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DuckTales S2 Episode 15 REACTION

Ducktales | 2 years ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    fun fact about that fluid Fenton talks about; there an entire comic on why spilling that stuff is a horrible... HORRIBLE... idea. Its named "The Universal Solvent", and it requires Scrooge and family to travel to the center of the earth to re-seal the spilled solvent in order to prevent the entire planet from being destroyed. Its a great comic to read.

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  2. Commenters avatar
    5 months

    Gandra is awesome. In the original Ducktales, she also existed as Fenton's bombshell-girlfriend but she had the personality of paste. She was just... there. She existed, and nothing else. I think maybe she worked as Scrooge's secretary at some point but I dont even remember. Im totally fine with the redesign of her because she's great.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Nice little Powerpuff Girls reference they had in this episode (“And so once again, the day is saved thanks to…”) that i didn’t catch the 1st time I watched this.

    Outside of that, i’m enjoying catching up to where you guys are at now


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