DBZ Abridged Bardock REACTION
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DBZ Abridged Bardock Special REACTION
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Now I can't tell if the main timeline is timeline 3 or if Future Trunk's timeline is timeline 3. By wich I mean the future trunks we are all familiar with. not the one killed by cell.
None of them picked up on Vegeta’s Namek scream in the background of Trunks and Bulma’s conversation when she was building the Time Machine.
They didn't catch Vegeta's screaming which was also referenced in Frieza Saga
If I recall Dragonball super takes a moment to try and explain their how their time travel logic. If I recall they basically say that they are less time traveling and more dimension hopping or something like that.
Cyborg 17 literally doing Carmageddon with real people!
Four timelines isn't wrong, 'cause you also have to remember the *other* Trunks that was killed by Cell had helped a 4th timeline, 'cause he had helped THAT one stop the cyborgs before attempting to go back to celebrate his own personal victory of beating his 'borgs in the 3rd timeline (Cell's timeline), but because 17 and 18 are dead in the 3rd and 4th timelines, Cell was able to set himself back to one still with them in it (1st-our Trunks' timeline and 2nd-our DBZ's timeline).
For clarity the cell killing trunks event actually happens further in the future from our current future trunks. The trunks that was killed is one that already went back to help kill the androids and succeeded, then he came back to his own timeline and killed his own androids. Cells then realizing that he can't achieve perfection any longer in that timeline ambushes trunks when he's about to go back to celebrate and steals his time machine so he can go to a past where the androids still exist for him to absorb.
In the scene with Trunks in the bed there’s probably something under the blanket to keep it from fully being on his body for whatever reason. (I’ve only seen ones for keeping the blanket off of peoples feet but who knows)
The music during the ride is from Chrono Trigger! one of the best SNES jrpgs of all time!
As of this point in Dragon Ball there are 3 Timelines
Timeline 1 - Trunks Timeline
Timeline 2 - Main Timeline
Timeline 3 - Cell Kills Trunks Timeline
Cells time machine was already in Timeline 2 for a full year by the time Trunks comes from Timeline 1.
The timeline where Cell kills Trunks is a timeline where Trunks had already went back in time The first time and then Killed 17 and 18
There are more timelines that are created later in both Super and Heroes.
I know there is at least four timelines that have been mentioned so far (not counting future content you haven’t gotten to)
Okay so timeline 1 is Future Trunks. Timeline 2 is the main timeline the main characters live on. Timeline 3 is Cell’s future where he killed his Trunks. Timeline 4 is the past that Cell’s Trunks went to because if you remember that Trunks went to the past already, came back and defeated his androids and was going to go back to let everyone know and that was when Cell killed him. So he had already created an alternate timeline before Cell killed him.
There’s more timelines (not counting Heroes) but that’s all I’ll mention.
Ohhh thats the forth timeline they were talking about.
I never counted it since we didn't even "see" the timeline cell-trunks went back to, but I guess that's technically correct.
Actually, the Androids of the future were equally as strong as in the past in the manga. In the manga version of this special, the Androids reveal they had only been using half their power to fight Gohan up to this point, and then he's killed off screen, with Trunks not there to hear it. So he didn't know how powerful they were (he was also already a SSJ at the start of the manga version, so we never see how he transforms).
There is actually a very good video by PlagueofGripes and he explains how many timelines there really are. Spoiler alert it's way way way more than 3. Ruff actually came pretty close to how timelines there are but I think he missed a few. The video is deleted now but you can find an upload of it on Youtube.
It’s four. The main timeline we see, the one in this special, Future Trunks’, Cell’s and the timeline that the Trunks from Cell’s timeline went to and got the remote to deactivate the Androids.
And if you go with the lore/retcons, from DB Super, Spoilers for DB Super btw if any of yall care about spoilers for the second real arc of that series.
There are 5 timelines (+ the original timeline) created from Trunk's and his time travel shenanigans.
I remembered that Qaaman did one too and it seemed pretty legit. I don't know if he has that video up on his channel, but that's a good watch too
monty created rwby you reallym should react to each volume as a movie
Actually, worth a note, it's not a movie. This and Bardock were TV Specials.
According to the Dragon Box footage at least.