DBZ Abridged Episode 1 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 2 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 3 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 4 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 5 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 6 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 7 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 8 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Celloween Special REACTION
DBZ Abridged History of Trunks Movie REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 9 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 10 part 1 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 10 part 2-3 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Super Android 13 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 11 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 12 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episoded 13 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 14 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 15 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 16 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 17 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 18 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 19 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 20 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 21 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 22 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 23 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 24 REACTION
DBZ Abridged episode 25 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 26 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 27 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 28 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 29 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 30 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 31 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 32 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 33 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 34 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 35 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 36 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 37 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 38 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 39 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 40 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 41 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 42 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 43-44 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 45-46 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 47 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 48-49 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 50 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 51-52 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 53-54 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 55-56 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 57-58 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 59 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 60 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Epilogue REACTION
DBZ Abridged Cell Vs REACTION
Ranking of Kings Episode 1-2 REACTION (Ruff Solo)
The Family Guy PS2 Game is DERANGED… – UNCUT
(Gold) How To Train Your Dragon 2 REACTION
Halloweentown Movie REACTION
Misfit of Demon King Academy Episode 1-6 Reaction
Helluva Boss S2 Episode 1 REACTION
Courage The Cowardly Dog is More DISTURBING Than You Remember…
(Gold) Evil Dead (1981) Movie REACTION
Sonic Prime S3 Episode 1-2 Reaction
Madagascar Reaction
Lilo and Stitch Movie REACTION
Castlevania Season 1 Reaction (Boom Solo)
Over The Garden Wall Episode 1-5 REACTION
Robots Reaction
Yo, I loved GT, I didn't even know it got so much hate.
the thing after kai 2 WAS tfs but... if you don't know super, the super shorts I guess are kinda...useless?
The scene with the tutor was in an actual episode. Chi Chi had gotten a tutor for Gohan as she thought he wsnt focused enough on his studies and the Tutor wsa abusive and gaslighting all the while not showing that side of himself when Chi Chi was around.
Cell singing My Way by Limp Bizkit is me of my favourite DBZA moments ever.
Ruff skipped the after credits scene for Kai 2.9 but it’s not very funny anyway. Also, what Bulma and Yamcha are talking about at the start of Kai 3 is the Budokai soundtrack, which composer Kenji Yamamoto plagerized. The most famous track from the games, Challengers, is a ripoff of Hunting High and Low by Stratovarius. Another track is just Iron Man by Black Sabbath. The other music Nail and Kami talk about is the Funimation dub score by Bruce Falcounet.
The video that started playing after Kai 2 is TFS, it’s just a compilation of Dragon Ball Super clips they dubbed over. Also, even if a lot of them weren’t all that funny, I hope you guys will react to the Buu Bits as well.
Yes please do hellsing next !!!
I'd def say give YuGiOh Abridged a watch, as the voice actor who did the narration and Frieza is the main voice actor of that series.
There is a Pokémon abridged and it’s amazing. Please watch it.
I love they did mha for reference another shonen bit because of Deku/bakugo’s relationship is the exact same as goku/vegeta’s. Plus don’t think demon slayer or jjk were out/popular at this point yet
You are correct, Kai 3 came out in July 2019 and Demon Slayer was still airing season 1 and haws starting to get popular but hadn’t hit the mainstream.
That Solar flare was a Frieza action figure that shot a kai blast from its mouth. Haunted me as a child.
It wasn't tfs but they did lend there voice to it so it's kinda a what if in the future timeline of the abridge
Dragon soul is such a bop. If I’m honest if the rest of kai sucked I would have watched it anyway to just hear every time lucky both ends hold up
They changed the theme in the Buu Saga though didn’t they?
Team four star has some pretty good ranking videos for the dragon ball series you should check those out too.
I love GT and toriyama saying it’s a alternate timeline just like trunk’s world makes it better.
Seems like the new series that was announced, Daimo, is Toriyama’s take on Goku becoming a kid again.
Some of the VAs who work with TFS did do a Pokemon Abridged but it ended because of... unpleasant reasons
There is a Pokemon Abridged and it's great. I'd love to see you guys react to it.
There was a bit after gohan was being whipped wear Vinny (Vinegar) went on to write a book and live a better life.
Kinda disappointed they skipped the end that's a funny callback joke
if you enjoy dbz abriged, hellsing abridged is also very good
I agree, GT is not that bad.
Hellsing Abridged ran on a yearly basis alongside DBZA.
There is a Pokemon 'Bridged by 1KidsEntertainment. It's a very different style of humor. It did get cancelled about episode 30 due to internal conflict.
Hope you guys do Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, it’s made by the same guys who worked on this
The guy whipping Gohan does happen, at least in the show. Chichi hires a tutor for Gohan and he's a total dick. Eventually he winds up talking shit about Goku and Chichi hears him and beats his ass.
Dragon Ball Z filler, of course
Hopefully they react to hellsing abridged
I honestly cant believe they haven't done so already.
And Dragon ShortZ and HFIL