Billy - Silver

First Time Playing Until Dawn Gameplay Part 2

Gaming | 12 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    Your night is just starting guys. Good luck! 

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  2. mayasha_chan
    11 months

    Wow! This is shaping up to be a fun playthrough! Can't wait to see you guys really get into the big decisions later!

    Also, it would be awesome to see all 3 of you play Baldur's Gate 3 together! The chaos you guys would create would be incredible to witness XD

  3. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    Yes blessed again, right before work too on my end. So happy you are playing through my fav game. Haven't watched yet so I'll say my afterthoughts well... after! I hope you don't go through with the just killing them cause it's way more funny just being blindsided by bad decisions that you didn't consider(like missing a clue or weapon). However I'm sure I'll enjoy it regardless.

    If you loved this one. I do recommend Quarry(it has a couch mode where you can pass along the controller). Or just any of the Dark Pictures Anthology. Season 1 just ended so ya'll playing through them would be good timing before next season


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