Billy - Silver

Gravity Falls Reaction (Boom solo) – Episode 15

Gravity Falls (Boom Solo) | 2 years ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Hey Boom. I hope you'll still react to Gravity Falls, but if for whatever reason you aren't able to, then I at least hope you could finish watching it on your own just to enjoy it. This show had great moments that lead to such a climactic finish on all loose ends that really affected me emotionally when I first watched the series. When I got to the ending I was overcome with nostalgia and just childlike wonder for all the moments I had growing up where I imagined cool scenarios and explanations for stuff that was perfectly natural. Like why a teacher was not able to come in being "They were probably a spy that had to flee the bad guys" being my thought process, instead of the actual fact being "They came down with a bad flu".

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