Young Frankenstein Reaction
Dan Da Dan Episode 1 Reaction
Futurama Best Of S1 REACTION
First Full Time Bioshock Playthrough – UNCUT
Scooby Doo Mystery Inc Episode 1-2 REACTION
Gorillaz: Feel Good Inc. Music Video
Teen Titans S5 Episode 1-2 REACTION
First Time Playing Lollipop Chainsaw REPOP
DBZ Resurrection F REACTION
Cars Reaction
Game Theory: Five Nights at Freddy’s Ultimate Timeline REACTION
Toy Story 4 Reaction
Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace Reaction
(Gold) Coraline Movie REACTION
JoJo’s Part 5 Episode 1-10 (Ruff Solo) REACTION
Remember watching this show as a kid and it's held up pretty well honestly. If you love this show you guys should definitely watch Iron man armoured adventures it's Danny Phantom but for Iron man and it'd be cool to see you guys watching another marvel cartoon because I'd love to see marvel get more attention from you guys hope it goes well ☺️.
i love that maddy is as into ghosts as jack
When you're done this series you should consider watching 'So this is basically Danny Phantom' by JelloApocalypse he also has one for Gravity Falls and they are pretty funny
Nick has had a habit of canceling shows that don't do half as well as spongebob. Which is a problem that still persists today. Cartoon network also had a problem of canceling shows that weren't aired as much as teen titans go, which is a problem when 80% of your run time is go
I'm not sure exactly WHEN they knew Season 3 would be the last season, but they at least had time to make a 44-minute grand finale.
you mentioned this season feeling different, the main reason is that one of the head writers Steve Marmel quit after having a lot of disagreements with Butch.
Steve Marmel, Sib Ventress, and Marty Isenberg, the three guys who wrote pretty much every episode in Seasons 1 and 2, mysteriously vanished early into Season 3.
randy stair, aka andrew blaze, is the person who went on the murder spree at the supermarket they worked at. i used to watch their videos a long time ago, back when they were still pioneersproductions, several years before their "ember" phase. i was actually a fan of their channel, so when i first heard about their murder spree, i was stunned. he killed a bunch of people and committed suicide in the name of ember. and it wasn't just about ember, they wanted to create their own cult following similar to that of eric harris and dylan klebold, the columbine shooters. in the suicide tapes, they go into detail about their obsession with columbine. they somehow tied that obsession into their animation project, ember's ghost squad (egs). egs has been going on for a few years leading up to the murder spree, and they were other people working on that project, though they were completely unaware of andrew blaze's true intentions. the final episode that andrew blaze created essentially featured a school shooting, as well as some death threats towards certain people. it was insane. and to this day, some of the same people who worked on egs are still posting egs tapes and egs-related content, trying to keep the project alive and trying to kinda unassociate it away from the bad stuff that andrew blaze did. crazy
I'm a bit sad Danny Phantom isn't doing as well on youtube, I really love the reactions
Keep up the good work!
i dont remember the guys name but what ruff was talking about was right there was a youtuber who got hyper obsessed with ember because of mental issues and for like 2 years his entire life was just about her and it eventually led him to forming this ideal that like anyone who died became one of the "ember ghosts" and wanted to take others and himself to that and led to him commiting murders its a fucking crazy story and theres like a full doc covering it on youtube
It was cancelled for budgetary reasons,Butch Hartman the creator confirmed that he had plans for season 4 and evil Danny to return for another special
It was made into reality thank to the graphic novel Danny Phantom: A Glitch in Time
There was also conflict between Butch and Steve Marmil with the story direction,there was the rating numbers weren’t pulling like SpongeBob so Nick canned it from what I discovered
Major respect points to Skulker this episode for somehow getting with Ember of all people, but this makes me wonder if she knows that he’s just a little jelly bean in a weaponized mecha suit.
I have to assume he has a robot hand with vibrating fingers or something. There has to be at least some sex toys in that suit.