DBZ Abridged Episode 1 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 2 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 3 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 4 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 5 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 6 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 7 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 8 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Celloween Special REACTION
DBZ Abridged History of Trunks Movie REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 9 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 10 part 1 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 10 part 2-3 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Super Android 13 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 11 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 12 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episoded 13 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 14 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 15 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 16 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 17 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 18 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 19 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 20 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 21 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 22 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 23 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 24 REACTION
DBZ Abridged episode 25 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 26 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 27 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 28 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 29 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 30 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 31 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 32 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 33 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 34 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 35 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 36 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 37 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 38 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 39 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 40 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 41 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 42 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 43-44 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 45-46 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 47 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 48-49 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 50 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 51-52 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 53-54 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 55-56 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 57-58 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 59 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Episode 60 REACTION
DBZ Abridged Epilogue REACTION
DBZ Abridged Cell Vs REACTION
Peaky Blinders Episode 1 REACTION
Regular Show Season 8 Episode 1-4 Reaction
Amphibia Episode 1 REACTION
Inside Out Reaction
Injustice Reaction
(Gold) Turning Red REACTION
Toy Story 4 Reaction
One Piece Episode 1, 2, 3, 4 REACTION
Spongebob S5 Episode 1-2 REACTION
(Gold) Coco Reaction
One Piece Episode 1-1088 Reactions
First Time Playing **LITTLE MISFORTUNE** – this game is HEARTBREAKING…
Fallout Episode 1 Reaction
(Gold) Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island
Animal Well, The Adventures of Bouncy Bubble Boy
If you wanna watch a while series of this i recommend devilartemis cell vs
The guys absolutely should watch hellsing abridged especially with it being halloween, peak TFS
Yu Yu Hakusho is a fantastic show. You guys should definitely consider reacting too it. The dub has several Funimation DBZ VAs in it including Justin Cook as Yusuke (Raditz and Super Buu), Chris Sabat as Kuwabara (Vegeta and Piccolo), John Burgmeier as Kuruma (Tien), Chuck Huber as Hiei (Android 17), Laura Bailey as Keiko (Kid Trunks), Cynthia Cranz as Botan (Chi Chi), Eric Vale as Rando and Sakyo (Future Trunks), Linda Young as Genkai (Frieza), Dameon Clarke as Toguro (Cell), Kyle Herbert as Karasu (Adult Gohan), Vic Mignogna as Bui (Broly) and Sonny Strait as Kamiya (Krillin).
Oh, and YYH is written by the same guy who wrote Hunter X Hunter and it is imo, miles better then HXH.
If you really want more DragonBall abridged. There's the custom made db shorts and the cell in hell animations that tfs made.
Although if you ask me they're just subpar attempts to stay relevant
Would absolutely love a Yugioh Abridged reaction. You almost nailed it Ruff, LittleKuriboh is indeed the creator of YGOTAS (YuGiOh The Abridged Series) but he is also a part of TFS, specifically known for his voicework with Frieza and the Narrator. However, he also does a lot of voicework for lesser-known abridged shows out there, including my personal favorite, None Piece.
Two and a half sayians!
Idk if this has already been brought to your guy’s attention but team four star has recently released the “buu bits” it’s just a series of short clips they made abridging certain clips from the buu saga. They made them for Totally not Marks YouTube channel but they have a full compilation of them all on the TFS channel. They are really good.
I prefer regular yugioh over abridged. Especially GX
When are you guys going to do hellsing ultimate abridged?
If you want more DBZA, then check out HFIL. It's basically the Perfect Cell spin off show.
Anyone tell you that they start Boo Arc?
Hey! If you want some more reactions TeamFourStar there’s Dbz shortz, Cell In Hell/HFIL, and as I’m commenting a new video drop in Totally Not Mark about a review of the Buu saga with the help of TeamFourStar having abridge clips of what we could have gotten!
Wait. Did they ever react to Brolly and Strongest Man (aka the DBZA versions of Movie 8 and 2 respectively)? Because those are definitely out there and should be watched.
"Your wush has been granted." Today 8/19 Team Four Star just posted on their Facebook: "Starting September 2nd, TotallyNotMark's Dragon Ball Z: The Ultimate Review - The Buu Saga videos will have clips or "Buu Bits" made by us! We've made a TON of Buu Bits and can't wait to show you all!!!!"
Totally Not Mark is an amazing anime/manga review/recap/analysis channel I highly recommend in general. But yea DBZ Abridged Buu saga scenes are coming. This first was just released of their Facebook and its hysterical, check it out.
Please Please Please react to Yu Yu Hakusho(Dub)! Its one of the most loved animes ever and my personal favorite. And in the sub vs dub debate this show is always mentioned as one f the best dubs of all time
Please react to sword art online abridged next
You guys should check out DevilArtemis for more cell vs stuff, they are hilarious
Omg would love to see you guys react to Yu Yu Hakusho ENGLISH dub. It is one of the only instances where the community majority agrees the dub should be watched over the sub. Such a classic!
There's Hellsing Abridged, Shortz and HFIL as others have mentioned, but I'm also a big fan of TFS's two Abridgimon specials and their Attack on Titan, those are just specials though, so, not a long term thing.
"I could watch a whole series of this!"
Well...good news! These videos inspired someone to do his own Animation and create a whole Cell Vs. Series. The person is called Devil Artemis, and...by now, both Team Four Star and other shows like Death Battle use him as their Go To-Guy for 3D-Stuff. And that is aside from his insane pace in doping his own Content with Cell.
It's a bit hard to get into it chronologically, but I think he made compilations of his seasons, so...you could use them for it. As for Team Four Star stuff...
They still made Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, which was referenced a few times in these latest videos, as well as Final Fantasy VII Machineabridged, both are very good in their own right. For Dragon Ball Content, they made a few Dragon Shortz, which originally where meant as a Demo for Season 4, before that fell apart, then they made HFIL, which is a straight up continuation, only not following the main characters. If you wanna know the behind the Scenes stuff, they are currently doing Audio Commentary for EVERY episode and movie, and it's very interesting to watch! Also, of course, you can see their Christmas Ranking-Videos. TFS also made a Live-Action show about themselves, Unabridged, which is quite fun - yet sad, thinking about how half the people in it left the company early this year.
As for Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged...it actually reeleased the newest episode YESTERDAY, so it's still active. It has been for decades. Which...is the problem with the start. It started in EARLY YouTube, and was the first real Abridged series, so...it had the honor of testing everything out themselves, and was a complete One-Man show for most of the time. As in: One person wrote the script, edited, and did all the voices. The first episodes are rough, and in part expected you to know the source material already, with several jokes depending on, for example, knowing a change of voice actor in the original show early on. It gets increasingly better during the first season, but only really hit its stride starting Season 2, when the production quality caught up to other Abridged Series, and the strength of the creator (he still was literally voicing every character until the end of season 2, with 1 exception, for example) really started to shine through. It's a really good show, but you have to brace for a little while longer than for DBZA.
If you guys are thinking of watching dbz kai, I would be excited for that, but I also think the original dragon ball should be watched. I won’t say it’s better or worse than Z, but the saiyan saga relies on people caring about characters like Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Tenshinhan, and Piccolo, who had much larger rolls in dragon ball. It’s the equivalent of starting one piece after the time skip
The other Ash Vs Cell is done with the voices for Pokemon abridged. Its actually funnier than the one you guys watched. Taka still voices Cell, but its a totally different versus!
There's actually a good deal of TFS, and even DBZA, content left for you guys to watch. I highly recommend both Dragon Shortz and HFIL, two series they made that are both canon to the DBZA universe and the closest thing to an official continuation. Aside from that, there's also Hellsing Abridged and Final Fantasy VII Machinabridged, which I recommend even if you're not familiar with the source material. Much like DBZA, you don't need to be and it's honestly more fun that way.
It honestly makes me upset that there are almost no reactions to FF7 Machinabridged. It had so much work out into it and it seems like it’s pretty much unnoticed by the internet.
HIFL, Hellsing Abriged, Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged, and Yu Yu Hakasho are all good things to watch. They did make a Pokemon Abriged but its a little odd.
You guys should check out there TFS Tunes playlist on youtube to listen to some of there parody songs
After this, there’s a dragon ball parody from YouTube,”Mega64, Dragonball “Swedes”.
Are there any Devil Artemis fans here
You guys still have DBZ shorts and HFIL to react to for DBZA content! Also they did Hellsing abridged which I think yall would love
The Cell in a Hell is the first episode of their spin-off series, HFIL. You all should watch it. It’s their own original series that is a sequel to DBZA ^^
Ruff needs to see King of the Hill and the show is supposed to get a revival
No Kenshrio from Fist of th North start can do that he is really powerful, he can just become fully inviable if he wants for a little while
Team 4 Stars HFIL series is also great. Should DEF check that out at some point. It's sort of a sequel to DBZA, but with completely original footage.
Yeah He uses pressure points I think. Like at the end of Kill Bill. So no matter how strong the other guy is, as long as he gets touched, he's already dead .