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Game Theory: FNAF, BURN Them All REACTION

Gaming | 1 year ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Fnaf moving from a successful indie game to a more mainstream environment that was welcomed by a young generation, made people misunderstand the games, these were never seen as ❝kids games❞, in fact, in one of the games there is an image of a hanging man,in the video you se literally a spoon took out the guy's intestines and replaced them with wires, fnaf lore is very complicated, the videos of matpat are good introductions adapted for anyone to understand, love the reaction guys

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  2. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I dont care what anyone says fnaf isn't a kids horror game it's way too fucked up to be

  3. bbenzo.
    1 year

    When it comes to having faith in Scott’s ability to make a cohesive narrative, it’s less about that and more about having an enticing puzzle to solve. The FNAF community is largely fueled by the pieces of lore each game holds, but the games don’t give the pieces in a linear order, which is what makes the whole puzzle so hard/fun to solve.

    The original FNAF series is technically over, starting with FNAF 1 and ending with Ultimate Custom Night(7), with the new series starting its events directly after the events in this video, because of that, a lot of the lore gaps for the events that took place within FNAF 1-7 have been definitively solved, while anything coming later(including the next GameTheory on this list) is up in the air until we get a few more games.

    Ruff’s pretty much right on the money when it comes to planning. A theory that was widely believed by the community is that FNAF 4 was originally supposed to be the end of the series, but because MatPat figured out the ending, Cawthon scrapped his original plans because he feared fans would be disappointed. Before the release of FNAF 4, MatPat’s theory suggested that the entirety of the first 3 games took place within the dream of Afton’s youngest son. This whole situation was all but confirmed to be true when the movie released, which itself solved a few mysteries from the games while telling a completely distorted narrative(not saying it’s bad, just that it’s the same plot but through a kaleidoscope… which is exactly what the books are… FNAF is weird man…)

    Expand 1 reply
    1. bbenzo.
      1 year

      Also, despite looking juvenile, FNAF was not at all meant to cater to children(barring the movie.) Ironically enough, Scott Cawthon had made a children’s game titled “Chipper & Sons Timber Co.” that had received negative reviews from parents because the characters looked “too scary for kids,” because of this, he just said fuck it and made a horror game

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    (Repost because I accidentally replied to a comment) Yoo! SeeOhKnee plays the VR game!? I gotta check that out! My only criticism of this series from y’all is the video is as loud as Y’all so when Y’all don’t pause, I can’t hear what Y’all are saying very well. Love it when y’all pause and discuss.

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    When are you going to react to the rest of jujitsu kaisen

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    5:07 this is why I will always appreciate Resident Evil. Because the games actually explain the construction crews. In RE0 and RE1 the construction crews were either killed or turned into crazy monsters via experiments. In RE4 and RE8 the construction crew doesn’t question anything because they’re cultists and the person who is making them build it is the cult leader. In RE7 it’s just that Lucas Baker is good at building stuff.

    Expand 2 replies
    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      I didn’t mean to reply under yours sorry.

    2. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Yoo! SeeOhKnee plays the VR game!? I gotta check that out! My only criticism of this series from y’all is the video is as loud as Y’all so when Y’all don’t pause, I can’t hear what Y’all are saying very well. Love it when y’all pause and discuss.

  7. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Scott originally planned one FNaF 1 being a one and done game, then the popularity made it a trilogy. Then again he was pushed to make a 4th that he wanted to be the end so he made the meme game FNaF World but that game was to hated and misunderstood that he just kept making more.

  8. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I really recommend Five Nights At Freddy lore in only 8:47:37 it’s the best lore video I’ve ever seen you can watch it on your own time if want as it is a very long video but well worth watching


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