Billy - Silver

(Silver)Gravity Falls Reaction (Boom/Sean) – Episode 1

Gravity Falls (Boom Solo) | 2 years ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Gravity Falls is how I found Sorta Stupid to begin with. So far I've watched the reactions to Gravity Falls, Steven

    Universe & Future, ATLA, DBZA, Amphibia, Ben 10 & Alien Force, Ducktales (No spoilers, but you guys should really finish that) and I'm hoping back and forth between Owl House, and Korra depending on my mood. Loving it so far

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  2. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Boom You're Officially My Favorite... don't tell the rest I said that.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Where's all the episodes? U r missing some episodes.

  4. vulpustumultum
    1 year

    I've cut up the connectors for sixpacks etc since the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles told me to when I was like 10. (At least I think I remember it being one of their after-show PSA's, it could have been GI Joe, I was obsessed with both as a kid.)


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