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DBZ Abridged Episode 42 REACTION

DBZ Abridged | 1 year ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Awww I love OG Dragonball! I prefer it to DBZ honestly. It has a lot os similarities to early One Piece for me.

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  2. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The original dragonball is now at the point that if you aren't going into it wanting to watch it, you won't enjoy it. It is good, like I was surprised how much I did enjoy it when I watched it. But if you don't want to watch it you'll get pretty bored quickly. Especially if you watch DBZAbriged right before it.

    There is fighting, but it's more of a prolonged story tellingmodel until like the last 2 arcs.

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    The best part of rewatching this series with you guys, is seeing the look on H-man's face whenever he catches the foreshadowing and the in-jokes of the series! Man knows what's going on, and he's excited! ^_^

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Vegeta is such a fucking icon this season

  5. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    *HAD* a crush on 18? She was a big reason for me figuring out I was a lesbian, so I'd say *STILL*, lol. Which, like, certainly isn't a hot take-- I'm not sure I could have found *anyone* who watched DBZ at the time that wouldn't have agreed with me, tbh.

    Also. Fun fact: fused Picollo and Kami are technically a completely different case than Picollo/Nail. Nail was basically absorbed, such that Picollo got more powerful, but was elsewise the same. Picollo fusing with Kami, however, is them returning to some version of "the Namekian that was," which is technically a completely different character. In DBZ itself, both Picollo and Kami are effectively gone as characters, but "the nameless Namekian" never mentions this, and instead just largely goes by Picollo's name, both because their own name has been lost to time, and because they didn't want to concern the others with such.

    DBZ:A instead uses the mental voices, rather than fusing egos, but that's pretty fair-- while "Kamicollo" or whatnot is pretty neat in concept, Toriyama's writing is such that he basically either forgot about all of that or largely ignored the impact it would have, regardless, and just continued to treat him as Picollo shortly thereafter.

    Still, though. Even if it's not given much thought in the aftermath, it's one of the few real "deaths" in the show that has some weight to it, so it's a pretty sad moment, even for a show that's more about just the action and such. Pretty neat!

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    1. Commenters avatar
      1 year

      Then Super comes along and displays both Nail and Kami inside of Piccolo during the tournament of Power

  6. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Kami can’t. He temporarily possessed someone in OG Dragon Ball, but he can’t just leave the lookout for extended periods of time nor can he possess someone long-term.


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