he needed to get better at doing that on his own or he needed to decide to move on because he couldn't.

  16. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Watch legend of vox

  17. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    They’re an Atom Eve episode out. Also: avoid any season 2 teasers. ?


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