(Gold) Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island
Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Movie Reaction
Shield Hero Season 1 Reaction
Teen Titans VS Teen Titans Go! Reaction
Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Reaction
Fairly OddParents S2 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Fairy OddParents Episode 1 & 2 Reaction
First Time Playing High on Life Finale
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay Reaction
Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action Episode 1 REACTION
Pokemon Concierge Episode 1-4 Reaction
Mob Psycho S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
One Piece Manga Bros Enies Lobby Part 1 + 2 (Featuring Merphy Napier)
Adventure Time: Distant Lands Episode 1 Reaction
Batman vs. Robin Reaction
Lucifer is my short king.
44:00 - This song is one of the most assertive challenges to the hypocrisy of Evangelical Christianity to be realized in this time and age. This song is as significant as protest statements like Martin Luther's The 95 Theses.
This is a firm and forceful rebuke of hypocrisy at the deepest and highest levels.
Sorry, it's 48:46 - Very fucking powerful words.
when they say cheri bomb from the music video makes me think does no one of them remember the pilot that she was in when they watched it 6 months ago yet us that watcvhed it 4 ish years ago still remember her
The voice of mimzy is also the voice of spinel frome Steven universe movie
The golden fiddle and Alastor actually cursing was perfection! Im pretty sure the exorcists were human souls who had the option to become part of the angelic army.
To answer some of your questions (which other people probably already have; I didn't check replies):
1) Season 2 was announced during the release of the trailer a few months ago. In fact, they just started doing the voice recording for season 2 this week.
2) Helluva Boss will have a total of 4 seasons and will continue being released on YouTube.
3) The Pride Ring is the only place in hell sinners are, so the hell-born beings who live in other rings (e.g. Wrath, Lust, Envy, Lust, Greed, Gluttony) remain unaffected by the annual extermination.
4) Heaven does have human souls, Adam being just the first human, so not everyone is created or heaven-born.
5) We see Sera and Emily in their angelic forms before they transformed into more humanoid forms and, at least for Sera, her angelic form was that of a bird so following that logic, we can assume Lucifer's obsession with rubber ducks is probably because his angelic form resembled a duck and his depression stems from his inability to access his former angelic form.
Someone else has likely already said this but in the right corner at 31:52 that is Molly, Angel Dust's sister. I recognized her instantly bc years ago I remember watching Viv do a speed paint of her and I fell in love with her design!
You mean the one with the red clothes on and the big blonde hair?
to answer the question about the whole sinner thing that was asked there are the 7 rings of hell and pride is not only the largest ring but it is where all the sinners stay. it was said that the sinners can't access the other rings most likely without the permission of lucifer or Lilith and possibly charlie but between all the rings there are the hellborn demons like the imps, hellhounds, succubi, and the goetias. but i find it funny that charlie points out that no one knows how a human gets to heaven, but my theory is that its not necessarily those that are good all their life i think its whoever heaven wants cause look at the cherub episode of helluva boss the old guy they had to kill was a bad guy, he made inventions that was tested on the poor and most likely those poor people had died but heaven sent the cherubs to keep him from killing himself stating that his inventions benefit heaven so they wanted him up there but because the cherubs killed him he went down.
To clarify, only Mimzy and Alastor knew each other in life. Mimzy knows Husker because he's under Alastor's control
Imagine how much it sucks to be lucifer. You were a nice guy who loved sharing individuality, you meet a woman you fall in love with and share free will with the humans. In exchange you're banished from heaven, forced to stay in hell where the worst people end up, titled as the king of evil despite how good natured you are, and after thousands of years your wife and mother of your child just leaves
Hazbin is Viv's baby, not Helluva. it's definitely bound to have a bunch more put to it. Also, currently boycotting Amazon Prime, so I'll watch the episodes that Viv has currently put on her channel
i mean, more like, her #1 baby
Mimzy is voiced by Sarah stiles who was spinel in Steven Universe. She was also in Avenue Q, one of my fav musicals, highly recommend.
Season 2 was confirmed awhile ago but I’m not sure when production started or will start. I love blind reacts but also my best girl was in episode 6 and I’m kind of sad that people just don’t notice her even though her design makes her stand out a lot.
Viv hasn’t said much on heaven and angels in the past that I’m aware of. You probably won’t read this, but you guys seemed confused on Angel society so I just wanted to say a few things. Adam isn’t the only human in heaven, he’s just the first. Lilith, Adam’s first wife and the first woman, was cast out into hell with Lucifer. Eve, Adam’s second wife, accepted free will and brought evil unto earth so most fans speculate that Eve is in Hell because of this. Winners are the heaven equivalent of sinners - so they are born human and died just like Adam. Sera & Emily are Seraphim and are heaven born as Sera’s silhouette was seen in the intro of episode 1. Since Adam was the first human in heaven it does clearly show that he has a lot of pull within that society simply just by existing. There’s no clear indication on whether or not the exterminators (like Vaggie & Lute) were human so I do hope they explore more on that in future episodes.
Omg didn't notice the picture of Charlie in her goth phase. It's on the wall of pictures when it first goes to Lucifer's room. Really curious to see that era of Charlie's personality.
I do believe the next 2 episodes come out on Friday the 3rd in February. The source I used to confirm this last time was correct so let's see what happens also I do believe when the episodes come out it'll be around 8pm for the US or a day later in the UK
fun fact about Alistor, he always smiles because he was a cannibal in his human life. all cannibals in hell have a permanent smile.
also, Angel's real name is Anthony. we see it on the bottom of the contract in ep 4. (can't remember if you pointed that out in that vid lol)
Oh wow that’s cool
The music is so good. And one of the main composer of the songs is Sam Haft, he is also a song writer for the living tombstone. Just thinking that's super cool, because they make really good music
This show just keeps, honestly, surprising me! It's pretty dang good!
I have a theory angel isn’t redeemed not cause he’s in redeemable but because his soul is owned by someone else I bet if Val dies he’s free
I think Lilith had Alastor on a leash. They've been missing for the last 7 years and even Lucifer doesn't know what's going on with her or won't say.
Lilith was the one who created hell with her voice. Lucifer only saw the negative side of hell. I think Lilith doesn't want Charlie to lose her positive thoughts about hell and keep separating herself from them. Because she and her father are so similar in their personalities. One indicator is that they hardly know each other and don't have much contact with each other.
I dont trust Lilith so far.
They are having a season 2, btw. I think they are onto voice acting bits
I was taken so aback when I found out Mimzy was the same VA as Spinel xD
WHAT THE FUCK?! Really '0'
OH MY GOD WHAT? Damn, that's cool.
Btw Lucifer is not that short. Charlie is 6 feet tall and Alastor and Angel Dust are like 7 feet tall (Angel a bit taller). Lucifer is about average size for a human. The demons are just way too tall/
So yeah Adam sucks or whatever but is it weird that I kinda hate Mimzy more?
Wasn't a fan of Mimzy either, to be honest. Half of the reason is that she was introduced out of nowhere and just felt out of place, in my opinion. I would've preferred if she weren't in this episode and were introduced in season 2 in a less random situation in a B plot, or like, Alastor bringing the gang to the Cannibal Colony and she happens to be there or something.
I've only watched these episodes once, so these are just my first impressions. They might change after watching some reactions.
I’m calling it: Just like how Alastair has Husk on a leash, Lilith has Alastair on one as well, which kinda explains why they’ve both been missing for seven years. This might explain why Alastair is also protective of Charlie. Maybe he was sent there to protect her by Lilith.
Lilith was my first thought as well.
Y’all notice how Adam is the only thing that would actually make Charlie unleash her demon self? Every time I see him from now on I expect her to lose it ?
Valentino also did.
I find it absolutely hilarious and somehow fitting that the only person that actually made Alastor swear for the first time is Lucifer himself. Idk what happened between them but they got major beef. Also fun fact Alastor is always always smiling but you can just tell how he actually feels by his eyes alone. Like that just makes him even more terrifying.
I think he was about to frown on Lucifer's last line in their song, 'You tacky piece of--' I was agape at that part!
Season 2 is definitely happening! They've already started recording for it!
I’m curious how Helluva boss will be effected with a war between heaven ans hell.
i'm guessing that Helluva Boss either takes place before or after the events of Hazbin, because the office is in the sinners ring of hell just like the hotel, and we never see anything in either show that hints at events happening similarly and the imps never mention an extermination. even though they'd not be killed in one, one happening not only where you work but also to potential clients sooner than ever before is pretty important i would think.
One of those background angels we saw in Heaven was potentially important to old lore, but IDK if they're going to do anything with them yet, so no spoilers out of me, but keep an eye on the background! ?
Did you guys already react to the "Look My Way" Stolas song video from last month? I swear I am not seeing it anywhere.
I think the biggest bombshell out of both episodes was that Alastor's soul belongs to another demon. Considering the 7 year disappearance, I have a feeling it's lilith that owns him. I don't know under what circumstances that would happen but its almost like alastor might have tried fighting lilith. They were at a stalemate and in exchange for alastors soul lilith would resign, making alastor to disappear out of shame. That's just my theory on it
The series has really made a major turn around and really set the stage for the finale. I love how they brought back up the song 'Hell is Forever' and put a twist on it, by saying Heaven is Lie, almost like Hell is Forever is like a rhetoric that people have to follow; and going against that mantra is a bad thing.
It's not letting me watch it... I'm a diamond member I'm confused. Is it working foe everybody else?
It works, you have to find the "refresh" button a little below the video and click that. Then hit "allow". It wil then be playable
To answer Boom, from what I know, there are heaven born angels like there are hell born demons (imps, succubi, lonesharks, etc) but I think dead people also become angels like they can become sinners in hell.
The Heaven equivalent of Sinners are the "Winners", Adam mentions them in his Song on episode 1 and they also are featured in the Card Deck of the show.
Just like someone such as Alastor can be called the "Radio Demon" even tho he's a Sinner... Winners can also be referred to as Angels, Which is Adam's case funnily enough.
For now... the only Heaven-born Angels we know off are the Cherubs and the Seraphim.
They just started voice recording for season 2
This two episodes were so f good, I can't belive they left us like that, I need the next episode now ??
Oh my fucking god I love lucifer. Such a nervous mess.
Think it’s fair to say that Lucifer is not at all what I was expecting I was expecting him to be a little bit goofy maybe a little insecure, but I was also expecting him to have at least a little bit of cunning?
Ok nevermind that comment was premature I apologize Lucifer is King.?