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Cyberpunk Edgerunners Episode 5-6 (Ruff Solo) REACTION

Cyberpunk Edgerunners | 1 year ago
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  1. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I’m very glad You’ve been enjoying the series so far. Your reactions are almost exactly how I felt on my first watch through so Thank You. It’s a wild ride.

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  2. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Just like computers high processing creates heat, so the ice bath helps keep them cool

  3. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    Episode 6 messed me up so bad the first watch

  4. Commenters avatar
    1 year

    I know you're gonna love cyberpunk if you play it. I won't spoil anything but CD did a good job of adding some nice Easter eggs/details of the anime into the game with some of their updates. Definitely worth checking out


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