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Unfortunately someone in real life has took it too far with Ember and started a cult and committed homicide in her name.
So, I think the reason Lancer is taking such an interest in Danny is because he had a major accident a little over a month ago. One that kinda killed him. As much as he is a teacher of the time, he is a good one that legitimately cares for his students. And a kid who nearly died having no interest in school is pretty understandable, but also something that the world of capitalism will kill you for. And Lancer knows for a fact that there’s been side effects of the accident and that’s probably why he drove Danny home. Like don’t get me wrong, it’s so not ok in the context of todays world, but it definitely wouldn’t have seemed all that weird in a small town like Amity Park. Anywhoodle, as a teacher, I appreciate Lancers spirit even if I think we’ve learned a lot since then about healthy teaching habits
“It’s crazy how common that was.” Still is, unfortunately. Ever tried to play COD as a girl? Or pretty much any online game.
Ember is def top 3 like one of THEE fan favorite DP ghosts, also Boom we had to memorize a quadratic formula song too, ours was to the tune of Pop Goes the Weasel lol.
You guys totally need to listen/read the entirety of Ember's song. It's about her life and how she died. The subtitles are totally wrong and I don't know why they did that.
Its been soooo long since ive seen this show, yet every time I see the thumbnail I’m like “omg wait, I loved that ghost / that episode!” Glad y’all are watching it :)
According to one of the directors of the show, before she died, Ember was an unpopular high school girl who dreamed of one day becoming a rock star. One day a boy asked her out to the movies. She waited all night for him to show up, saying, 'He's just running late.' When morning came and he still didn't show up, Ember gave up on waiting and went home. She was so exhausted that she fell asleep and didn't wake up when her house mysteriously caught on fire. She died in the flames, which possibly gave her the name "Ember." Her song "Remember" is based on the above events prior to her death"(Danny Phantom Wiki, uncited)
there are theories suggesting
he commited suicide, but that's just speculation.
Have you noticed that Lancer and Slade have the same VA yet? Such a weird juxtaposition watching both shows at the same time
Hey, that's literally just acting my dude. You want vocal whiplash watch Lex Luthor from Superman the Animated series, the head Guard from the Shawshank Redemption, and then Mr. Krabs from SpongeBob. Clancy Brown. Looking at the dude you feel intimidated, and then he starts talking like a pirate.
So quickly, the subtitles for Ember's song were wrong. The actual lyrics are:
"Ember, you will remeber.
Ember, One thing remains.
Ember, So warm and tender--
There's a full version of the song and you guys should def listen to it, Ember is kinda a breakout character of the show and a fan favorite. I'm not quite sure was us real and what isn't but her backstory is apparently really dark.
Ember is one of my favorite characters in the series and that song is the ultimate ear worm, you just can't forget it. Technus continues to upgrade each time he shows up, but some part of him will always remain the same.
Oh lord. Boom reciting the quadratic equation song just unlocked some dormant memories from me. My whole class was required to actually sing it to pass by the end of the year.
Ember is such a great character imo, it's such a shame that one dude had to ruin it by making a cult around her and committed homicide in her name. Y'all should look it up, it's actually a really interesting, yet disturbing, story ngl.. there's so much that went into it, including audio tapes containing several hours of just this dude talking about how much he believes in ember and her "ghost squad" and all this other stuff
Y'all should absolutely do a reaction to the lyric video of Ember McLane's song “Remember” (the full version). It's actually a pretty good song and the lyrics allude to who Ember was in life and the manner of her death. Honestly, watching that video turned Ember into one of my favorite ghosts in the series. I'd love to see your reaction to it.
Fun Fact: (As someone above mentioned) Ember is voiced by Tara Strong. You can definitely hear the Timmy Turner in there, but she does also voice Raven in Teen Titans.
You can also hear a bit of 10 year old Ben Tennyson in some of her lines.
Hot goth girl time
The Ember episode is surprisingly culturally relevant rn ?
Ember is one of those ghosts that has solid proof that there are some ghosts that used to be human at one point but died in a tragic way.
As if pointdexter wasn't enough proof for some people
A B?!? In Texas where I live a 91 is an A ?
As much as I love the entire show, I just think that season 2 and 3 are just far better seasons than season 1. Season 1 does feel a bit slow even if it is entertaining, it's just that imo that season 2 and 3 have far better stories and I would say season 2 is the best season of the three.
Time for Ember song to be stuck in my head for the rest of the week!
Hey guys, in Danny Phantom season 2, on a lot of streaming services, they put s2 episode 8 before s2 episodes 6 and 7. I wanted to let you all know so you don’t accidentally watch it out of order if they did on the streaming service you all are using.
Ah yes, Ember, the ghost girl that most of the fandom likes pairing with Danny if they aren’t pairing him with Sam ?
Just quick FYI, the show actually made a full song of amber remember. It's not bad but just the fact they did the full song and not just clips really proves earlier cartoons are better then nowadays
Ember lol the character that inspired one guy to commit several counts of murder that’s an interesting story you guys should actually look up as well as the full song Ember is one of the few ghosts in the show that actually has a canonical backstory, which she talks about in the full Remember my name song
Why were the subtitles right when Tucker was singing Ember's song but not when Ember herself was singing? ?
Enter Tara Strong. It's so funny to me how Grey and Tara always seem to get pitted against each other in roles. If they ever bring back an Archie comic cartoon, who would bet they end up as Betty and Veronica?
ah yes Ember, the character that had a man make a cult around her, and then murdered 3 people and then himself so he could meet her in the afterlife.
Yo I recommend you guys listen to the alternate version of the intro that never released to the public. Woulda been cool if it did for like one episode but sadly no. It in my opinion is worse than the original but still is cool.
yep, there she is. there is Ember.