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Danny Phantom S3 Episode 7-8 Reaction

Danny Phantom | 8 months ago
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  1. bub8les
    8 months

    I bought the Danny Phantom comic to read after this series finishes up.

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  2. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Well, if you think about it, the boy is half dead. He did get zapped and turned to a ghost in the process aka rip, but he can change back. I thought of Danny that way over time being the "halfa."

    I'm glad that you guys received the box ghost episode you have been asking for.

  3. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    They completely spoke over the whole explanation of how the ghost zone is connected to their world and then had questions about it lol

  4. thepugprotector
    8 months

    After the final episode, there is a graphic novel that continues the series as well as fills in a few holes that feel unfulfilled after the final episode

  5. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    I remember when this was coming out on TV. I'm not sure if this episode was one of them but some episodes like the Undergrowth episode (especially the Undergrowth one) and the ending were advertised almost like TV specials where there were teasers and reminders of when it was gonna air playing before other shows and before and after every Danny Phantom episode (where Nickelodeon always ran ads for their own stuff). However, every other episode just came out and didn't have anything more than normal stock new episode reminders that didn't have anything more than the name and time of the episode (the same as how most shows new episodes were advertised with some stock clips and a new voice over for the week). I think this had been done in the past with some big episodes but in the final season it really felt like some episodes mattered and they got heavier advertising and others just came out to pad the season and justify making the final season. 

    I could be wrong but that was how it felt when I watched it as a kid and I feel the same way now. The show is still one of my favorites for the fact that every episode is at least fun. 

  6. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    The ghost zone is an alternate dimension. Destroying it will destroy the human world. In fact one of the reasons people hate this season is that Butch Hartman became a born again Christian and didn’t want to write a story about ghosts and started portraying the Ghost Zone as an alternate dimension(because that’s better in God’s eye?) So I guess the majority of DP fans…..are stupid? It was always an alternate dimension. Ghosts were always inter dimensional creatures. They aren’t dead. The fact that the intro shows Danny getting infused with Ghost DNA already shows that they are living beings. Ghosts wouldn’t have DNA. Dead people also can’t have children so the daughter of the Box Ghost and Lunch Lady couldn’t have been born unless they were inter dimensional creatures! As for the ghosts who were alive like Poindexter, Cujo and Desiree, we can theorize that they were transformed into ghosts upon death but are in fact still alive. In fact, since the Ghost Zone is a dimension that parallels earth, maybe every ghost is a “dead” person who transformed into a ghost. My point is that the signs that they are inter dimensional creatures were always there and people were too stubborn to notice.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      8 months

      Butch made it a hard rule as early as Season 1 that they would never portray real-life people as ghosts (so no Abraham Lincoln, for example.) He wanted it to make it clear that the Ghost Zone is not meant to be a serious allegory for heaven or hell; just a strange world full of odd creatures to fight.

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      1. sheilo_lyvt
        8 months

        This is incorrect, Butch keeps repeating this over and over, but it's clear from the beginning that some ghosts are dead people like the Bully kid episode.

  7. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    "What other show have we watched where he does this voice?"

    In certain ranges, the Box Ghost is very similar to Mark Chang in Fairly OddParents.

  8. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Can some please explain what happened to rwby. 

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    1. Commenters avatar
      8 months

      It's paused until Fionna and Cake S1 finishes.

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      1. Commenters avatar
        8 months

        Well I cancelling my patreon. These guys really need to do a better job at communicating thing. Also inthink that if you start a show you should finishing before pausing. This ain’t a Ben 10, it’s not another show, there pausing a show do complete do another when the haven’t even finished the series. 

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        1. Commenters avatar
          8 months

          Technically we started adventure time universe before rwby, and rwby will be picked back up after Fiona and cake is over. Also we did communicate this with a whole channel update video. By all means, cancel your Patreon and save your money until the show you like comes back

        2. Commenters avatar
          8 months

          They literally did communicate that. Also weird that you’re subscribed only for a mediocre show like RWBY.

        3. Commenters avatar
          8 months

          That's the curse that comes with all daily reaction channels. They keep chasing the shows that are "insanely trendy" at the cost of any show that's "moderately trendy."

          Welcome back to the vocal minority, there's punch and cookies by the door.

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          1. Commenters avatar
            8 months

            We didn’t chase a trendy show, we were already doing adventure time universe shows. Rwby was picked up as a bonus show.

  9. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    You guys have to pause or go back when you talk over dialogue, you always talk over the really important part like how the ghost zone and human world are connected. Also, where's RWBY this week.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      8 months

      They're pausing RWBY until Fionna and Cake is finished.

  10. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    Day 4572543 of asking for she ra

  11. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    You can really feel the absence of Steve Marmel. He was the one pushing for Danny Phantom to become a more serialized and dark show.

    Unfortunately he was let go after season 2, meaning Butch Hartman took charge, and he’s only written fairly odd parents which is SUPER episodic.

    Still got a couple good episodes coming up though. But yeah they dropped the ball this last season story wise.

  12. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    You guys accidentally talked over it but they said that if they destroy the ghost Zone it affects our world since their interconnecting dimensions basically think of it as a half-finished tower of Jenga they remove it and the world will become unstable

  13. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    “I DON’T HAVE A CLEVER QUIP!” is unironically one of my favorite battlecires of all time. Even when the season’s writing isn’t always on point, Jack Fenton is.

  14. Commenters avatar
    8 months

    I’ve been WAITING for y’all to get to these episodes. ? Eversince y’all were talking about how box ghost should have a moment, I’ve been so excited.


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