Gumball S6 Episode 1-4 REACTION
Gumball S6 Episode 5-8 REACTION
Gumball S6 Episode 9-12 REACTION
Gumball S6 Episode 13-16 Reaction
Gumball S6 Episode 17-20 Reaction
Gumball S6 Episode 21-24 Reaction
Gumball S6 Episode 25-28 Reaction
Gumball S6 Episode 29-32 Reaction
Gumball S6 Episode 33-36 Reaction
Gumball S6 Episode 37-40 Reaction
Gumball S6 Episode 41-44 Reaction
Gumball S6 Episode 45-47 Reaction
Scooby Doo Cyber Chase for PS1 is a Buggy MESS… – UNCUT
Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Dead Men Tell No Tales Reaction
Pokemon 2000 The Movie REACTION
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Movie REACTION
Ranking of Kings Episode 1-2 REACTION (Ruff Solo)
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Episode 1-2 Reaction
First Time Playing Murky Divers
Can You Poop Out A Baby?
Batman: Dark Knight Returns Part 2 Reaction
Llamas With Hats REACTION
Kaguya Sama S3 Episode 1-13 Reaction
Spongebob S4 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Danny Phantom S3 Episode 1-2 Reaction
I know I’m in the minority here, but I HATE Nicole’s parents. The disapproving parents that hate the spouse for no good reason.
well to be fair if someone I know married a guy like richard in real time I'd be against it too no offence to richard he's loving plus kind but his recklessness that can either put somone in debt or kill somone yeah for the other person sake I'd be against it too
id watch u watch death note i skipped through it my first 2 watches
Is it just me or does the new video player not work at all
I got it to work eventually. For some reason my ad blocker considered the video an ad and wouldn’t play it unless I turned the blocker off
It works for me but it doesn't full screen properly on my monitor anymore
it works for me but the bar at the bottom will not go away in full screen
Day 24 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009
Leslie being "A girl" in some European countries is just classic Censorship! Cuz anything not Heteronormative=Bad!
Would love death note on the channel if y'all get the time
"Canadian Destroyer off the shed in the backyard" Anais watching backyard wrestling is based.
idk if this has already been pointed out but if nicole’s parents hadn’t turned the car around they would have died. they were portraying a speeding truck closing in on them at the intersection, but they stopped and so they truck sped through without hitting them. pretty powerfulimagery and messaging for a kids show!
Now they know why everyone thinks Darwin is black
And you know the all the VAs for darwin is also Black so that might be another reason why
the dill pick song Eric’s face was killing me ??????
That ending did make me cry, as I looked over at my dad's urn. The message here is strong. Unless they are toxic and abusive, the stuff that makes you mad with family is microscopic compared to the grief you'll feel when you can't call them anymore. This last year has sucked but these reactions have been a part of the positivity that's keeping me level ? thank you guys.
I don’t know how anyone can be confused about Leslie. There’s an entire episode where Gumball is jealous of him and Penny and they say Him the whole time
I think people think that Leslie is a girl’s name and that confuses them. I think this is because while Leslie is a unisex name, it’s more commonly used for girls.
We knew he was a guy and we’ve recently had people tell us they were female. Not a big deal, just miscommunication, since Leslie is apparently female in some countries.
OMG yes please watch death note
If you guys are curious about what Sarah said, I wrote a list of
definitions below. I'm sure you guys already know some of these terms,
but I'm just going to explain all the fandom-related words in Sarah's
line anyway.
@19:10 Sarah says: "I was just writing some
non-canon AT and AR ships, the odd one-shot here and there, and a bit of
OOC, some OC drawings, of course, but mostly OTP squees and fan
Non-canon: not part of the original work or may argue with the original work's laws/sequence of events.
AT: alternate timeline. Everything is the same as the original work, but with slight changes like Gumball marrying Carrie.
ships: AR means alternate reality. "Ships" are short for
"relationships" (usually referring to romance). AR ships are going to be
the ships that are non-canon (Mr. RobinsonxBanana Joe's mom,
GumballxCarrie, etc.).
One-shot: a one-chapter story (word count not relevant).
OOC: Out Of Character: When a character is acting differently or doing things they wouldn't normally do in canon.
Original Character: A fan-created character which exists/was created
outside the canon. (The fuchsia fish and Gumball's "cousin" would be
OCs. Yes, they're in the show, but the show is implying that Sarah
created them on her own without the canon's influence. For story-telling
purposes, they're OCs.).
OTP: One True Pairing. This a ship that
you love. Obviously, people can have more than one OTP, but it just
classifies a ship as a favorite.
Squees: Squeal + glee. When a
fan is really excited about something. In this case, Sarah is
writing/drawing ships that she likes to see, and she's feeling excited
over it.
Fan service: Indulgent visuals and scenarios meant to please
the audience--like a beach episode in an anime where all the woman
characters are in bikinis, and there are static cross-fades with amped
up foreground effects and ambiance-enhancing music.
Tbh, I had to
look up AT and AR, because I just wasn't used to seeing it. I only ever
see AU (alternate universe) like mermaid AU, human AU, college AU,
etc. If you guys don't care to know what she said/really don't want to read the list of definitions, that's totally fine,
no worries. I just wrote out the definitions because I had time and was
bored. Excited to see more! :)
Funny that Boom points out that Leslie is a girl in some points in Europe, because Gumball is actually a British cartoon. (Most of the actors are putting on American accents, you can hear Nichole's break a bit earlier in the series, mostly season 2)
Also fake Gumball and darwin is real fan art that they put into the show
All the weird art in this episode is fan art
The Choices and The Parents are probably one of the most serious gumball episodes out there. Its so cool how the show balances comedy and seriousness so well
Yea if 90% comedy and 10% seriousness they nail it
the shareholders being that guy's sack is ctazy
the Shippening is my favorite episode other than the one where gumball gets possessed by carrie and eats too much
I belive Leslie is both a guy and a girl because... Well, that's how flowers work in real life
Yes! I have been waiting for this episode ??
ah yes my favorite waifu: gumball