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Dragon Ball Reaction Episode 3 (Boom Solo)

Dragon Ball | 11 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Day 21 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009

    Warning: Undefined variable $current_user_roles in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/sorta-stupid-2025/functions/walkers/Custom_Comment_Walker.php on line 235
  2. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    Sadly they f*cked up this dub compared to what they're actually saying :(

  3. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    Seeing this show as a kid made me want to have the capsule technology and travel around places. Having a full blown home with bed shower kitchen in the middle of nowhere and it can fit in your pocket when you leave? Sign me up ??

  4. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    Boom is easily by far my favorite Pokemon

  5. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    Pilaf's squad is like Team Rocket before Team Rocket

  6. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    "Oh, that's a lie. Everybody wants to ride Nimbus."

    Hmm, I might have a new nickname for...great reaction!

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      11 months

      I hope for a day when we can delete comments on this site.

  7. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    I feel like we skipped a part. Wasn’t there a a scene where some big guy tries to eat the turtle and Goku beats him up?

    Expand 2 replies
    1. Commenters avatar
      11 months

      That’s what I was thinking too.

    2. Commenters avatar
      11 months

      That's in the Path to Power movie.

      "Oh, that's a lie. Everybody wants to ride Nimbus." Hmm, I might have a new nickname for...great reaction!

      Expand 1 reply
      1. Commenters avatar
        11 months

        No it’s in the actual show lol, I’ve watched it like 5 times.

  8. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    Apparently there's a running joke that goku is so stupid he calls Turtle by the name Tortoise. I didn't know this was a joke till I played dbz kakarot when goku is still saying tortoise as an adult

  9. hurryupmode
    11 months

    ah yes Bulma flashing Roshi is an infamous scene. They censored it in the Funimation dub, to it's benefit.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      11 months

      And it's all because goku took her panties off and she failed to notice the entire time

  10. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    Im always excited for more of your DragonBall reactions. Cant wait for more Boom, keep up the great work


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