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Danny Phantom S2 Episode 8-9 Reaction

Danny Phantom | 10 months ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    6 months

    Y'all were mentioning what people do with Powerade bottles to cheat. I can easily see someone arguing that: if you're willing to put that much work into cheating then you could probably do the same with studying for the test ????.

    Warning: Undefined variable $current_user_roles in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/sorta-stupid-2025/functions/walkers/Custom_Comment_Walker.php on line 235
  2. Commenters avatar
    7 months

    the great thing about these episodes is that even though its time based and like most of those they pull the "none of that every happened" at the end, they still made it worth watching by the fact some events took place that now affect the future story even though most of it got rewound.

  3. TEG
    10 months

    Fun Fact, in the German dub Clock Works name was changed to "Zeitgeist" which is imo a way better name considering the double meaning and it would've still worked in English.

    Expand 1 reply
    1. Commenters avatar
      6 months

      I agree that name is cooler and Clock Works could have been a nickname or something ?.

  4. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    For the record, when this special released "too early" in airing order, the only thing it spoiled is Danny knowing that Jazz knows, which would've caused "The Fenton Menace" to make a lot less sense.

  5. bbenzo.
    10 months

    lol just as you guys guessed it, this episode was originally produced as the season finale. Some Nick executives wanted to make a summer event with Danny Phantom specials, but didn’t feel as though the special that’s now the finale of this season(Reality Trip) would be able to hold the same popularity with viewership as the previous special, so the two were switched in order. 

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    1. Commenters avatar
      10 months

      Hmm, I don't buy it. There are multiple episodes in Season 2 that canonically take place after Ultimate Enemy, and Danny knowing that Jazz knows his secret changes too much about the status quo. I could believe Nickelodeon wanted this special rushed out the door for merchandise reasons, but that had to be a decision made VERY early in the writing process.

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      1. bbenzo.
        10 months

        Definitely had to happen earlier in the writing process, as Ultimate Enemy is still listed as the finale in the production list, though my reasoning is a wrong, Reality Trip was the one moved up in airing in order to coincide with school releasing for the summer, while Ultimate Enemy was moved to September(and probably for the exact reasons you stated as the Video Game was released a week prior to it’s airing). I remember hearing about the move from a YT video, but only now did I try and look for the specifics as to why(couldn’t find much lol.) Though, the whole idea of the C.A.T’s would make it seem as though it should’ve taken place right BEFORE “Reality Trip” considering the whole “end of grade test before summer” thing, but that’s not the case whatsoever, as the production list has Reality Trip listed right before UE?

  6. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    R.I.P. clockwork

  7. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Yessss, one of my favorite 2 parters!

  8. nixie9867
    10 months

    a lot of kids gay awakenings lemme tell ya

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    1. Commenters avatar
      6 months

      With whom lol 

  9. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    so to explain why evil danny went back in time to make sure his future still happened. after making sure his family and friends died all he would have to do is go back to the future collect young danny and send him back to the the present and danny would go to vlad and you know how that goes.

  10. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    So Clockwork views time as everything that may or may not happen, and it was his direct intervention from the watchers that led to danny getting the test answers and the eventual explosion that would lead to him becoming Dark Danny. But what happened originally? Danny had to have gotten the test answers and the explosion had to happen somehow, clearly the timeline isn't a loop because Danny changed and Dark Danny has no memory of himself causing the death of his own family.Also some of Dark Danny's powers are ridiculous. Being able to open ghost portals anywhere? No other ghost has been able to manage that

    Expand 2 replies
    1. Commenters avatar
      10 months

      To be fair, there’s also no other ghost that merged another extremely powerful ghost with themselves, vlad was already a damn powerful but having Danny merge with him? Danny is already strong enough at 14 to win against vlad so the two of them together is…. ? yeah

    2. Commenters avatar
      10 months

      i mean Wulf can open his own portals but it's definitely a very rare ability

  11. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    The voice of Clockwork is Bill from Kill Bill (haven’t made it through the whole video yet so ignore this if you guys realized it already)

  12. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    The Ghostly Wail is too strong for Danny to handle. It saps Danny's power each time it's used 

  13. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Timelines and the effects you have on it are always changing time is always changing and no theory is really set in stone future danny could've killed past danny and he would still exist who knows.

  14. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Best Danny Phantom episode by far! Made itself a core memory! Not just ten but almost TWENTY years later! (ugh... age...)

  15. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    I would love to see you guys watch Aunty donna’s big ol’ house of fun

  16. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Time for some of the best episodes that exist in Danny Phantom....that never bring back an amazing villain

  17. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    The plot details in a show like this are like a Bethesda game, "it just works". I feel like good enough is good enough with a show like this tbh 

  18. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Sorry boys, but no more Future Danny until you read the comic that came out last year in 2023

  19. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    You can try Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2. It's pretty fun to play withe friend. Aang, Korea, Danny, and Ember can be played.

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    1. Commenters avatar
      10 months

      I wanted to say Korra, lol.

  20. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    You guys need to play Nicktoons Unite!

  21. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    It's my favorite episode of Danny Phantom, no contest. Sadly evil Danny doesn't come back until the graphic novel that released last year.

  22. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    This show has some of the most “wtf that’s crazy” voice casting. Like looking back David Carradine and Eric Roberts voice acting in an animated made for TV movie is insane. Not to mention some of the other “wait what? seriously?” castings in this show like Martin Mull, Ron Perlman, Brian Cox, Taylor Lautner, AnnaSophia Robb, Patricia Heaton, John Cryer, Billy Baldwin, etc. like this cast is CRAZY.

  23. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Dark Danny, unfortunately never returned in the animated series, however! There is a graphic novel that released months ago. That is CANON to the story that tells the story of dark danny returning and danny and vlad have to teams up to stop him and understanding the origin of the ghost zone. Highly recommend the read, and it genuinely feel like the true ending of the series in my opinion. It wasnt created or illustrated by the same creator but was green lighted by him and nickelodeon studios. Hope you guys continue to enjoy the series, still a lot more gems in series after the dark danny episode.

  24. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    When you all finish the series make sure to buy the graphic novel that came out either ladt year or 2022. I promise you all will not be disappointed.

  25. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    There are two Danny Phantom games, the first one is a GBA game and is based on this two-parter. The second one is the DS game you mentioned and it’s based on a later episode (although there are some differences). I recommend holding off on it until you watch that episode.

  26. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Okay I know typically we shouldn't confirm or deny returning characters, but with Dark Danny I feel like we SHOULD say, no, he isn't coming back. The show got canned and season 3 was a panicked rush to the finish line so he wasn't able to be brought back, BUT, there was a new canon comic made recently for the series that finally brought Dark Danny back, when the show is done I HIGHLY recommend reading it. It's absolutely amazing.

  27. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    The flashback showing Dark Danny's origin is absolutely insane, especially for a Nickelodeon show.

    I mean, here's Danny's ghost half, still in complete turmoil from the events Danny went through, suddenly faced with his archenemy and he decides to to rip Vlad's ghost half out of him and take it over. Even before his ghost half got corrupted by Vlad's, which looked incredibly painful with the cracks in his face and the scream he let out, Danny was already so much worse than alot of his villains in that moment. Like just look at the sadistic grin he has when he goes to grab Vlad.

    And Dark Danny upon his creation deciding his first act should be to kill a scared 14 year-old kid, his human self no less, is even more horrifying.

    There are even theories about what Dark Danny did to his human self that range from Dark Danny having straight cannibalized Danny's corpse to having kept a near braindead Danny to use as a human puppet to trick people.

    Nevertheless Dark Danny and his origin is easily one of the most disturbing "darkest timeline" plots in cartoon history.

  28. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    I have NEVER clicked on a video so fast. And yes, I agree, I would've cheated too lmao. The academic integrity propaganda will NEVER get me (allegedly >:) )

  29. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    It was stated that dark danny was supposed to make a comeback but the show was canceled before that got made

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    1. Commenters avatar
      10 months

      Thankfully the graphic novel made up for that

  30. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    I'm so happy you guys got to witness Dan Phantom or Dark Danny in all his glory, he is hands down one the most savage nick villains ever

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    1. Commenters avatar
      10 months

      I've always like the name Dan Phantom. Or just Phantom.

  31. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    best episode 

  32. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Yes! The episode we've all been waiting for!

  33. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Day 9 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009

  34. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    here it is, the reason people wanted to see you react to Danny Phantom

  35. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    Hell yeah, been waitin for this one. It really drives home the writers side of what they wanted to do with Danny Phantom vs what the producers wanted.

    It's a bunch of drama if you guys want to check it out after the series.

  36. Commenters avatar
    10 months

    1 Hour Nickelodeon Specials are really something else, and this one is arguably the most interesting one out of every show that has any. I can’t think of any other cartoon (Nick or otherwise) with a time travel episode that has such a fleshed out future arc for a main character, and a villain one too. It’s crazy to think how Danny’s and Vlad’s powers combined could actually take over the world.

    Even though the bit at the end where Jazz remembering anything about a future event from an alternate timeline doesn’t make sense, I’m glad they did it. Of course they’d rewind time to where the events of the future never happened in an episode where almost every character including Danny is killed, but it would’ve been a bit unsatisfying if there was no sense of progression at all in the show after such an impactful episode. If anything was worth carrying over to later episodes, it’s Jazz and Danny finally being on the same page about his hero identity. She’s such an awesome sister, which is nice given that high quality siblings are few and far between in a lot of cartoons. Slowly giving her a more prominent role in the show was one of the things I liked most about the show growing up. It wasn’t because I had an appreciation for writing and character development at that age though. As a kid I had very few crushes on animated female characters, but Jazz was one of them. Not sure how popular that opinion is given Ember and Sam I think are the most common ones, but I’m not sorry. 10/10; both Jazz and the episode!


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