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DBZ Abridged Episode 11 REACTION

DBZ Abridged | 2 years ago
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  1. numberhunter62
    7 months

    All this time later and I still gotta say Krillin has fans and most of them are one's that have actually watched/read OG Dragonball. Of course in Z Vegeta and Gohan become characters, so of course Krillin gets pushed further in to the background. The biggest problem is Krillin directly compares with Vegeta (narrative role) and he can't compete with the Saiyan.Although aside from the villains Z doesn't introduce a single character better than Krillin, it's just Vegeta, Freeza, Cell and Buu.

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  2. Commenters avatar
    11 months

    For the record, a year later lol, I agree with Ruff's hot take


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