Dragon Ball Episode 1 Reaction (Boom Solo)
Dragon Ball Super: Broly Reaction
Dragon Ball Reaction Episode 2 (Boom Solo)
Dragon Ball Reaction Episode 3 (Boom Solo)
Dragon Ball Episode 4 Reaction (Boom Solo)
Dragon Ball Episode 5 Reaction (Boom Solo)
Dragon Ball Episode 6 Reaction (Boom Solo)
Dragon Ball Episode 7 Reaction (Boom Solo)
(Gold) The Super Mario Bros. Movie Reaction
(Gold) Coco Reaction
Danny Phantom S2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Terminator Zero Episode 1-4 Reaction
DBZ Abridged Episode 1 REACTION
(Gold) Kung Fu Panda 3 REACTION
First Time Playing Murky Divers
The Legend of Vox Machina Season 2 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Rise of the TMNT Episode 1 REACTION
JoJo’s Part 3 Episode 1-10 (Ruff Solo) REACTION
The Legend Of Korra S3 Episode 1-2 REACTION
Trick R Treat Movie REACTION
Sonic Prime S2 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Five Nights At Freddy’s REACTION
I think its the combination of a few things, most of us saw it as kids, so a lot of the time we probably aren't going to get some of the jokes, ntm in America dbz actually got shown to a lot of kids before og dragonball was, so a lot of American fans haven't even seen the most comedy driven part of the series.
Oh Boom if you think this is bad, the manga had multiple shots of bare boobies ? The anime dumbed a lot of Toriyama down.
I always look forward to your DragonBall reactions Boom, I always love seeing other peoples reaction to things ive seen and love. I cant wait for more
It really is a shame that so many English speaking fans have missed out on Dragon Ball. It's a lot of fun, and it gets even better as the show figures out its identity over the course of the early part of the series.