Paranorman Movie Reaction
First Time Playing Ratchet & Clank (2016)
Adventure Time: Distant Lands Episode 1 Reaction
Batman: Hush Reaction
Kung Fu Panda 4 Reaction
(Gold) Kung Fu Hustle Reaction
Teen Titans S4 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Rise of the TMNT Episode 1 REACTION
Completed Deadpool Playthrough (Parts 2-4)
(Gold) Into The Spider-Verse REACTION
(gold) Sonic 2 Movie Reaction
First Time Playing Detroit Become Human
Amphibia Season 2 Episode 1 REACTION
Adventure Time S3 Episode 1-2 REACTION
I didn't notice this until watching your reactions and seeing Vox Machina. The merc named Jaffe is probably a reference to Taliesin Jaffe (The voice of Percy in Vox Machina) because he worked on the english dub of Hellsing. That's a nice little reference they put into the abridged series.
Bit of a necro, but its all of them. Jaffe, Willingham, and Mercer
You know, back when this came out I didn't know who he was, but now that Smiling Friends has been something I've loved, is that fucking Zach Hadel (voice of Charlie) as Satan??? Sweet if so!
You should react to there music also it's great
The blonde scythe girl looked like she had a stroke, her mouth and eye was droopy on one side. ?
I hope after you guys finish this abridged you'll react to danmachi abridged or code ment/code geass abridged.
Imagine watching these a year between each episode. BECAUSE thats how long they released them!!
A year and some change in the case of the last few. Oh the wait was Agonizing!
Anyone find it weird that Maxwell was perfectly fine with slaughtering innocent men, women, and children yet he drew the line at the racism?
I think its more that the one guy just annoyed Maxwell and the last interjection was the last straw lol. It's more that he said anything rather then what he said.
Also fun fact, the Abridge actaully toned down how evil the Catholic Church was in the series. Here Maxwell at least has a distate for racist and when he began his purge of London it was without the Chruch's support but in the original series he had the full support of the Papal knights. And if I recall correctly there even is a scene of the Pope fondly remembering the Church's alliance with the Nazis.
29:24 wait that means that the Nazis exist because of Alucard because he caused WWI and the Nazis were created as a response to the Treaty of Versailles that was signed in the aftermath of said war. So this actually is 100% his fault because the Nazis wouldn’t even exist to kill all those people if not for him.
Well yes but that's one of the few TFS jokes that doesn't make sense when you think about it. As we will learn in episode 9 Alucard was released by Integra when she was little. The timeline of events don't make sense because when WW1 took place Integra wasn't even born and Alucaed was still slumbering in his coffin.
Well there is an official spin off manga (that hasn't been updated in years but that's besides the point) and Alucard was 100% active during WW2. The TFS jokes about that are accurate. But as far as I remember I don't think anything implies he was asleep in the years before that so it's not too far of a stretch.
ok so all the footage from this show is from ovas. Hellsing Ultimate is a 10 episode series of ova's that kind of act like the fmab of the series cause the first anime adaptation , just called hellsing, went really off the path of the manga.
So the Andrew WK song/intro has finally been revealed to not be the shows theme song... It's Alucards Theme. That's why since he has been gone it hasn't played and starts the moment he returns.
Did you guys all listen to Hamilton back when it came out? I think it's on Disney+ now, but probably not a good reaction video because of music and copyright claims, but the impact that play made on the shows of the time-- it's almost like required reading for Internet 101.
Worth a watch or a listen at least once for references alone, but also just Lin Manuel Miranda making bops.
(And Kristoff from Frozen is the King... if that sweetens the pot for anyone?)
You guys should react to the full Alexander Anderson song from the ending credits. It's so good. It's actually a parody of the song Alexander Hamilton from the play Hamilton.
The Crusaders aren't KKK members (well except for Southern Baptist one). They are wearing a Capirote, a Catholic religious headwear worn in Spain and other Hispanic countries. The KKK just appropriated it which is funny because they hated the Catholics.
I was honestly surprised when I first learned the Klan hated Catholics. They seem like they’d be natural allies.
Well KKK only liked WASP- White Anglo Saxon Protestants. And Catholics are decidely not Protestants. You can see in Hellsing how much the two hate each other.
Just like to point out that the one liners that Maxwell was throwing out at the start of episode 8 are actual quotes said by actual Popes throughout the Crusades. Well you know what they say, no hate like Christian love.