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Danny Phantom Episode 1-2 REACTION
Danny Phantom Episode 3-4 REACTION
Danny Phantom Episode 5-6 REACTION
Danny Phantom Episode 7-8 REACTION
Danny Phantom Episode 9-10 REACTION
Danny Phantom Episode 11-12 REACTION
Danny Phantom Episode 13-14 REACTION
Danny Phantom Episode 15-16 REACTION
Danny Phantom Episode 17-18 REACTION
Danny Phantom Episode 19-20 REACTION
The Lion King REACTION
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would be interesting to see them react to Filmore and all the stuff X middle school has
To be fair I don’t think Danny saw the necklace at all until it fell out of his bag
Damn, the intro doesn't go as hard as it is in german. Excited for this one boys!
oh it defintely does that intro goes hard and has for like 20 years
Since you guys are watching the show, and I find myself pretty bored lately when I’m not Watching your reactions, I figured something fun to do was come up with my own head cannon for how each ghost in the show died outside of the ones who actually have a backstory
So the lunch lady ghost to make the most sense I guess to the story we’re gonna say that she did work at the school around when it was still decently new and she was the head lunch lady in charge. She took a lot of pride in her cooking and what not And making sure kids got a good home-cooked style meal unfortunately there was a fire in the school and while she was trying to help some of the students get out One of the shows on fire collapsed on top of her, and she burned to death. The dragon I’m not gonna give a backstory to cause well you’ll see you later on
One of the Shelves on fire excuse me lol
I was afraid this show has nostalgia googles but it does kinda hold up. It’s def kiddish but it’s still entertaining. And I’ve audibly laughed at some jokes. When I first saw this show, I didn’t think of any other media, but now I definitely see the Spider-Man parallels. And Danny is def like Spider-Man, personality wise when he’s in phantom mode. I saw the first eps show up on YT and I don’t even know y’all were doing this next so I’m glad I got eps to catch up on with y’all
I don't think this show is bad, but there is def nostalgia goggles on it for being GREAT. I forgot how bad Tucker is as a character, and how terribly annoying Sam is. As a kid, I always thought Tucker and Sam were perfect for each other, and rewatching it now... I still say so. XD
Danny deserves better.
Its no Ben 10 but it'll do in a pinch. Hopefully this opens the doors to things like static shock or Batman the brave and the bold
gon has a retractable transmuted nen blade, but he also had a redacted fishing line
Not just Sam, but a lot of characters from this show awoke something for Goth/Emo/Punk esthetics. Especially a blue haired character you'll be introduced to soon.
that bit at the end is why i always vote on the polls although i am ok that this won
No matter the time or day, the opening always slaps
One of the best cartoons of all time. Fight me
Danny Phantom is based off of The Fairly Odd parents
I really hope you react to the series, Gargoyles.
I just started watching that! Season 1 was great!!
guys the blue people in the background is not to cut corners (mostly) thats just the creators style all his shows look like that
I never leave comments but I just wanted to say I love your content so much and I can't wait to see you guys watch this series! Keep up the amazing work :)
I'm happy that you're watching this and i love that you're enjoying it. This is gonna be a fun ride. Danny Phantom was one of my favorite shows as a kid and i had such a crush on Danny.
Ok so I will say this show is mostly episodic with some developments that stick around as the show goes on. Also some of the early 2000's jokes didn't age great, like the ones of tucker being a borderline sex offender. Overall worth the ride with the movie length specials being peak so I'm hyped.
Btw with what Ruff said about the background characters being one color, it's not done to cut corners at all , so I'm not sure where that idea came from but its cool he appreciates it. Its just a stylistic choice a lot of people learn when studying color, it makes all the colors in the composition harmonize, it separates your foreground a background, sets mood. It's not like it costs extra use different colors in the background during production.
You'll notice it in cartoons with art styles that involve a lot of color blocking and abstracts in the background like Power Puff Girls, My Life as a Teenage Robot. Its actually a super well known and distinct and visual style called UPA that a lot of shows from this period contributed to lol.
Lol I’m convinced that Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network were trying to get all kids to develop a milf fetish which it succeeded for me.
I never noticed how much similar to Fairly Odd Parents the animation is like, almost as if it's in the same universe
Danny was my second pick from the votes, but still hoping you guys will do Blue Eyed Samurai at some point. Was a little depressing by the time I voted it had already been knocked out of the running it being my first pick.
Yeah, I had a huge crush on Sam when I was kid and yes it did start my goth girl fetish.
I'm Satisficed. Let's Do It. Enjoy The Journey Everybody
Hell yeah, let's go!!!
the powerpuff girls also explain their lore in the theme song !! would love for you guys to watch that sometime down the line :o) would also love to see a phineas and ferb reaction from yall in tha future , no one else does reactions for it so yall'd be tha first :D
is it me or your voice is super low sometime we can't hear you guys talking
Yeah it was low for me too
I almost heard Slade from the bald teacher lol
This show was at the peak of my superhero show addiction... like Static Shock, Justice League Unlimited, X-Men Evolution, American Dragon, Avatar... ah... good times... no wonder superhero movies got all of my money for like a straight decade ?
Yo Static Shock would be absolutely insane on this show. So underrated ?
Hearing you guys say that, I can't believe it's been 20 years. God we're getting old lmao
So unbelievably excited to go thru this series with y'all. Easily one of the greatest cartoons to grace the screen of Nickelodeon. Intro is one of the best ??
I'd also like to say that there is a progressive storyline throughout the show as well. You'll definitely see some characters grow.
I used to love this show when I was a kid. I've never gone back to rewatch it in order tho, so I'm gonna love these reactions. This show, if I remember correctly, has quite a bit of story and character development. There may also be specials, movies, and crossovers to look into as well.
I always thought this show is very heavily inspired by classic cartoons like spiderman and ninja turtles, as well as ghostbusters. I think the pokemon themes the show gives is actually from the ghostbusters inspiration. I've never actually researched it though honestly, it's just the impressions i got watching and looking back on the show.
I think you guys will love Jack Fenton LOL
This show is very much in the style of shows like Kim possible early 2000 lingo and art style and pop culture references with villain of the week type episodes but with the fun superhero twist that appeals to kids more into Gothic and creepy things so this show spoke to a ton of the so-called weird kids growing up
Bro, if you didn't vote, you can't complain.
Anyway- DANNY PHANTOM! I am soooo excited for this journey! It's been so long since my last rewatch! I'm glad you guys are liking it so far!^^
Butch actually said he got advice from the creator of Kim Possible. Before that, his old style for Danny Phantom was a blocky Netflix Teen.
Wait, I think I replied to this comment, my bad, I was just leaving a general comment
It’s cool
Yes butch Hartman is not a good person, but alot of the fleshed out ideas were not by him but the crew. From my understanding
Boom, I'm sorry you got robbed. That sucks bro.
one of the best cartoon intro songs ever
Although the terrible grammar in both this and Spectacular Spider-Man theme tune has always really grated themes that I otherwise really love.
You don't need perfect grammar for a banger
Loved this show growing up sm mostly because I had a crush on the main character ? but overall this show is really good
So just to let you all know the show also has two or three GBA games that came out that are based on specials from the show ^^ I remember playing them when I was younger and they were really fun.
Also when you all finish the show, a graphic novel was released last year that continues where the show finishes and it’s a fantastic read. So hopefully you all read it after you’re done with the show. ?
Im excited to see how you guys like this show, its definitely one of my favorites and the intro is a banger.
I've been wanting this for so long!!!
“omg fleecey tee sale” ?
God damn, ya'll really not gonna let me unsub
Not just quality reaction content, but reactions to stuff that barely anyone (or just straight up no one) reacts to
Same. Literally no one on YouTube reacts to this show and I’m not sure why
Man u just annoying do u ever stop whining surprised that not ur name
Uh, did you reply to the wrong person? Was literally talking about how good their reactions are and how they react to stuff you don't normally get to reactions to..
My bad read it wrong thought
Sorry about that don't know what happened almost did it again
you guys should watch my life as a teenage robot
yeah my life as a teenage robot is so good
you can play nick brawl 2 it’s pretty cool there aang ,korra ,spongebob and danny
It's funny you mention similarities with Spiderman, because Danny Phantom is very much inspired from it. You'll see more similarities down the rode, espcially with some of the villains. One I like to point out now is that thr blonde bully's name is Flash. The one in Spiderman is called Dash.
Oh also Danny literally has a Ghost sense like Spiderman's spidey sense. But half the time it's completely useless. Oh there is a monster made of meat? Damn couldn't have told it's a ghost without my Ghost sense.
Switch those. Dash is the bully in Danny Phantom. Flash is the one in Spider-Man.
Oh shit yeah you are right. Don't know why I inversed that.
Random recommendation. severance
I should probably mention that butcher and it's not a good person that created the show Danny phantom and among other shows that were created by him he's ableist homophobic she's just over art and just among other things there's a lot of videos explaining not necessarily explaining more like talking about Butch Hartman
If you don’t mind me asking what did he do to get so much hate.
Iirc, he basically scammed a bunch of people into making a Christian streaming service and told people they could pray autism away. There's more but the list would be too long.
Multiple things tbh. Like scamming fans for money, he once made fun of someone who committed s****** in front of the victims friend on his podcast(the person being the original voice of Timmy turner who was replaced by the friend who appeared on that podcast episode where the incident happened Tara Strong), religious fanatic which leads back to scamming fans, his wife claimed she cured her disease through prayer and they both tried to push that idealism onto people, on record of being a difficult person to work with, stole art and traced over it a few times, half assed commissions he does that go for over $200 that was proven to be traced art of others work, and I’m pretty sure this list goes on?
Please wath the sonic Fan Film "Project Shadow". It's a really good retelling of shadow's origin story and only 30 mins long.
Please wath the sonic Fan Film "Project Shadow" it's really good and only 30 mins long
Lmao just as I was typing out that Sam is reaponsible for my type, Boom calls me out.
Surprised that you guys didn't recognize him, they've got the same cadence. Mr. Lancer's VA is the voice of Slade
Yet another role that I never realized was Ron Perlman in my youth! Now I cannot unhear!
(Random, but talking about Ron voice is giving me Book of Life feels. I wonder if he was in El Tigre on Nick? ---Quick Google search says yes! I'm going to have to go back and listen to that character again!)
Nevermind... stinkin' fanon wiki got me again... Ron was not in El Tigre.
Also I swear every gay guy and straight girl I know had a crush on Danny.
As a bisexual, i realize in hindsight why i shipped Sam and Danny so much lol.
Well the show itself did everything it could to ship them too
Yes I’ve been waiting so long! Let’s go!
Welp let’s see how this goes
I really want them to watch Invader Zim on here, it's not that long and it's really good. I don't know how polling works though or If I can even add it as a suggestion.
Why are you so on edge? I don’t know if you have seen this show but you are acting like it’s going to be bad or boring or a crap show. Tell me your experience with this?
I think it's just a default thumbnail. I've seen these exact faces on other show episodes.