DuckTales S2 Episode 1 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 2 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 3 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 4 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 5 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 6 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 7 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 8 Reaction
DuckTales S2 Episode 9 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 10 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 11 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 12 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 13 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 14
DuckTales S2 Episode 15 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 16 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 17 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 18 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 19 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 20 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 21 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 22 REACTION
DuckTales S2 Episode 23-25 REACTION
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Man, I really want them to come back for season 3. Its my favorite season by a lot. Everything here is great and I love your reactions too, so I'm really hoping they get around to it.
Ye, sadly it seems like ducktales will never come back. Especially, knowing that 3rd season is by far the best. Will miss these reactions
I REALLY hope you guys finish DuckTales!! I’ve been thoroughly enjoying rewatching it with you guys !
It’s very sad that this is you’re guys worst performing show but i completely understand why, there is something strange that happened to ducktales reboot there was so much hype back when it started , so much coverage but after they moved it Disney xd that’s where the steam started blowing out, and the third season was not giving much advertisement at all because it started airing around Covid, and was only accessible through cable tv, instead of Disney plus which really hurted it, Ducktlaes reboot is beloved and praised but it gets forgotten about and it feels like it did isn’t leave a big impact to Disney fans like Gravity falls, Amphabia and Owl house , who always come up in discussions it definitely gets lost , but for right now I’ve been loving your guys reactions to this show, I hope you guys come back when you feel like it and not feel like you’re forced to watch this,while season 3 isn’t bad at all it’s definitely the weakest season you can tell they were trying to have 4 seasons but had to rush everything in their last and it feels very inconsistent, have a great day guys and happy early Christmas!!
I feel bad being overly critical of Ducktales because I genuinely did like it when it came out and I assume a lot of studio meddling happened when writing it because of Donald’s involvement as a character. Watermelon Mickey was literally a result of them not being allowed to have Mickey due to copyright (don’t ask me to explain the weird tangled mess of that) but there are so many family moments that don’t land for me just because of ways they were handled. Mainly the Donald stuff because the jokes about him often feel too harsh when he hasn’t done anything to deserve it like in other shows where they establish him as someone who brings situations on himself.
Like Oh Donald had a traumatic experience losing a sibling and being pushed into parenthood. Lets send him to the moon for it to have no effect on the plot because him being on the moon didn’t change anything. They could have easily had Donald actually go on the cruise and sunk the boat and it would have played out the exact same way.
Sad to hear about the hiatus. There are so many good episodes in season 3! Including Della and Donald interactions with the whole family. Ducktales does have a pretty big fandom but they’re a little more scattered now that the show is over.
Also a little disappointed you missed my favorite beakley joke in the final episode of season 2. Every time I hear it I die laughing.
The show definitely was doing well, until it got moved to Disney XD, where most shows go to die. It's a running trend with Disney, shoving shows--no matter how popular--get placed when Disney doesn't care for it anymore. It's a real shame, as around the time it got placed there, I cancelled cable in my room and didn't bother much with the Disney streaming service, as it's suuuuper laggy for me despite Netflix and Crunchyroll performing perfectly in comparison.
I am sad this series is going on hiatus... I haven't seen season 3 because of the previously mentioned issue with Disney+, so was really hoping I'd get to experience it properly with you guys, but... Oh well. =/ Maybe one day they'll release a DVD/Bluray boxset. It has been what I was waiting for, for years.
i'm so sad that this series is going on hiatus!! i really hope you'll get back to it soon! i was really looking forward to watching your reactions to s3, it has so many of my favorite episodes, and the finale is incredible :'(
I've been trying to figure out why this show isn't talked about as much - because you're right. When they were originally airing DuckTales was often talked about in the same breath with Owl House and Amphibia, but Owl House and Amphibia have continued to be talked about (and reacted to and analyzed). I suspect Owl House is going to be one of those shows like Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, and Avatar: The Last Airbender that keeps finding new audiences and attracting fans to reaction videos. I think Amphibia is slowly fading in that regard, whereas Duck Tales seems to have fallen off a cliff. Which is both weird to me but also not surprising.
On the one hand, the Duck Tales reboot *was* trying to bring in both nostalgia-driven audiences and Gravity Falls fans by taking old familiar characters and adding Gravity Falls-style mysteries. I think the difference is compared to OH and Amphibia they pulled their punches on emotional beats. Duck Tales is entertaining enough in the moment, but doesn't often leave you on the edge of your seat for what comes next.
There's a LOT that I love about the craft that went into Duck Tales. It's a love letter not just to the original series, but to the entire Disney Afternoon block of shows *and* the Disney Duck universe of comics created by Carl Barks that inspired Duck Tales in the first place. There are tons of Easter eggs and throwaway gags that will only be caught by a very small set of fans...
...which may be the problem. It's true that there's a lot of deep lore in the show, but at the end of the day I think most people are looking for an emotional connection to the shows they obsess over. And Duck Tales tends to play it safe on the emotional front. It's not that it doesn't have those emotional beats and character arcs. It's that the shows that become classics do those beats better.
I can probably list dozens of shows that I watched religiously and greatly enjoyed over the years, but I'd say there's a bare handful I regularly rewatch or seek out reactions to. Duck Tales is not in that latter category. I enjoy it enough that if a channel I follow reacts to it I'll watch those videos, but I don't go looking for new reactions to it like I do for The Owl House or Avatar. I appreciate the care that went into it, and it's still a show I think was very well done, but I doubt I'll ever sit down and do a binge rewatch. Maybe that will change. It doesn't have that "tough to revisit" quality a lot of shows from the 70s and 80s have. It might make a comeback. There was a point after they ended where both ATLA and SU were rarely talked about until newer audiences discovered them. Maybe that will happen for Duck Tales.
Aww I hope it comes back soon
I hope you return to it soon. The third season connects alot of things, and the finale is by far the best part of the entire series. This show is criminally underrated as a whole, but was kind of a major part of showing Disney that a story based cartoon could really work.
Honestly kinda bummed about the hiatus but i understand. As to why the show is so underlooked these days it comes to two things: the last season is hit or miss depending on personal tastes. I personally love the twists they went for but a lot of fans hated them. Also this show ended as Amphibia and Owl House were entering the channel so the third season kinda got outshined by those shows… I personally love what they did with Donald in Season 3, and it definitely has some of the best episodes of the show overall…
Looking forward to when y'all return for the rest of Ducktales. There is one episode in particular I've been waiting on. Honestly could not tell you which one without looking it up, but there was one I'd been hyped for. Be staying tuned.
You mentioned this being your lowest performing show on your channel - but do those stats include this website? I got a feeling if people might use this more than Youtube, if invested enough.
I believe they moved the show from the Disney Channel to Disney XD, which destroyed the show's viewership on the third season. I don't really understand why the fandom sorta died with the show despite how well-received it was, it's very strange.
I want to point out that this show has been screwed over in more ways than one.
I noticed that a lot, and I mean A LOT of ideas/scenes have been taken from this show and redone in both Amphibia and Owl House.
Some examples, Della’s reunion with her family and Anne’s reunion with her parents. The lighting is similar, the hand gestures that Della and Anne make when they say hi are similar, Scrooge dropping the quill, Mrs. Boonchuy dropping the bowl.
Or in the Moonvasion episode, when Scrooge is on the roof of the mansion and he’s walking up to it and realizes the ship is a hologram, they do the exact same thing in Amphibia in the episode Beginning of the End when Anne and Sasha go to get the Calamity Box and realize it’s a hologram.
If you watch those scenes side by side, it’s the exact same thing, beat by beat.
Amphibia has copied SO many scenes from DuckTales, I’ve kept track and made numerous posts about it. It hurts when people who watched Amphibia first and then watch DuckTales later and say “They did that in Amphibia”. It really hurts because DuckTales actually did it first but nobody knows that because not a lot of people will give this show a chance.
Owl House, on the other hand, Dana (I know she worked on both shows), admitted that Hunter and his storyline were inspired by Lena and her storyline. The only difference is he’s a clone and she’s a shadow.
So it’s really a shame that DuckTales is as under appreciated as it is because it’s a really great one that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Which is why I’m happy you four are watching DT and I hope you continue with S3. Obviously not right now but some time in the future.
It's a shame this doesn't perform better for you guys, Ducktales is great. I look forward to its return.
It's sad to see the show be put on the shelf I really enjoyed your reactions to the series and I'm sad I didn't get the love deserves That being said it's not just the Shows that I look forward to it's you guys I love saying your reactions your comments your jokes it's just at the whole new level which is why I Enjoy your channel so much
No idea how this isn't performing well, it is a great series. To me this is worlds better than Sponge Bob and Gumball. I still think Gumball is some elaborate April Fools joke that just went too far.
I love ducktales, I don’t remember much from season 3 aside from a few highlights and of course the finale. Maybe it’s because I fell out of the fandom when it was airing, but s3 does have good new characters and I’d say Donald’s best moments are also in season 3! I’m sad this is going on a hiatus but I look forward for when you guys get back to it, I think you all would really really love the Donald stuff next season!
Very sad this series has such a low performance but admittedly we are getting to the episodes that I didn't really like, I'm not big on season 3 minus a few episodes and characters and I didn't like this finale. Mostly because I wasn't a fan of how they handled the Donald and Della reunion, it was a big let down during watching it as it aired. I really like this show, and a I love a lot of the characters! I can see why it's going this way though.
You guys are also the first people I've seen that didn't like Glomgold after his big episode, but putting it in perspective it makes sense. That episode is like in my top three and I had loved the drama of him turning back. It really doesn't feel the same when he's still being really silly after all that... would've loved some call backs at least.
Wow, I new it was underperforming but I didn't know it was that bad. The crazy thing is that She rah and duck tails are the two show I'm most interested in seeing right now. I honestly didn't realize that I was that much in the minority
Please tell me you guys are going to watch season 3 of DuckTales you guys have got to finish the series